import re import logging import uuid import os import urllib import import arvados.collection from schema_salad.sourceline import SourceLine from cwltool.pathmapper import PathMapper, MapperEnt, abspath, adjustFileObjs, adjustDirObjs from cwltool.workflow import WorkflowException logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.cwl-runner') def trim_listing(obj): """Remove 'listing' field from Directory objects that are keep references. When Directory objects represent Keep references, it is redundant and potentially very expensive to pass fully enumerated Directory objects between instances of cwl-runner (e.g. a submitting a job, or using the RunInSingleContainer feature), so delete the 'listing' field when it is safe to do so. """ if obj.get("location", "").startswith("keep:") and "listing" in obj: del obj["listing"] class ArvPathMapper(PathMapper): """Convert container-local paths to and from Keep collection ids.""" pdh_path = re.compile(r'^keep:[0-9a-f]{32}\+\d+/.+$') pdh_dirpath = re.compile(r'^keep:[0-9a-f]{32}\+\d+(/.*)?$') def __init__(self, arvrunner, referenced_files, input_basedir, collection_pattern, file_pattern, name=None, single_collection=False, **kwargs): self.arvrunner = arvrunner self.input_basedir = input_basedir self.collection_pattern = collection_pattern self.file_pattern = file_pattern = name self.referenced_files = [r["location"] for r in referenced_files] self.single_collection = single_collection super(ArvPathMapper, self).__init__(referenced_files, input_basedir, None) def visit(self, srcobj, uploadfiles): src = srcobj["location"] if "#" in src: src = src[:src.index("#")] if isinstance(src, basestring) and ArvPathMapper.pdh_dirpath.match(src): self._pathmap[src] = MapperEnt(src, self.collection_pattern % urllib.unquote(src[5:]), srcobj["class"], True) if src not in self._pathmap: if src.startswith("file:"): # Local FS ref, may need to be uploaded or may be on keep # mount. ab = abspath(src, self.input_basedir) st ="", ab, fnPattern="keep:%s/%s", dirPattern="keep:%s/%s", raiseOSError=True) with SourceLine(srcobj, "location", WorkflowException): if isinstance(st, uploadfiles.add((src, ab, st)) elif isinstance(st, self._pathmap[src] = MapperEnt(st.fn, self.collection_pattern % urllib.unquote(st.fn[5:]), "File", True) else: raise WorkflowException("Input file path '%s' is invalid" % st) elif src.startswith("_:"): if srcobj["class"] == "File" and "contents" not in srcobj: raise WorkflowException("File literal '%s' is missing `contents`" % src) if srcobj["class"] == "Directory" and "listing" not in srcobj: raise WorkflowException("Directory literal '%s' is missing `listing`" % src) else: self._pathmap[src] = MapperEnt(src, src, srcobj["class"], True) with SourceLine(srcobj, "secondaryFiles", WorkflowException): for l in srcobj.get("secondaryFiles", []): self.visit(l, uploadfiles) with SourceLine(srcobj, "listing", WorkflowException): for l in srcobj.get("listing", []): self.visit(l, uploadfiles) def addentry(self, obj, c, path, subdirs): if obj["location"] in self._pathmap: src, srcpath = self.arvrunner.fs_access.get_collection(self._pathmap[obj["location"]].resolved) if srcpath == "": srcpath = "." c.copy(srcpath, path + "/" + obj["basename"], source_collection=src, overwrite=True) for l in obj.get("secondaryFiles", []): self.addentry(l, c, path, subdirs) elif obj["class"] == "Directory": for l in obj.get("listing", []): self.addentry(l, c, path + "/" + obj["basename"], subdirs) subdirs.append((obj["location"], path + "/" + obj["basename"])) elif obj["location"].startswith("_:") and "contents" in obj: with + "/" + obj["basename"], "w") as f: f.write(obj["contents"].encode("utf-8")) else: raise SourceLine(obj, "location", WorkflowException).makeError("Don't know what to do with '%s'" % obj["location"]) def setup(self, referenced_files, basedir): # type: (List[Any], unicode) -> None uploadfiles = set() collection = None if self.single_collection: collection = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=self.arvrunner.api, keep_client=self.arvrunner.keep_client, num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) already_uploaded = self.arvrunner.get_uploaded() copied_files = set() for k in referenced_files: loc = k["location"] if loc in already_uploaded: v = already_uploaded[loc] self._pathmap[loc] = MapperEnt(v.resolved, self.collection_pattern % urllib.unquote(v.resolved[5:]), v.type, True) if self.single_collection: basename = k["basename"] if basename not in collection: self.addentry({"location": loc, "class": v.type, "basename": basename}, collection, ".", []) copied_files.add((loc, basename, v.type)) for