#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 set -e -o pipefail cleanup() { set -x set +e +o pipefail kill ${arvboot_PID} ${consume_stdout_PID} ${wb2_PID} ${consume_wb2_stdout_PID} wait ${arvboot_PID} ${consume_stdout_PID} ${wb2_PID} ${consume_wb2_stdout_PID} || true echo >&2 "done" } random_free_port() { while port=$(shuf -n1 -i $(cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range | tr '\011' '-')) netstat -atun | grep -q ":$port\s" ; do continue done echo $port } usage() { echo "Usage: ${0} [options]" echo "Options:" echo " -i Run Cypress in interactive mode." echo " -a PATH Arvados dir. If PATH doesn't exist, a repo clone is downloaded there." echo " -w PATH Workbench2 dir. Default: Current working directory" exit 0 } # Allow self-signed certs on 'wait-on' export NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 ARVADOS_DIR="unset" CYPRESS_MODE="run" WB2_DIR=`pwd` while getopts "ia:w:" o; do case "${o}" in i) # Interactive mode CYPRESS_MODE="open --e2e" ;; a) ARVADOS_DIR=${OPTARG} ;; w) WB2_DIR=${OPTARG} ;; *) echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG" 1>&2 usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ "${ARVADOS_DIR}" = "unset" ]; then echo "ARVADOS_DIR is unset, using git working dir" ARVADOS_DIR=$(env -C "$WB2_DIR" git rev-parse --show-toplevel) fi echo "ARVADOS_DIR is ${ARVADOS_DIR}" ARVADOS_LOG=${ARVADOS_DIR}/arvados.log ARVADOS_CONF=${WB2_DIR}/tools/arvados_config.yml VOCABULARY_CONF=${WB2_DIR}/tools/example-vocabulary.json if [ ! -f "${WB2_DIR}/src/index.tsx" ]; then echo "ERROR: '${WB2_DIR}' isn't workbench2's directory" usage fi if [ ! -f ${ARVADOS_CONF} ]; then echo "ERROR: Arvados config file ${ARVADOS_CONF} not found" exit 1 fi if [ -f "${WB2_DIR}/public/config.json" ]; then echo "ERROR: Please move public/config.json file out of the way" exit 1 fi GOPATH="$(go env GOPATH)" if [ ! -x ${GOPATH}/bin/arvados-server ]; then echo "Building & installing arvados-server..." cd ${ARVADOS_DIR} GOFLAGS=-buildvcs=false go mod download || exit 1 cd cmd/arvados-server GOFLAGS=-buildvcs=false go install cd - echo "Installing dev dependencies..." ${GOPATH}/bin/arvados-server install -type test || exit 1 fi echo "Launching arvados in test mode..." TMPSUBDIR=$(mktemp -d -p /tmp | cut -d \/ -f3) # Removes the /tmp/ part for the regex below TMPDIR=/tmp/${TMPSUBDIR} cp ${VOCABULARY_CONF} ${TMPDIR}/voc.json cp ${ARVADOS_CONF} ${TMPDIR}/arvados.yml sed -i "s/VocabularyPath: \".*\"/VocabularyPath: \"\/tmp\/${TMPSUBDIR}\/voc.json\"/" ${TMPDIR}/arvados.yml coproc arvboot (${GOPATH}/bin/arvados-server boot \ -type test \ -source "${ARVADOS_DIR}" \ -config ${TMPDIR}/arvados.yml \ -no-workbench1 \ -no-workbench2 \ -own-temporary-database \ -timeout 20m 2> ${ARVADOS_LOG}) trap cleanup ERR EXIT read controllerInfo <&"${arvboot[0]}" || exit 1 controllerURL=`echo "$controllerInfo" | awk '{print $1;}'`; echo "Arvados up and running at ${controllerURL}" IFS='/' ; read -ra controllerHostPort <<< "${controllerURL}" ; unset IFS controllerHostPort=${controllerHostPort[2]} # Copy coproc's stdout to stderr, to ensure `arvados-server boot` # doesn't get blocked trying to write stdout. exec 7<&"${arvboot[0]}"; coproc consume_stdout (cat <&7 >&2) cd ${WB2_DIR} echo "Launching workbench2..." WB2_PORT=`random_free_port` coproc wb2 (PORT=${WB2_PORT} \ REACT_APP_ARVADOS_API_HOST=${controllerHostPort} \ yarn start) exec 8<&"${wb2[0]}"; coproc consume_wb2_stdout (cat <&8 >&2) # Wait for workbench2 to be up. # Using https-get to avoid false positive 'ready' detection. yarn run wait-on --timeout 300000 https-get://${WB2_PORT} || exit 1 echo "Running tests..." CYPRESS_system_token=systemusertesttoken1234567890aoeuidhtnsqjkxbmwvzpy \ CYPRESS_controller_url=${controllerURL} \ CYPRESS_BASE_URL=${WB2_PORT} \ yarn run cypress ${CYPRESS_MODE} "$@"