% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ArvadosFile.R \name{ArvadosFile} \alias{ArvadosFile} \title{ArvadosFile} \description{ ArvadosFile class represents a file inside Arvados collection. } \section{Usage}{ \preformatted{file = ArvadosFile$new(name)} } \section{Arguments}{ \describe{ \item{name}{Name of the file.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{getName()}{Returns name of the file.} \item{getRelativePath()}{Returns file path relative to the root.} \item{read(contentType = "raw", offset = 0, length = 0)}{Read file content.} \item{write(content, contentType = "text/html")}{Write to file (override current content of the file).} \item{connection(rw)}{Get connection opened in "read" or "write" mode.} \item{flush()}{Write connections content to a file (override current content of the file).} \item{remove(name)}{Removes ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by name from the subcollection.} \item{getSizeInBytes()}{Returns file size in bytes.} \item{move(newLocation)}{Moves file to a new location inside collection.} } } \examples{ \dontrun{ myFile <- ArvadosFile$new("myFile") myFile$write("This is new file content") fileContent <- myFile$read() fileContent <- myFile$read("text") fileContent <- myFile$read("raw", offset = 8, length = 4) #Write a table: arvConnection <- myFile$connection("w") write.table(mytable, arvConnection) arvadosFile$flush() #Read a table: arvConnection <- myFile$connection("r") mytable <- read.table(arvConnection) myFile$move("newFolder/myFile") } }