srcobj in referenced_files: self.visit(srcobj, uploadfiles)[u[2] for u in uploadfiles], self.arvrunner.api, dry_run=False, num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries, fnPattern="keep:%s/%s",, project=self.arvrunner.project_uuid, collection=collection) for src, ab, st in uploadfiles: self._pathmap[src] = MapperEnt(urllib.quote(st.fn, "/:+@"), self.collection_pattern % st.fn[5:], "Directory" if os.path.isdir(ab) else "File", True) self.arvrunner.add_uploaded(src, self._pathmap[src]) for loc, basename, cls in copied_files: fn = "keep:%s/%s" % (collection.portable_data_hash(), basename) self._pathmap[loc] = MapperEnt(urllib.quote(fn, "/:+@"), self.collection_pattern % fn[5:], cls, True) for srcobj in referenced_files: subdirs = [] if srcobj["class"] == "Directory" and srcobj["location"] not in self._pathmap: c = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=self.arvrunner.api, keep_client=self.arvrunner.keep_client, num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) for l in srcobj.get("listing", []): self.addentry(l, c, ".", subdirs) check = self.arvrunner.api.collections().list(filters=[["portable_data_hash", "=", c.portable_data_hash()]], limit=1).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) if not check["items"]: c.save_new(owner_uuid=self.arvrunner.project_uuid) ab = self.collection_pattern % c.portable_data_hash() self._pathmap[srcobj["location"]] = MapperEnt("keep:"+c.portable_data_hash(), ab, "Directory", True) elif srcobj["class"] == "File" and (srcobj.get("secondaryFiles") or (srcobj["location"].startswith("_:") and "contents" in srcobj)): c = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=self.arvrunner.api, keep_client=self.arvrunner.keep_client, num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries ) self.addentry(srcobj, c, ".", subdirs) check = self.arvrunner.api.collections().list(filters=[["portable_data_hash", "=", c.portable_data_hash()]], limit=1).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) if not check["items"]: c.save_new(owner_uuid=self.arvrunner.project_uuid) ab = self.file_pattern % (c.portable_data_hash(), srcobj["basename"]) self._pathmap[srcobj["location"]] = MapperEnt("keep:%s/%s" % (c.portable_data_hash(), srcobj["basename"]), ab, "File", True) if srcobj.get("secondaryFiles"): ab = self.collection_pattern % c.portable_data_hash() self._pathmap["_:" + unicode(uuid.uuid4())] = MapperEnt("keep:"+c.portable_data_hash(), ab, "Directory", True) if subdirs: for loc, sub in subdirs: # subdirs will all start with "./", strip it off ab = self.file_pattern % (c.portable_data_hash(), sub[2:]) self._pathmap[loc] = MapperEnt("keep:%s/%s" % (c.portable_data_hash(), sub[2:]), ab, "Directory", True) self.keepdir = None def reversemap(self, target): if target.startswith("keep:"): return (target, target) elif self.keepdir and target.startswith(self.keepdir): return (target, "keep:" + target[len(self.keepdir)+1:]) else: return super(ArvPathMapper, self).reversemap(target) class StagingPathMapper(PathMapper): _follow_dirs = True def visit(self, obj, stagedir, basedir, copy=False, staged=False): # type: (Dict[unicode, Any], unicode, unicode, bool) -> None loc = obj["location"] tgt = os.path.join(stagedir, obj["basename"]) if obj["class"] == "Directory": self._pathmap[loc] = MapperEnt(loc, tgt, "Directory", staged) if loc.startswith("_:") or self._follow_dirs: self.visitlisting(obj.get("listing", []), tgt, basedir) elif obj["class"] == "File": if loc in self._pathmap: return if "contents" in obj and loc.startswith("_:"): self._pathmap[loc] = MapperEnt(obj["contents"], tgt, "CreateFile", staged) else: if copy: self._pathmap[loc] = MapperEnt(loc, tgt, "WritableFile", staged) else: self._pathmap[loc] = MapperEnt(loc, tgt, "File", staged) self.visitlisting(obj.get("secondaryFiles", []), stagedir, basedir) class VwdPathMapper(StagingPathMapper): def setup(self, referenced_files, basedir): # type: (List[Any], unicode) -> None # Go through each file and set the target to its own directory along # with any secondary files. self.visitlisting(referenced_files, self.stagedir, basedir) for path, (ab, tgt, type, staged) in self._pathmap.items(): if type in ("File", "Directory") and ab.startswith("keep:"): self._pathmap[path] = MapperEnt("$(task.keep)/%s" % ab[5:], tgt, type, staged) class NoFollowPathMapper(StagingPathMapper): _follow_dirs = False def setup(self, referenced_files, basedir): # type: (List[Any], unicode) -> None self.visitlisting(referenced_files, self.stagedir, basedir)