import gflags import httplib import httplib2 import logging import os import pprint import sys import types import subprocess import json import UserDict import re import hashlib import string import bz2 import zlib import fcntl import time import threading from keep import * from stream import * import config import errors import util def normalize_stream(s, stream): stream_tokens = [s] sortedfiles = list(stream.keys()) sortedfiles.sort() blocks = {} streamoffset = 0L for f in sortedfiles: for b in stream[f]: if b[arvados.LOCATOR] not in blocks: stream_tokens.append(b[arvados.LOCATOR]) blocks[b[arvados.LOCATOR]] = streamoffset streamoffset += b[arvados.BLOCKSIZE] for f in sortedfiles: current_span = None fout = f.replace(' ', '\\040') for segment in stream[f]: segmentoffset = blocks[segment[arvados.LOCATOR]] + segment[arvados.OFFSET] if current_span == None: current_span = [segmentoffset, segmentoffset + segment[arvados.SEGMENTSIZE]] else: if segmentoffset == current_span[1]: current_span[1] += segment[arvados.SEGMENTSIZE] else: stream_tokens.append("{0}:{1}:{2}".format(current_span[0], current_span[1] - current_span[0], fout)) current_span = [segmentoffset, segmentoffset + segment[arvados.SEGMENTSIZE]] if current_span != None: stream_tokens.append("{0}:{1}:{2}".format(current_span[0], current_span[1] - current_span[0], fout)) if len(stream[f]) == 0: stream_tokens.append("0:0:{0}".format(fout)) return stream_tokens def normalize(collection): streams = {} for s in collection.all_streams(): for f in s.all_files(): filestream = + "/" + r = filestream.rindex("/") streamname = filestream[:r] filename = filestream[r+1:] if streamname not in streams: streams[streamname] = {} if filename not in streams[streamname]: streams[streamname][filename] = [] for r in f.segments: streams[streamname][filename].extend(s.locators_and_ranges(r[0], r[1])) normalized_streams = [] sortedstreams = list(streams.keys()) sortedstreams.sort() for s in sortedstreams: normalized_streams.append(normalize_stream(s, streams[s])) return normalized_streams class CollectionReader(object): def __init__(self, manifest_locator_or_text): if'^[a-f0-9]{32}(\+\d+)?(\+\S+)*$', manifest_locator_or_text): self._manifest_locator = manifest_locator_or_text self._manifest_text = None elif'^\S+( [a-f0-9]{32,}(\+\S+)*)*( \d+:\d+:\S+)+\n', manifest_locator_or_text): self._manifest_text = manifest_locator_or_text self._manifest_locator = None else: raise errors.ArgumentError( "Argument to CollectionReader must be a manifest or a collection UUID") self._streams = None def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self): pass def _populate(self): if self._streams != None: return if not self._manifest_text: try: c = arvados.api('v1').collections().get( uuid=self._manifest_locator).execute() self._manifest_text = c['manifest_text'] except Exception as e: logging.warning("API lookup failed for collection %s (%s: %s)" % (self._manifest_locator, type(e), str(e))) self._manifest_text = Keep.get(self._manifest_locator) self._streams = [] for stream_line in self._manifest_text.split("\n"): if stream_line != '': stream_tokens = stream_line.split() self._streams += [stream_tokens] self._streams = normalize(self) # now regenerate the manifest text based on the normalized stream #print "normalizing", self._manifest_text self._manifest_text = ''.join([StreamReader(stream).manifest_text() for stream in self._streams]) #print "result", self._manifest_text def all_streams(self): self._populate() resp = [] for s in self._streams: resp.append(StreamReader(s)) return resp def all_files(self): for s in self.all_streams(): for f in s.all_files(): yield f def manifest_text(self): self._populate() return self._manifest_text class CollectionWriter(object): KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE = 2**26 def __init__(self): self._data_buffer = [] self._data_buffer_len = 0 self._current_stream_files = [] self._current_stream_length = 0 self._current_stream_locators = [] self._current_stream_name = '.' self._current_file_name = None self._current_file_pos = 0 self._finished_streams = [] def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self): self.finish() def write_directory_tree(self, path, stream_name='.', max_manifest_depth=-1): self.start_new_stream(stream_name) todo = [] if max_manifest_depth == 0: dirents = sorted(util.listdir_recursive(path)) else: