--- layout: default navsection: installguide title: Installation overview ... Arvados can be installed in multiple ways. Arvados does not depend on any particular cloud operating stack. Arvados runs on one or more GNU/Linux system(s). Arvados is being developed on Debian and Ubuntu GNU/Linux. h2. Quick installation Make sure curl and docker are installed on your system. Then, as a user in the docker group, execute
~$ \curl -sSL http://get.arvados.org | bash
This command will download the latest copy of the Arvados docker images. It also gets the arvdock command and saves it in the current working directory. It then uses arvdock to spin up Arvados. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, it can take a while to download the Arvados docker images. This installation method assumes your web browser and the Arvados docker containers run on the same host. h2. Installation from source It is also possible to build the Arvados docker images from source. The instructions are available "here":install-docker.html. For production use or evaluation at scale a "Manual Installation":install-manual-overview.html is more appropriate. This installation method assumes you have a number of (virtual) machines at your disposal to install the different Arvados components onto.