--- layout: default navsection: userguide navmenu: Reference title: "Command line SDK" navorder: 22 --- h1. Reference: Command line SDK If you are logged in to an Arvados VM, the command line SDK should be installed. Try: @arv --help@ <!-- _Help is not helpful. See bug #1667_ --> h3. First... Set the ARVADOS_API_HOST environment variable. @export ARVADOS_API_HOST={{ site.arvados_api_host }}@ Log in to Workbench and get an API token for your account. Set the ARVADOS_API_TOKEN environment variable. @export ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=c0vdbi8wp7f703lbthyadlvmaivgldxssy3l32isslmax93k9@ If you are using a development instance with an unverifiable SSL certificate, set the ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE environment variable. @export ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE=1@ <!-- _This should link back to "api-tokens":api-tokens.html instead of re-explaining it__ --> h3. Usage @arv [global_options] resource_type resource_method [method_parameters]@ <!-- _This is what arv --help really ought to print out_ --> h3. Basic examples Get UUID of the current user @arv user current@ Get entire record (json) for current user @arv -h user current@ Get entire record for identified user @arv -h user get --uuid 6dnxa-tpzed-iimd25zhzh84gbk@ Update user record @arv user update --uuid 6dnxa-tpzed-iimd25zhzh84gbk --first-name "Bob"@ Get list of groups (showing just UUIDs) @arv group list@ Get list of groups (showing entire records) @arv -h group list@ h3. Global options <!-- _Move these up to before "basic examples", and give examples of what these options do and how they might be useful._ --> - @--json@, @-j@ := Output entire response as compact JSON. - @--pretty@, @--human@, @-h@ := Output entire response as JSON with whitespace for better human-readability. - @--uuid@ := Output only the UUIDs of object(s) in the API response, one per line. h3. Resource types and methods Get list of resource types @arv --help@ Get list of resource methods for the "user" resource type @arv user --help@