--- layout: default navsection: installguide title: Install the Arvados Workbench application ... h2. Prerequisites # A GNU/linux (virtual) machine (can be shared with the API server) # A hostname for your Workbench application h2. Download the source tree Please follow the instructions on the "Download page":https://arvados.org/projects/arvados/wiki/Download in the wiki. The Workbench application is in @arvados/apps/workbench@. h2. Configure the Workbench application This application needs a secret token. Generate a new secret:
~/arvados/apps/workbench$ rake secret
Copy @config/application.yml.example@ to @config/application.yml@ and edit it appropriately for your environment. * Set @secret_token@ to the string you generated with @rake secret@. * Point @arvados_login_base@ and @arvados_v1_base@ at your "API server":install-api-server.html * @site_name@ can be any string to identify this Workbench. * Assuming that the SSL certificate you use for development isn't signed by a CA, make sure @arvados_insecure_https@ is @true@. Copy @config/piwik.yml.example@ to @config/piwik.yml@ and edit to suit. h3. Apache/Passenger (optional) Set up Apache and Passenger. Point them to the apps/workbench directory in the source tree. h2. Trusted client setting Log in to Workbench once (this ensures that the Arvados API server has a record of the Workbench client). In the API server project root, start the rails console. Locate the ApiClient record for your Workbench installation, then set the `is_trusted` flag for the appropriate client record:
~/arvados/services/api$ RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rails console
irb(main):001:0> ApiClient.where('url_prefix like ?', '%workbench%')
=> {:id => 1234}
irb(main):002:0> ApiClient.find(1234).update_attributes is_trusted: true