h2. Configure the Docker cleaner The arvados-docker-cleaner program removes least recently used Docker images as needed to keep disk usage below a configured limit. {% include 'notebox_begin' %} This also removes all containers as soon as they exit, as if they were run with @docker run --rm@. If you need to debug or inspect containers after they stop, temporarily stop arvados-docker-cleaner or run it with @--remove-stopped-containers never@. {% include 'notebox_end' %} Create a file @/etc/systemd/system/arvados-docker-cleaner.service@ in an editor. Include the text below as its contents. Make sure to edit the @ExecStart@ line appropriately for your compute node.
# Most deployments will want a quota that's at least 10G.  From there,
# a larger quota can help reduce compute overhead by preventing reloading
# the same Docker image repeatedly, but will leave less space for other
# files on the same storage (usually Docker volumes).  Make sure the quota
# is less than the total space available for Docker images.
# If your deployment uses a Python 3 Software Collection, uncomment the
# ExecStart line below, and delete the following one:
# ExecStart=scl enable python33 "python3 -m arvados_docker.cleaner --quota 20G"
ExecStart=python3 -m arvados_docker.cleaner --quota 20G


Then enable and start the service:
~$ sudo systemctl enable arvados-docker-cleaner.service
~$ sudo systemctl start arvados-docker-cleaner.service
If you are using a different daemon supervisor, or if you want to test the daemon in a terminal window, use the command on the @ExecStart@ line above.