dirents = sorted(os.listdir(path)) for dirent in dirents: target = os.path.join(path, dirent) if os.path.isdir(target): todo += [[target, os.path.join(stream_name, dirent), max_manifest_depth-1]] else: self.start_new_file(dirent) with open(target, 'rb') as f: while True: buf =**26) if len(buf) == 0: break self.write(buf) self.finish_current_stream() map(lambda x: self.write_directory_tree(*x), todo) def write(self, newdata): if hasattr(newdata, '__iter__'): for s in newdata: self.write(s) return self._data_buffer += [newdata] self._data_buffer_len += len(newdata) self._current_stream_length += len(newdata) while self._data_buffer_len >= self.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE: self.flush_data() def flush_data(self): data_buffer = ''.join(self._data_buffer) if data_buffer != '': self._current_stream_locators += [Keep.put(data_buffer[0:self.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE])] self._data_buffer = [data_buffer[self.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE:]] self._data_buffer_len = len(self._data_buffer[0]) def start_new_file(self, newfilename=None): self.finish_current_file() self.set_current_file_name(newfilename) def set_current_file_name(self, newfilename): if'[\t\n]', newfilename): raise errors.AssertionError( "Manifest filenames cannot contain whitespace: %s" % newfilename) self._current_file_name = newfilename def current_file_name(self): return self._current_file_name def finish_current_file(self): if self._current_file_name == None: if self._current_file_pos == self._current_stream_length: return raise errors.AssertionError( "Cannot finish an unnamed file " + "(%d bytes at offset %d in '%s' stream)" % (self._current_stream_length - self._current_file_pos, self._current_file_pos, self._current_stream_name)) self._current_stream_files += [[self._current_file_pos, self._current_stream_length - self._current_file_pos, self._current_file_name]] self._current_file_pos = self._current_stream_length def start_new_stream(self, newstreamname='.'): self.finish_current_stream() self.set_current_stream_name(newstreamname) def set_current_stream_name(self, newstreamname): if'[\t\n]', newstreamname): raise errors.AssertionError( "Manifest stream names cannot contain whitespace") self._current_stream_name = '.' if newstreamname=='' else newstreamname def current_stream_name(self): return self._current_stream_name def finish_current_stream(self): self.finish_current_file() self.flush_data() if len(self._current_stream_files) == 0: pass elif self._current_stream_name == None: raise errors.AssertionError( "Cannot finish an unnamed stream (%d bytes in %d files)" % (self._current_stream_length, len(self._current_stream_files))) else: if len(self._current_stream_locators) == 0: self._current_stream_locators += [config.EMPTY_BLOCK_LOCATOR] self._finished_streams += [[self._current_stream_name, self._current_stream_locators, self._current_stream_files]] self._current_stream_files = [] self._current_stream_length = 0 self._current_stream_locators = [] self._current_stream_name = None self._current_file_pos = 0 self._current_file_name = None def finish(self): # Send the stripped manifest to Keep, to ensure that we use the # same UUID regardless of what hints are used on the collection. return Keep.put(self.stripped_manifest()) def stripped_manifest(self): """ Return the manifest for the current collection with all permission hints removed from the locators in the manifest. """ raw = self.manifest_text() clean = '' for line in raw.split("\n"): fields = line.split() if len(fields) > 0: locators = [ re.sub(r'\+A[a-z0-9@_-]+', '', x) for x in fields[1:-1] ] clean += fields[0] + ' ' + ' '.join(locators) + ' ' + fields[-1] + "\n" return clean def manifest_text(self): self.finish_current_stream() manifest = '' for stream in self._finished_streams: if not'^\.(/.*)?$', stream[0]): manifest += './' manifest += stream[0].replace(' ', '\\040') manifest += ' ' + ' '.join(stream[1]) manifest += ' ' + ' '.join("%d:%d:%s" % (sfile[0], sfile[1], sfile[2].replace(' ', '\\040')) for sfile in stream[2]) manifest += "\n" #print 'writer',manifest #print 'after reader',CollectionReader(manifest).manifest_text() return CollectionReader(manifest).manifest_text() def data_locators(self): ret = [] for name, locators, files in self._finished_streams: ret += locators return ret