--- layout: default navsection: installguide title: Install Single Sign On (SSO) server ... h2(#dependencies). Install dependencies h3(#install_ruby_and_bundler). Install Ruby and Bundler {% include 'install_ruby_and_bundler' %} h3(#install_postgres). Install PostgreSQL {% include 'install_postgres' %} h2(#install). Install SSO server h3. Get SSO server code and run bundle
~$ cd $HOME # (or wherever you want to install)
~$ git clone https://github.com/curoverse/sso-devise-omniauth-provider.git
~$ cd sso-devise-omniauth-provider
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ bundle
h2. Configure the SSO server First, copy the example configuration file:
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ cp -i config/application.yml.example config/application.yml
The SSO server reads the @config/application.yml@ file, as well as the @config/application.defaults.yml@ file. Values in @config/application.yml@ take precedence over the defaults that are defined in @config/application.defaults.yml@. The @config/application.yml.example@ file is not read by the SSO server and is provided for installation convenience, only. Consult @config/application.default.yml@ for a full list of configuration options. Always put your local configuration in @config/application.yml@, never edit @config/application.default.yml@. h3(#uuid_prefix). uuid_prefix Define your @uuid_prefix@ in @config/application.yml@ by setting the @uuid_prefix@ field in the section for your environment. This prefix is used for all database identifiers to identify the record as originating from this site. It must be exactly 5 alphanumeric characters (lowercase ASCII letters and digits). h3(#secret_token). secret_token Generate a new secret token for signing cookies:
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ ruby -e 'puts rand(2**400).to_s(36)'
Then put that value in the @secret_token@ field. h3(#authentication_methods). Authentication methods Three authentication methods are supported: Google+, LDAP, and local accounts. h3(#google). Google+ authentication In order to use Google+ authentication, you must use the "Google Developers Console":https://console.developers.google.com to create a set of client credentials. In short: * Enable the Contacts and Google+ APIs. * Create an OAuth Client ID for a web application. ** JavaScript origins: @https://sso.example.com/@ ** Redirect URIs: @https://sso.example.com/auth/google_oauth2/callback@ Copy the "Client ID" and "Client secret" values from the Google Developers Console into the Google section of @config/application.yml@, like this:

  # Google API tokens required for OAuth2 login.
  # See https://github.com/zquestz/omniauth-google-oauth2
  # and https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2
  google_oauth2_client_id: "---YOUR---CLIENT---ID---HERE---"
  google_oauth2_client_secret: "---YOUR---CLIENT---SECRET---HERE---"

  # Set this to your OpenId 2.0 realm to enable migration from Google OpenId
  # 2.0 to Google OAuth2 OpenId Connect (Google will provide OpenId 2.0 user
  # identifiers via the openid.realm parameter in the OAuth2 flow until 2017).
  google_openid_realm: false
h3(#ldap). LDAP authentication LDAP authentication can be configured with these options. Make sure to preserve the indentation of the fields beyond @use_ldap@.
  # Enable LDAP support.
  # If you want to use LDAP, you need to provide
  # the following set of fields under the use_ldap key.
  # use_ldap: false
  #   title: Example LDAP
  #   host: ldap.example.com
  #   port: 636
  #   method: ssl
  #   base: "ou=Users, dc=example, dc=com"
  #   uid: uid
  #   email_domain: example.com
  #   #bind_dn: "some_user"
  #   #password: "some_password"
  use_ldap: false
h3(#local_accounts). Local account authentication If neither Google OAuth2 nor LDAP are enabled, the SSO server automatically falls back to local accounts. There are two configuration options for local accounts:
  # If true, allow new creation of new accounts in the SSO server's internal
  # user database.
  allow_account_registration: false

  # If true, send an email confirmation before activating new accounts in the
  # SSO server's internal user database.
  require_email_confirmation: false
You can also create local accounts on the SSO server from the rails console:
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console
:001 > user = User.new(:email => "test@example.com")
:002 > user.password = "passw0rd"
:003 > user.save!
:004 > quit
h2. Set up the database Generate a new database password. Nobody ever needs to memorize it or type it, so make a strong one:
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ ruby -e 'puts rand(2**128).to_s(36)'
Create a new database user with permission to create its own databases.
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ sudo -u postgres createuser --createdb --encrypted -R -S --pwprompt arvados_sso
Enter password for new role: paste-database-password-you-generated
Enter it again: paste-database-password-you-generated
Configure SSO server to connect to your database by creating and updating @config/database.yml@. Replace the @xxxxxxxx@ database password placeholders with the new password you generated above.
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ cp -i config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ edit config/database.yml
Create and initialize the database. If you are planning a production system, choose the @production@ rails environment, otherwise use @development@.
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:setup
Alternatively, if the database user you intend to use for the SSO server is not allowed to create new databases, you can create the database first and then populate it with rake. Be sure to adjust the database name if you are using the @development@ environment. This sequence of commands is functionally equivalent to the rake db:setup command above:
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ su postgres createdb arvados_sso_production -E UTF8 -O arvados_sso
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:schema:load
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:seed
h2(#client). Generate assets If you are running in the production environment, you'll want to generate the assets:
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
h2(#client). Create arvados-server client Use @rails console@ to create a @Client@ record that will be used by the Arvados API server. The values of @app_id@ and @app_secret@ correspond to the @APP_ID@ and @APP_SECRET@ that must be set in in "Setting up Omniauth in the API server.":install-api-server.html#omniauth
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ ruby -e 'puts rand(2**400).to_s(36)'
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console
:001 > c = Client.new
:002 > c.name = "joshid"
:003 > c.app_id = "arvados-server"
:004 > c.app_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
:005 > c.save!
:006 > quit
h2. Start the SSO server h3. Run a simple standalone server You can use the Webrick server that is bundled with Ruby to quickly verify that your installation is functioning:
~/sso-devise-omniauth-provider$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails server
h3. Production environment As a Ruby on Rails application, the SSO server should be compatible with any Ruby application server that supports Rack applications. We recommend "Passenger":https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ to run the SSO server in production.