// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import React from 'react'; import { mount, configure } from 'enzyme'; import { combineReducers, createStore } from "redux"; import { CircularProgress, MuiThemeProvider, Tab, TableBody } from "@material-ui/core"; import { CustomTheme } from 'common/custom-theme'; import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16"; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { ProcessIOCard, ProcessIOCardType } from './process-io-card'; import { DefaultView } from "components/default-view/default-view"; import { DefaultCodeSnippet } from "components/default-code-snippet/default-code-snippet"; import { ProcessOutputCollectionFiles } from './process-output-collection-files'; import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; // Mock collection files component since it just needs to exist jest.mock('views/process-panel/process-output-collection-files'); // Mock autosizer for the io panel virtual list jest.mock('react-virtualized-auto-sizer', () => ({ children }: any) => children({ height: 600, width: 600 })); configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); describe('renderers', () => { let store; describe('ProcessStatus', () => { beforeEach(() => { store = createStore(combineReducers({ auth: (state: any = {}, action: any) => state, })); }); it('shows main process input loading when raw or params null', () => { // when let panel = mount( ); // then expect(panel.find(Tab).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(CircularProgress)); // when panel = mount( ); // then expect(panel.find(Tab).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(CircularProgress)); }); it('shows main process empty params and raw', () => { // when let panel = mount( ); // then expect(panel.find(CircularProgress).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(Tab).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(DefaultView).text()).toEqual('No parameters found'); }); it('shows main process with raw', () => { // when const raw = {some: 'data'}; let panel = mount( ); // then expect(panel.find(CircularProgress).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(Tab).length).toBe(1); expect(panel.find(DefaultCodeSnippet).text()).toContain(JSON.stringify(raw, null, 2)); }); it('shows main process with params', () => { // when const parameters = [{id: 'someId', label: 'someLabel', value: {display: 'someValue'}}]; let panel = mount( ); // then expect(panel.find(CircularProgress).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(Tab).length).toBe(2); // Empty raw is shown if parameters are present expect(panel.find(TableBody).text()).toContain('someId'); expect(panel.find(TableBody).text()).toContain('someLabel'); expect(panel.find(TableBody).text()).toContain('someValue'); }); // Subprocess it('shows subprocess loading', () => { // when const subprocess = {containerRequest: {requestingContainerUuid: 'xyz'}}; let panel = mount( ); // then expect(panel.find(Tab).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(CircularProgress)); }); it('shows subprocess mounts', () => { // when const subprocess = {containerRequest: {requestingContainerUuid: 'xyz'}}; const sampleMount = {path: '/', pdh: 'abcdef12abcdef12abcdef12abcdef12+0'}; let panel = mount( ); // then expect(panel.find(CircularProgress).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(Tab).length).toBe(1); // Empty raw is hidden in subprocesses expect(panel.find(TableBody).text()).toContain(sampleMount.pdh); }); it('shows subprocess output collection', () => { // when const subprocess = {containerRequest: {requestingContainerUuid: 'xyz'}}; const outputCollection = '123456789'; let panel = mount( ); // then expect(panel.find(CircularProgress).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(Tab).length).toBe(1); // Unloaded raw is hidden in subprocesses expect(panel.find(ProcessOutputCollectionFiles).prop('currentItemUuid')).toBe(outputCollection); }); it('shows empty subprocess raw', () => { // when const subprocess = {containerRequest: {requestingContainerUuid: 'xyz'}}; const outputCollection = '123456789'; let panel = mount( ); // then expect(panel.find(CircularProgress).exists()).toBeFalsy(); expect(panel.find(Tab).length).toBe(2); // Empty raw is visible in subprocesses expect(panel.find(Tab).first().text()).toBe('Collection'); expect(panel.find(ProcessOutputCollectionFiles).prop('currentItemUuid')).toBe(outputCollection); }); }); });