# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 from future.utils import native_str from builtins import range from builtins import object import argparse import arvados import daemon import llfuse import logging import os import resource import signal import subprocess import sys import time import resource import arvados.commands._util as arv_cmd from arvados_fuse import crunchstat from arvados_fuse import * from arvados_fuse.unmount import unmount from arvados_fuse._version import __version__ class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def __init__(self): super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__( parents=[arv_cmd.retry_opt], description="Interact with Arvados data through a local filesystem", ) self.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=u"%s %s" % (sys.argv[0], __version__), help="Print version and exit", ) self.add_argument( 'mountpoint', metavar='MOUNT_DIR', help="Directory path to mount data", ) mode_group = self.add_argument_group("Mount contents") mode = mode_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() mode.add_argument( '--all', action='store_const', const='all', dest='mode', help=""" Mount a subdirectory for each mode: `home`, `shared`, `by_id`, and `by_tag` (default if no `--mount-*` options are given) """, ) mode.add_argument( '--custom', action='store_const', const=None, dest='mode', help=""" Mount a subdirectory for each mode specified by a `--mount-*` option (default if any `--mount-*` options are given; see "Mount custom layout and filtering" section) """, ) mode.add_argument( '--collection', metavar='UUID_OR_PDH', help="Mount the specified collection", ) mode.add_argument( '--home', action='store_const', const='home', dest='mode', help="Mount your home project", ) mode.add_argument( '--project', metavar='UUID', help="Mount the specified project", ) mode.add_argument( '--shared', action='store_const', const='shared', dest='mode', help="Mount a subdirectory for each project shared with you", ) mode.add_argument( '--by-id', action='store_const', const='by_id', dest='mode', help=""" Mount a magic directory where collections and projects are accessible through subdirectories named after their UUID or portable data hash """, ) mode.add_argument( '--by-pdh', action='store_const', const='by_pdh', dest='mode', help=""" Mount a magic directory where collections are accessible through subdirectories named after their portable data hash """, ) mode.add_argument( '--by-tag', action='store_const', const='by_tag', dest='mode', help="Mount a subdirectory for each tag attached to a collection or project", ) mounts = self.add_argument_group("Mount custom layout and filtering") mounts.add_argument( '--filters', type=arv_cmd.JSONArgument(arv_cmd.validate_filters), help=""" Filters to apply to all project, shared, and tag directory contents. Pass filters as either a JSON string or a path to a JSON file. The JSON object should be a list of filters in Arvados API list filter syntax. """, ) mounts.add_argument( '--mount-home', metavar='PATH', action='append', default=[], help="Make your home project available under the mount at `PATH`", ) mounts.add_argument( '--mount-shared', metavar='PATH', action='append', default=[], help="Make projects shared with you available under the mount at `PATH`", ) mounts.add_argument( '--mount-tmp', metavar='PATH', action='append', default=[], help=""" Make a new temporary writable collection available under the mount at `PATH`. This collection is deleted when the mount is unmounted. """, ) mounts.add_argument( '--mount-by-id', metavar='PATH', action='append', default=[], help=""" Make a magic directory available under the mount at `PATH` where collections and projects are accessible through subdirectories named after their UUID or portable data hash """, ) mounts.add_argument( '--mount-by-pdh', metavar='PATH', action='append', default=[], help=""" Make a magic directory available under the mount at `PATH` where collections are accessible through subdirectories named after portable data hash """, ) mounts.add_argument( '--mount-by-tag', metavar='PATH', action='append', default=[], help=""" Make a subdirectory for each tag attached to a collection or project available under the mount at `PATH` """ , ) perms = self.add_argument_group("Mount access and permissions") perms.add_argument( '--allow-other', action='store_true', help="Let other users on this system read mounted data (default false)", ) perms.add_argument( '--read-only', action='store_false', default=False, dest='enable_write', help="Mounted data cannot be modified from the mount (default)", ) perms.add_argument( '--read-write', action='store_true', default=False, dest='enable_write', help="Mounted data can be modified from the mount", ) lifecycle = self.add_argument_group("Mount lifecycle management") lifecycle.add_argument( '--exec', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, dest="exec_args", help=""" Mount