--- layout: default navsection: installguide title: Install pre-built Docker images ... This method is intended for evaluation and development on a local workstation. It is not suitable for production use in a cluster deployment. {% include 'notebox_begin' %} * The automatic network configuration allows you to log in to Workbench from a browser _running on the same host as Docker_. Connecting from other hosts requires additional configuration (not covered here). * Your data will be stored inside the Docker containers. You may stop and restart the containers without loss, but if you delete the container, your data will be gone. * Updating the Arvados software inside the Docker containers is not supported. You may download updated Docker images, but migrating data to updated containers is not yet supported. {% include 'notebox_end' %} h2. Prerequisites # A GNU/Linux x64 (virtual) machine # A working Docker installation (see "Installing Docker":https://docs.docker.com/installation/) # curl h2. Verify prerequisites Make sure that @curl@ and @docker@ are installed on your system, and that you are in the docker group (see "Installing Docker":https://docs.docker.com/installation/).
~$ which curl
~$ docker.io --version
Docker version 1.2.0-dev, build dc243c8
~$ groups
yourusername sudo fuse docker
h2. Download and install Arvados.
~$ \curl -sSL get.arvados.org | bash
This command will download the latest build of the Arvados docker images. It also gets the @arvdock@ command and saves it in the current working directory. It then uses @arvdock@ to spin up Arvados. Note that the Arvados Docker images are large and may take a while to download. If you prefer, you can also download and inspect the installation script before running it. @get.arvados.org@ redirects to "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/curoverse/arvados-dev/master/install/easy-docker-install.sh":https://raw.githubusercontent.com/curoverse/arvados-dev/master/install/easy-docker-install.sh, which is the installation script. The @arvdock@ command usage is listed here:
usage: ./arvdock (start|stop|restart|reset|test) [options]

start    run new or restart stopped arvados containers
stop     stop arvados containers
restart  stop and then start arvados containers
reset    stop and delete containers WARNING: this will delete the data inside Arvados!
test     run tests

./arvdock start/stop/restart options:
  -d[port], --doc[=port]        Documentation server (default port 9898)
  -w[port], --workbench[=port]  Workbench server (default port 9899)
  -s[port], --sso[=port]        SSO server (default port 9901)
  -a[port], --api[=port]        API server (default port 9900)
  -c, --compute                 Compute nodes (starts 2)
  -v, --vm                      Shell server
  -n, --nameserver              Nameserver
  -k, --keep                    Keep servers
  -p, --keepproxy               Keepproxy server
  -h, --help                    Display this help and exit

  If no options are given, the action is applied to all servers.

./arvdock test [testname] [testname] ...
  By default, all tests are run.