#!/bin/bash # Example: # # ./arvadostest_docker_build.sh # build the base image ("arvadostest") # ./arvadostest_docker_build.sh --update # update the base image with current version of `arvados-server install` # ./arvadostest_docker_run.sh --interactive # start a container using the previously built base image, copy this source tree into it, and invoke run-tests.sh with the given args set -ex -o pipefail declare -a qargs for arg in "$@"; do qargs+=("${arg@Q}") done SRC=$(realpath $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../..) docker run --rm -it \ --privileged \ -v /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse \ -v ${SRC}:/src/arvados:ro \ -v /tmp \ --env http_proxy \ --env https_proxy \ arvadostest \ bash -c " set -ex -o pipefail pg_ctlcluster 11 main start cp -a /src/arvados /tmp/ cd /tmp/arvados rm -rf tmp config.yml database.yml services/api/config/database.yml mkdir tmp go run ./cmd/arvados-server install -type test build/run-tests.sh WORKSPACE=\$PWD --temp /tmp/arvados/tmp ${qargs[@]}"