#!/bin/bash EXITCODE=0 COLUMNS=80 ARVADOS_API_HOST=qr1hi.arvadosapi.com title () { printf "\n%*s\n\n" $(((${#title}+$COLUMNS)/2)) "********** $1 **********" } source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh echo $WORKSPACE # DOCS title "Starting DOC build" cd "$WORKSPACE" cd doc bundle install --deployment rm -rf .site # Make sure python-epydoc is installed or the next line won't do much good! PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/sdk/python/ bundle exec rake generate baseurl=file://$WORKSPACE/doc/.site/ arvados_workbench_host=workbench.$ARVADOS_API_HOST arvados_api_host=$ARVADOS_API_HOST ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! DOC BUILD FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi title "DOC build complete" # DOC linkchecker title "Starting DOC linkchecker" cd "$WORKSPACE" cd doc bundle exec rake linkchecker baseurl=file://$WORKSPACE/doc/.site/ ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! DOC LINKCHECKER FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi title "DOC linkchecker complete" # API SERVER title "Starting API server tests" cd "$WORKSPACE" cd services/api bundle install --deployment rm -f config/database.yml rm -f config/environments/test.rb cp config/environments/test.rb.example config/environments/test.rb # Get test database config cp $HOME/arvados-api-server/database.yml config/ # Get test application.yml file cp $HOME/arvados-api-server/application.yml config/ # Fill in a random secret_token and blob_signing_key for testing SECRET_TOKEN=`echo 'puts rand(2**512).to_s(36)' |ruby` BLOB_SIGNING_KEY=`echo 'puts rand(2**512).to_s(36)' |ruby` sed -i'' -e "s:SECRET_TOKEN:$SECRET_TOKEN:" config/application.yml sed -i'' -e "s:BLOB_SIGNING_KEY:$BLOB_SIGNING_KEY:" config/application.yml export RAILS_ENV=test # Set up empty git repo (for git tests) GITDIR=$WORKSPACE/tmpgit rm -rf $GITDIR mkdir $GITDIR sed -i'' -e "s:/var/cache/git:$GITDIR:" config/application.default.yml rm -rf $GITDIR mkdir -p $GITDIR/test cd $GITDIR/test /usr/bin/git init /usr/bin/git config user.email "jenkins@ci.curoverse.com" /usr/bin/git config user.name "Jenkins, CI" touch tmp /usr/bin/git add tmp /usr/bin/git commit -m 'initial commit' cd "$WORKSPACE" cd services/api bundle exec rake db:drop bundle exec rake db:create bundle exec rake db:setup bundle exec rake test ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! API SERVER TESTS FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi title "API server tests complete" # Keep title "Starting Keep tests" cd "$WORKSPACE" cd services/keep/src/keep GOPATH=$HOME/gocode go test ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! Keep TESTS FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi title "Keep tests complete" # WORKBENCH title "Starting workbench tests" cd "$WORKSPACE" cd apps/workbench bundle install --deployment echo $PATH bundle exec rake test ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! WORKBENCH TESTS FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi title "Workbench tests complete" # Python SDK title "Starting Python SDK tests" cd "$WORKSPACE" cd sdk/cli bundle install --deployment # Set up Python SDK and dependencies cd "$WORKSPACE" cd sdk/python VENVDIR=$(mktemp -d) virtualenv --setuptools "$VENVDIR" GOPATH="$HOME/gocode" "$VENVDIR/bin/python" setup.py test ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! Python SDK TESTS FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi "$VENVDIR/bin/python" setup.py egg_info -b ".$(git log --format=format:%ct.%h -n1 .)" sdist rotate --keep=1 "$VENVDIR/bin/pip" install dist/arvados-python-client-0.1.*.tar.gz ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! Python SDK install FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi cd "$WORKSPACE" cd services/fuse # We reuse $VENVDIR from the Python SDK tests above GOPATH="$HOME/gocode" "$VENVDIR/bin/python" setup.py test ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! Fuse TESTS FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi "$VENVDIR/bin/python" setup.py egg_info -b ".$(git log --format=format:%ct.%h -n1 .)" sdist rotate --keep=1 "$VENVDIR/bin/pip" install dist/arvados_fuse-0.1.*.tar.gz ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! Fuse install FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi title "Python SDK tests complete" # Clean up $VENVDIR rm -rf "$VENVDIR" # The CLI SDK tests require a working API server, so let's skip those for now. exit $EXITCODE # CLI SDK title "Starting SDK CLI tests" cd "$WORKSPACE" cd sdk/cli bundle install --deployment # Set up Python SDK and dependencies cd ../python rm -rf $HOME/lib/python mkdir $HOME/lib/python PYTHONPATH="$HOME/lib/python" easy_install --install-dir=$HOME/lib/python --upgrade google-api-python-client PYTHONPATH="$HOME/lib/python" python setup.py install --home=$HOME cd ../cli mkdir -p /tmp/keep export KEEP_LOCAL_STORE=/tmp/keep PYTHONPATH="$HOME/lib/python" bundle exec rake test ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "!!!!!! SDK CLI TESTS FAILED !!!!!!" EXITCODE=$(($EXITCODE + $ECODE)) fi title "SDK CLI tests complete" exit $EXITCODE