data, run the specified command, then unmount and exit. `--exec` reads all remaining options as the command to run, so it must be the last option you specify. Either end your command arguments (and other options) with a `--` argument, or specify `--exec` after your mount point. """, ) lifecycle.add_argument( '--foreground', action='store_true', default=False, help="Run mount process in the foreground instead of daemonizing (default false)", ) lifecycle.add_argument( '--subtype', help="Set mounted filesystem type to `fuse.SUBTYPE` (default is just `fuse`)", ) unmount = lifecycle.add_mutually_exclusive_group() unmount.add_argument( '--replace', action='store_true', default=False, help=""" If a FUSE mount is already mounted at the given directory, unmount it before mounting the requested data. If `--subtype` is specified, unmount only if the mount has that subtype. WARNING: This command can affect any kind of FUSE mount, not just arv-mount. """, ) unmount.add_argument( '--unmount', action='store_true', default=False, help=""" If a FUSE mount is already mounted at the given directory, unmount it and exit. If `--subtype` is specified, unmount only if the mount has that subtype. WARNING: This command can affect any kind of FUSE mount, not just arv-mount. """, ) unmount.add_argument( '--unmount-all', action='store_true', default=False, help=""" Unmount all FUSE mounts at or below the given directory, then exit. If `--subtype` is specified, unmount only if the mount has that subtype. WARNING: This command can affect any kind of FUSE mount, not just arv-mount. """, ) lifecycle.add_argument( '--unmount-timeout', type=float, default=2.0, metavar='SECONDS', help=""" The number of seconds to wait for a clean unmount after an `--exec` command has exited (default %(default).01f). After this time, the mount will be forcefully unmounted. """, ) reporting = self.add_argument_group("Mount logging and statistics") reporting.add_argument( '--crunchstat-interval', type=float, default=0.0, metavar='SECONDS', help="Write stats to stderr every N seconds (default disabled)", ) reporting.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', help="Log debug information", ) reporting.add_argument( '--logfile', help="Write debug logs and errors to the specified file (default stderr)", ) cache = self.add_argument_group("Mount local cache setup") cachetype = cache.add_mutually_exclusive_group() cachetype.add_argument( '--disk-cache', action='store_true', default=True, dest='disk_cache', help="Cache data on the local filesystem (default)", ) cachetype.add_argument( '--ram-cache', action='store_false', default=True, dest='disk_cache', help="Cache data in memory", ) cache.add_argument( '--disk-cache-dir', metavar="DIRECTORY", help="Filesystem cache location (default `~/.cache/arvados/keep`)", ) cache.add_argument( '--directory-cache', type=int, default=128*1024*1024, metavar='BYTES', help="Size of directory data cache in bytes (default 128 MiB)", ) cache.add_argument( '--file-cache', type=int, default=0, metavar='BYTES', help=""" Size of file data cache in bytes (default 8 GiB for filesystem cache, 256 MiB for memory cache) """, ) plumbing = self.add_argument_group("Mount interactions with Arvados and Linux") plumbing.add_argument( '--disable-event-listening', action='store_true', dest='disable_event_listening', default=False, help="Don't subscribe to events on the API server to update mount contents", ) plumbing.add_argument( '--encoding', default="utf-8", help=""" Filesystem character encoding (default %(default)r; specify a name from the Python codec registry) """, ) plumbing.add_argument( '--storage-classes', metavar='CLASSES', help="Comma-separated list of storage classes to request for new collections", ) class Mount(object): def __init__(self, args, logger=logging.getLogger('arvados.arv-mount')): self.daemon = False self.logger = logger self.args = args self.listen_for_events = False self.args.mountpoint = os.path.realpath(self.args.mountpoint) if self.args.logfile: self.args.logfile = os.path.realpath(self.args.logfile) try: self._setup_logging() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("exception during setup: %s", e) exit(1) try: nofile_limit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) minlimit = 10240 if self.args.file_cache: # Adjust the file handle limit so it can meet # the desired cache size. Multiply by 8 because the # number of 64 MiB cache slots that keepclient # allocates is RLIMIT_NOFILE / 8 minlimit = int((self.args.file_cache/(64*1024*1024)) * 8) if nofile_limit[0] < minlimit: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (min(minlimit, nofile_limit[1]), nofile_limit[1])) if minlimit > nofile_limit[1]: self.logger.warning("file handles required to meet --file-cache (%s) exceeds hard file handle limit (%s), cache size will be smaller than