package main

import (


// Pull is a request to retrieve a block from a remote server, and
// store it locally.
type Pull struct {
	Source *KeepService

// MarshalJSON formats a pull request the way keepstore wants to see
// it.
func (p Pull) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	type KeepstorePullRequest struct {
		Locator string   `json:"locator"`
		Servers []string `json:"servers"`
	return json.Marshal(KeepstorePullRequest{
		Locator: string(p.SizedDigest[:32]),
		Servers: []string{p.Source.URLBase()}})

// Trash is a request to delete a block.
type Trash struct {
	Mtime int64

// MarshalJSON formats a trash request the way keepstore wants to see
// it, i.e., as a bare locator with no +size hint.
func (t Trash) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	type KeepstoreTrashRequest struct {
		Locator    string `json:"locator"`
		BlockMtime int64  `json:"block_mtime"`
	return json.Marshal(KeepstoreTrashRequest{
		Locator:    string(t.SizedDigest[:32]),
		BlockMtime: t.Mtime})

// ChangeSet is a set of change requests that will be sent to a
// keepstore server.
type ChangeSet struct {
	Pulls   []Pull
	Trashes []Trash
	mutex   sync.Mutex

// AddPull adds a Pull operation.
func (cs *ChangeSet) AddPull(p Pull) {
	cs.Pulls = append(cs.Pulls, p)

// AddTrash adds a Trash operation
func (cs *ChangeSet) AddTrash(t Trash) {
	cs.Trashes = append(cs.Trashes, t)

// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (cs *ChangeSet) String() string {
	defer cs.mutex.Unlock()
	return fmt.Sprintf("ChangeSet{Pulls:%d, Trashes:%d}", len(cs.Pulls), len(cs.Trashes))