{% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} {% assign highlighturl = "" %} {% for section in site.navbar[page.navsection] %} {% for entry in section %} {% comment %} Want to highlight the current page on the left nav. But some pages have been renamed with a symlink from the old page to the new one. Then the URL won't match. So if the URL doesn't match, as a fallback look for a page with a matching title. {% endcomment %} {% for item in entry[1] %} {% if site.pages[item].url == page.url %} {% assign highlighturl = site.pages[item].url %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if highlighturl == "" %} {% for item in entry[1] %} {% if site.pages[item].title == page.title %} {% assign highlighturl = site.pages[item].url %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} <div class="col-sm-3"> <div class="well"> <ol class="nav nav-list"> {% for section in site.navbar[page.navsection] %} {% for entry in section %} <li><span class="nav-header">{{ entry[0] }}</span> <ol class="nav nav-list"> {% for item in entry[1] %} {% assign p = site.pages[item] %} <li {% if p.url == highlighturl %} class="active activesubnav" {% elsif p.title == page.subnavsection %} class="activesubnav" {% endif %}> <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ p.url }}">{{ p.title }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </ol> {% endfor %} {% endfor %} </ol> </div> </div>