<%= render partial: 'work_units/progress', locals: {wu: current_obj} %>
<% if not current_obj %>
<% else %> <% walltime = current_obj.walltime %> <% cputime = current_obj.cputime %>
<% if walltime and cputime %> <%= render_runtime(walltime, false) %> <% if cputime > 0 %> / <%= render_runtime(cputime, false) %> (<%= (cputime/walltime).round(1) %>⨯)<% end %> <% end %>
<% queuetime = current_obj.queuedtime %> <% if queuetime %>
Queued for <%= render_runtime(queuetime, false) %>.
<% elsif current_obj.is_running? %>
<%= current_obj.child_summary_str %>
<% end %>
<% if current_obj.can_cancel? and @object.editable? %> <%= form_tag "#{current_obj.uri}/cancel", remote: true, style: "display:inline; padding-left: 1em" do |f| %> <%= hidden_field_tag :return_to, url_for(@object) %> <%= button_tag "Cancel", {class: 'btn btn-xs btn-danger', id: "cancel-child-button"} %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% end %>
<% name = if current_obj.respond_to?('name') then current_obj.name else '' end %> <% kind = if !@object.is_a?(Hash) then ('arvados#' + @object.class.to_s.camelcase(:lower)) else '' end %> <% content_url = url_for(controller: :work_units, action: :show_child_component, name: name) %>