{% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} {% comment %} This template recognizes four variables: * railshost: The hostname included in the prompt, to let the user know where to run the command. If this is the empty string, no hostname will be displayed. Default "apiserver". * railsdir: The directory included in the prompt, to let the user know where to run the command. Default "/var/www/arvados-api/current". * railscmd: The full command to run. Default "bundle exec rails console". * railsout: The expected output of the command, if any. {% endcomment %} Change *@webserver-user@* to the user that runs your web server process. If you install Phusion Passenger as we recommend, this is *@www-data@* on Debian-based systems, and *@nginx@* on Red Hat-based systems. {% unless railshost %} {% assign railshost = "apiserver" %} {% endunless %} {% unless (railshost == "") or (railshost contains ":") %} {% capture railshost %}{{railshost}}:{% endcapture %} {% endunless %} {% unless railsdir %} {% assign railsdir = "/var/www/arvados-api/current" %} {% endunless %} {% unless railscmd %} {% assign railscmd = "bundle exec rails console" %} {% endunless %} Using RVM: <notextile> <pre><code>{{railshost}}~$ <span class="userinput">cd {{railsdir}}</span> {{railshost}}{{railsdir}}$ <span class="userinput">sudo -u <b>webserver-user</b> RAILS_ENV=production `which rvm-exec` default {{railscmd}}</span> {% if railsout %}{{railsout}} {% endif %}</code></pre> </notextile> Not using RVM: <notextile> <pre><code>{{railshost}}~$ <span class="userinput">cd {{railsdir}}</span> {{railshost}}{{railsdir}}$ <span class="userinput">sudo -u <b>webserver-user</b> RAILS_ENV=production {{railscmd}}</span> {% if railsout %}{{railsout}} {% endif %}</code></pre> </notextile>