#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 # # installer.sh # # Helps manage the configuration in a git repository, and then deploy # nodes by pushing a copy of the git repository to each node and # running the provision script to do the actual installation and # configuration. # set -eu # The parameter file declare CONFIG_FILE=local.params # The salt template directory declare CONFIG_DIR=local_config_dir # The 5-character Arvados cluster id # This will be populated by loadconfig() declare CLUSTER # The parent domain (not including the cluster id) # This will be populated by loadconfig() declare DOMAIN # A bash associative array listing each node and mapping to the roles # that should be provisioned on those nodes. # This will be populated by loadconfig() declare -A NODES # The ssh user we'll use # This will be populated by loadconfig() declare DEPLOY_USER # The git repository that we'll push to on all the nodes # This will be populated by loadconfig() declare GITTARGET checktools() { local MISSING='' for a in git ip ; do if ! which $a ; then MISSING="$MISSING $a" fi done if [[ -n "$MISSING" ]] ; then echo "Some tools are missing, please make sure you have the 'git' and 'iproute2' packages installed" exit 1 fi } sync() { local NODE=$1 local BRANCH=$2 # Synchronizes the configuration by creating a git repository on # each node, pushing our branch, and updating the checkout. if [[ "$NODE" != localhost ]] ; then if ! ssh $NODE test -d ${GITTARGET}.git ; then # Initialize the git repository (1st time case). We're # actually going to make two repositories here because git # will complain if you try to push to a repository with a # checkout. So we're going to create a "bare" repository # and then clone a regular repository (with a checkout) # from that. ssh $NODE git init --bare ${GITTARGET}.git if ! git remote add $NODE $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE:${GITTARGET}.git ; then git remote set-url $NODE $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE:${GITTARGET}.git fi git push $NODE $BRANCH ssh $NODE git clone ${GITTARGET}.git ${GITTARGET} fi # The update case. # # Push to the bare repository on the remote node, then in the # remote node repository with the checkout, pull the branch # from the bare repository. git push $NODE $BRANCH ssh $NODE "git -C ${GITTARGET} checkout ${BRANCH} && git -C ${GITTARGET} pull" fi } deploynode() { local NODE=$1 local ROLES=$2 # Deploy a node. This runs the provision script on the node, with # the appropriate roles. if [[ -z "$ROLES" ]] ; then echo "No roles specified for $NODE, will deploy all roles" else ROLES="--roles ${ROLES}" fi logfile=deploy-${NODE}-$(date -Iseconds).log if [[ "$NODE" = localhost ]] ; then SUDO='' if [[ $(whoami) != 'root' ]] ; then SUDO=sudo fi $SUDO ./provision.sh --config ${CONFIG_FILE} ${ROLES} 2>&1 | tee $logfile else ssh $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE "cd ${GITTARGET} && sudo ./provision.sh --config ${CONFIG_FILE} ${ROLES}" 2>&1 | tee $logfile fi } loadconfig() { if [[ ! -s $CONFIG_FILE ]] ; then echo "Must be run from initialized setup dir, maybe you need to 'initialize' first?" fi source ${CONFIG_FILE} GITTARGET=arvados-deploy-config-${CLUSTER} } set +u subcmd="$1" set -u if [[ -n "$subcmd" ]] ; then shift fi case "$subcmd" in initialize) if [[ ! -f provision.sh ]] ; then echo "Must be run from arvados/tools/salt-install" exit fi checktools set +u SETUPDIR=$1 PARAMS=$2 SLS=$3 set -u err= if [[ -z "$PARAMS" || ! -f local.params.example.$PARAMS ]] ; then echo "Not found: local.params.example.$PARAMS" echo "Expected one of multiple_hosts, single_host_multiple_hostnames, single_host_single_hostname" err=1 fi if [[ -z "$SLS" || ! -d config_examples/$SLS ]] ; then echo "Not found: config_examples/$SLS" echo "Expected one of multi_host/aws, single_host/multiple_hostnames, single_host/single_hostname" err=1 fi if [[ -z "$SETUPDIR" || -z "$PARAMS" || -z "$SLS" ]]; then echo "installer.sh " err=1 fi if [[ -n "$err" ]] ; then exit 1 fi echo "Initializing $SETUPDIR" git init $SETUPDIR cp -r *.sh tests $SETUPDIR cp local.params.example.$PARAMS $SETUPDIR/${CONFIG_FILE} cp -r config_examples/$SLS $SETUPDIR/${CONFIG_DIR} cd $SETUPDIR echo '*.log' > .gitignore git add *.sh ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CONFIG_DIR} tests .gitignore git commit -m"initial commit" echo "setup directory initialized, now go to $SETUPDIR, edit '${CONFIG_FILE}' and '${CONFIG_DIR}' as needed, then run 'installer.sh deploy'" ;; deploy) set +u NODE=$1 set -u checktools loadconfig if grep -rni 'fixme' ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CONFIG_DIR} ; then echo echo "Some parameters still need to be updated. Please fix them and then re-run deploy." exit 1 fi BRANCH=$(git branch --show-current) set -x git add -A if ! git diff --cached --exit-code ; then git commit -m"prepare for deploy" fi if [[ -z "$NODE" ]]; then for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}" do # First, push the git repo to each node. This also # confirms that we have git and can log into each # node. sync $NODE $BRANCH done for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}" do # Do 'database' role first, if [[ "${NODES[$NODE]}" =~ database ]] ; then deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" unset NODES[$NODE] fi done for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}" do # then 'api' or 'controller' roles if [[ "${NODES[$NODE]}" =~ (api|controller) ]] ; then deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" unset NODES[$NODE] fi done for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}" do # Everything else (we removed the nodes that we # already deployed from the list) deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" done else # Just deploy the node that was supplied on the command line. sync $NODE $BRANCH deploynode $NODE "" fi echo echo "Completed deploy, run 'installer.sh diagnostics' to verify the install" ;; diagnostics) loadconfig set +u declare LOCATION=$1 set -u if ! which arvados-client ; then echo "arvados-client not found, install 'arvados-client' package with 'apt-get' or 'yum'" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$LOCATION" ]] ; then echo "Need to provide '-internal-client' or '-external-client'" echo echo "-internal-client You are running this on the same private network as the Arvados cluster (e.g. on one of the Arvados nodes)" echo "-external-client You are running this outside the private network of the Arvados cluster (e.g. your workstation)" exit 1 fi export ARVADOS_API_HOST="${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}" export ARVADOS_API_TOKEN="$SYSTEM_ROOT_TOKEN" arvados-client diagnostics $LOCATION ;; *) echo "Arvados installer" echo "" echo "initialize initialize the setup directory for configuration" echo "deploy deploy the configuration from the setup directory" echo "diagnostics check your install using diagnostics" ;; esac