requested", minlimit, nofile_limit[1]) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning("unable to adjust file handle limit: %s", e) nofile_limit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) self.logger.info("file cache capped at %s bytes or less based on available disk (RLIMIT_NOFILE is %s)", ((nofile_limit[0]//8)*64*1024*1024), nofile_limit) try: self._setup_api() self._setup_mount() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("exception during setup: %s", e) exit(1) def __enter__(self): if self.args.replace: unmount(path=self.args.mountpoint, timeout=self.args.unmount_timeout) llfuse.init(self.operations, native_str(self.args.mountpoint), self._fuse_options()) if self.daemon: daemon.DaemonContext( working_directory=os.path.dirname(self.args.mountpoint), files_preserve=list(range( 3, resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1])) ).open() if self.listen_for_events and not self.args.disable_event_listening: self.operations.listen_for_events() self.llfuse_thread = threading.Thread(None, lambda: self._llfuse_main()) self.llfuse_thread.daemon = True self.llfuse_thread.start() self.operations.initlock.wait() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self.operations.events: self.operations.events.close(timeout=self.args.unmount_timeout) subprocess.call(["fusermount", "-u", "-z", self.args.mountpoint]) self.llfuse_thread.join(timeout=self.args.unmount_timeout) if self.llfuse_thread.is_alive(): self.logger.warning("Mount.__exit__:" " llfuse thread still alive %fs after umount" " -- abandoning and exiting anyway", self.args.unmount_timeout) def run(self): if self.args.unmount or self.args.unmount_all: unmount(path=self.args.mountpoint, subtype=self.args.subtype, timeout=self.args.unmount_timeout, recursive=self.args.unmount_all) elif self.args.exec_args: self._run_exec() else: self._run_standalone() def _fuse_options(self): """FUSE mount options; see mount.fuse(8)""" opts = [optname for optname in ['allow_other', 'debug'] if getattr(self.args, optname)] # Increase default read/write size from 4KiB to 128KiB opts += ["big_writes", "max_read=131072"] if self.args.subtype: opts += ["subtype="+self.args.subtype] return opts def _setup_logging(self): # Configure a log handler based on command-line switches. if self.args.logfile: log_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.args.logfile) log_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)s[%(process)d] %(levelname)s: %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) else: log_handler = None if log_handler is not None: arvados.logger.removeHandler(arvados.log_handler) arvados.logger.addHandler(log_handler) if self.args.debug: arvados.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('arvados.keep').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('arvados.api').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('arvados.collection').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger.debug("arv-mount debugging enabled") self.logger.info("%s %s started", sys.argv[0], __version__) self.logger.info("enable write is %s", self.args.enable_write) def _setup_api(self): try: # default value of file_cache is 0, this tells KeepBlockCache to # choose a default based on whether disk_cache is enabled or not. block_cache = arvados.keep.KeepBlockCache(cache_max=self.args.file_cache, disk_cache=self.args.disk_cache, disk_cache_dir=self.args.disk_cache_dir) # If there's too many prefetch threads and you # max out the CPU, delivering data to the FUSE # layer actually ends up being slower. # Experimentally, capping 7 threads seems to # be a sweet spot. prefetch_threads = min(max((block_cache.cache_max // (64 * 1024 * 1024)) - 1, 1), 7) self.api = arvados.safeapi.ThreadSafeApiCache( apiconfig=arvados.config.settings(), api_params={ 'num_retries': self.args.retries, }, keep_params={ 'block_cache': block_cache, 'num_prefetch_threads': prefetch_threads, 'num_retries': self.args.retries, }, version='v1', ) except KeyError as e: self.logger.error("Missing environment: %s", e) exit(1) # Do a sanity check that we have a working arvados host + token. self.api.users().current().execute() def _setup_mount(self): self.operations = Operations( os.getuid(), os.getgid(), api_client=self.api, encoding=self.args.encoding, inode_cache=InodeCache(cap=self.args.directory_cache), enable_write=self.args.enable_write) if self.args.crunchstat_interval: statsthread = threading.Thread( target=crunchstat.statlogger, args=(self.args.crunchstat_interval, self.api.keep, self.operations)) statsthread.daemon = True statsthread.start() usr = self.api.users().current().execute(num_retries=self.args.retries) now = time.time() dir_class = None dir_args = [ llfuse.ROOT_INODE, self.operations.inodes, self.api, self.args.retries, self.args.enable_write, self.args.filters, ] mount_readme = False storage_classes = None if self.args.storage_classes is not None: storage_classes = self.args.storage_classes.replace(' ', '').split(',') self.logger.info("Storage classes requested for new collections: {}".format(', '.join(storage_classes))) if self.args.collection is not None: # Set up the request handler with the collection at the root # First check that the collection is readable self.api.collections().get(uuid=self.args.collection).execute() self.args.mode = 'collection' dir_class = CollectionDirectory dir_args.append(self.args.collection) elif self.args.project is not None: self.args.mode = 'project' dir_class = ProjectDirectory dir_args.append( self.api.groups().get(uuid=self.args.project).execute( num_retries=self.args.retries)) if (self.args.mount_by_id or self.args.mount_by_pdh or self.args.mount_by_tag or self.args.mount_home or self.args.mount_shared or self.args.mount_tmp): if self.args.mode is not None: sys.exit( "Cannot combine '{}' mode with custom --mount-* options.". format(self.args.mode)) elif self.args.mode is None: # If no --mount-custom or custom mount args, --all is the default self.args.mode = 'all' if self.args.mode in ['by_id', 'by_pdh']: # Set up the request handler with the 'magic directory' at the root dir_class = MagicDirectory dir_args.append(self.args.mode == 'by_pdh') elif self.args.mode == 'by_tag': dir_class = TagsDirectory elif self.args.mode == 'shared': dir_class = SharedDirectory dir_args.append(usr) elif self.args.mode == 'home': dir_class = ProjectDirectory dir_args.append(usr) dir_args.append(True) elif self.args.mode == 'all': self.args.mount_by_id = ['by_id'] self.args.mount_by_tag = ['by_tag'] self.args.mount_home = ['home'] self.args.mount_shared = ['shared'] mount_readme = True if dir_class is not None: if dir_class in [TagsDirectory, CollectionDirectory]: ent = dir_class(*dir_args) else: ent = dir_class(*dir_args, storage_classes=storage_classes) self.operations.inodes.add_entry(ent) self.listen_for_events = ent.want_event_subscribe() return e = self.operations.inodes.add_entry(Directory( llfuse.ROOT_INODE, self.operations.inodes, self.api.config, self.args.enable_write, self.args.filters, )) dir_args[0] = e.inode for name in self.args.mount_by_id: self._add_mount(e, name, MagicDirectory(*dir_args, pdh_only=False, storage_classes=storage_classes)) for name in self.args.mount_by_pdh: self._add_mount(e, name, MagicDirectory(*dir_args, pdh_only=True)) for name in self.args.mount_by_tag: self._add_mount(e, name, TagsDirectory(*dir_args)) for name in self.args.mount_home: self._add_mount(e, name, ProjectDirectory(*dir_args, project_object=usr, poll=True, storage_classes=storage_classes)) for name in self.args.mount_shared: self._add_mount(e, name, SharedDirectory(*dir_args, exclude=usr, poll=True, storage_classes=storage_classes)) for name in self.args.mount_tmp: self._add_mount(e, name, TmpCollectionDirectory(*dir_args, storage_classes=storage_classes)) if mount_readme: text = self._readme_text( arvados.config.get('ARVADOS_API_HOST'), usr['email']) self._add_mount(e, 'README', StringFile(e.inode, text, now)) def _add_mount(self, tld, name, ent): if name in ['', '.', '..'] or '/' in name: sys.exit("Mount point '{}' is not supported.".format(name)) tld._entries[name] = self.operations.inodes.add_entry(ent) self.listen_for_events = (self.listen_for_events or ent.want_event_subscribe()) def _readme_text(self, api_host, user_email): return ''' Welcome to Arvados! This directory provides file system access to files and objects available on the Arvados installation located at '{}' using credentials for user '{}'. From here, the following directories are available: by_id/ Access to Keep collections by uuid or portable data hash (see by_id/README for details). by_tag/ Access to Keep collections organized by tag. home/ The contents of your home project. shared/ Projects shared with you. '''.format(api_host, user_email) def _run_exec(self): rc = 255 with self: try: sp = subprocess.Popen(self.args.exec_args, shell=False) # forward signals to the process. signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: sp.send_signal(signum)) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, frame: sp.send_signal(signum)) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, lambda signum, frame: sp.send_signal(signum)) # wait for process to complete. rc = sp.wait() # restore default signal handlers. signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIG_DFL) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception( 'arv-mount: exception during exec %s', self.args.exec_args) try: rc = e.errno except AttributeError: pass exit(rc) def _run_standalone(self): try: self.daemon = not self.args.foreground with self: self.llfuse_thread.join(timeout=None) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception('arv-mount: exception during mount: %s', e) exit(getattr(e, 'errno', 1)) exit(0) def _llfuse_main(self): try: llfuse.main() except: llfuse.close(unmount=False) raise llfuse.close()