#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import logging import re import subprocess import arvados.util from . import clientactor from .config import ARVADOS_ERRORS class ServerCalculator(object): """Generate cloud server wishlists from an Arvados job queue. Instantiate this class with a list of cloud node sizes you're willing to use, plus keyword overrides from the configuration. Then you can pass job queues to servers_for_queue. It will return a list of node sizes that would best satisfy the jobs, choosing the cheapest size that satisfies each job, and ignoring jobs that can't be satisfied. """ class CloudSizeWrapper(object): def __init__(self, real_size, node_mem_scaling, **kwargs): self.real = real_size for name in ['id', 'name', 'ram', 'disk', 'bandwidth', 'price', 'extra']: setattr(self, name, getattr(self.real, name)) self.cores = kwargs.pop('cores') # libcloud disk sizes are in GB, Arvados/SLURM are in MB # multiply by 1000 instead of 1024 to err on low side if self.disk is None: self.disk = 0 self.scratch = self.disk * 1000 self.ram = int(self.ram * node_mem_scaling) for name, override in kwargs.iteritems(): if not hasattr(self, name): raise ValueError("unrecognized size field '%s'" % (name,)) setattr(self, name, override) if self.price is None: raise ValueError("Required field 'price' is None") def meets_constraints(self, **kwargs): for name, want_value in kwargs.iteritems(): have_value = getattr(self, name) if (have_value != 0) and (have_value < want_value): return False return True def __init__(self, server_list, max_nodes=None, max_price=None, node_mem_scaling=0.95): self.cloud_sizes = [self.CloudSizeWrapper(s, node_mem_scaling, **kws) for s, kws in server_list] self.cloud_sizes.sort(key=lambda s: s.price) self.max_nodes = max_nodes or float('inf') self.max_price = max_price or float('inf') self.logger = logging.getLogger('arvnodeman.jobqueue') self.logger.info("Using cloud node sizes:") for s in self.cloud_sizes: self.logger.info(str(s.__dict__)) @staticmethod def coerce_int(x, fallback): try: return int(x) except (TypeError, ValueError): return fallback def cloud_size_for_constraints(self, constraints): specified_size = constraints.get('instance_type') want_value = lambda key: self.coerce_int(constraints.get(key), 0) wants = {'cores': want_value('min_cores_per_node'), 'ram': want_value('min_ram_mb_per_node'), 'scratch': want_value('min_scratch_mb_per_node')} for size in self.cloud_sizes: if (size.meets_constraints(**wants) and (specified_size is None or size.id == specified_size)): return size return None def servers_for_queue(self, queue): servers = [] unsatisfiable_jobs = {} for job in queue: constraints = job['runtime_constraints'] want_count = max(1, self.coerce_int(constraints.get('min_nodes'), 1)) cloud_size = self.cloud_size_for_constraints(constraints) if cloud_size is None: unsatisfiable_jobs[job['uuid']] = ( "Constraints cannot be satisfied by any node type") elif (want_count > self.max_nodes): unsatisfiable_jobs[job['uuid']] = ( "Job's min_nodes constraint is greater than the configured " "max_nodes (%d)" % self.max_nodes) elif (want_count*cloud_size.price <= self.max_price): servers.extend([cloud_size.real] * want_count) else: unsatisfiable_jobs[job['uuid']] = ( "Job's price (%d) is above system's max_price " "limit (%d)" % (want_count*cloud_size.price, self.max_price)) return (servers, unsatisfiable_jobs) def cheapest_size(self): return self.cloud_sizes[0] def find_size(self, sizeid): for s in self.cloud_sizes: if s.id == sizeid: return s return None class JobQueueMonitorActor(clientactor.RemotePollLoopActor): """Actor to generate server wishlists from the job queue. This actor regularly polls Arvados' job queue, and uses the provided ServerCalculator to turn that into a list of requested node sizes. That list is sent to subscribers on every poll. """ CLIENT_ERRORS = ARVADOS_ERRORS def __init__(self, client, timer_actor, server_calc, jobs_queue, slurm_queue, *args, **kwargs): super(JobQueueMonitorActor, self).__init__( client, timer_actor, *args, **kwargs) self.jobs_queue = jobs_queue self.slurm_queue = slurm_queue self._calculator = server_calc @staticmethod def coerce_to_mb(x): v, u = x[:-1], x[-1] if u in ("M", "m"): return int(v) elif u in ("G", "g"): return float(v) * 2**10 elif u in ("T", "t"): return float(v) * 2**20 elif u in ("P", "p"): return float(v) * 2**30 else: return int(x) def _send_request(self): queuelist = [] if self.slurm_queue: # cpus, memory, tempory disk space, reason, job name, feature constraints, priority squeue_out = subprocess.check_output(["squeue", "--state=PENDING", "--noheader", "--format=%c|%m|%d|%r|%j|%f|%Q"]) for out in squeue_out.splitlines(): try: cpu, ram, disk, reason, jobname, features, priority = out.split("|", 6) except ValueError: self._logger.warning("ignored malformed line in squeue output: %r", out) continue if '-dz642-' not in jobname: continue if not re.search(r'BadConstraints|ReqNodeNotAvail|Resources|Priority', reason): continue for feature in features.split(','): m = re.match(r'instancetype=(.*)', feature) if not m: continue instance_type = m.group(1) # Ignore cpu/ram/scratch requirements, bring up # the requested node type. queuelist.append({ "uuid": jobname, "runtime_constraints": { "instance_type": instance_type, }, "priority": int(priority) }) break else: # No instance type specified. Choose a node type # to suit cpu/ram/scratch requirements. queuelist.append({ "uuid": jobname, "runtime_constraints": { "min_cores_per_node": cpu, "min_ram_mb_per_node": self.coerce_to_mb(ram), "min_scratch_mb_per_node": self.coerce_to_mb(disk) }, "priority": int(priority) }) queuelist.sort(key=lambda x: x.get('priority', 1), reverse=True) if self.jobs_queue: queuelist.extend(self._client.jobs().queue().execute()['items']) return queuelist def _got_response(self, queue): server_list, unsatisfiable_jobs = self._calculator.servers_for_queue(queue) # Cancel any job/container with unsatisfiable requirements, emitting # a log explaining why. for job_uuid, reason in unsatisfiable_jobs.iteritems(): try: self._client.logs().create(body={ 'object_uuid': job_uuid, 'event_type': 'stderr', 'properties': {'text': reason}, }).execute() # Cancel the job depending on its type if arvados.util.container_uuid_pattern.match(job_uuid): subprocess.check_call(['scancel', '--name='+job_uuid]) elif arvados.util.job_uuid_pattern.match(job_uuid): self._client.jobs().cancel(uuid=job_uuid).execute() else: raise Exception('Unknown job type') self._logger.debug("Cancelled unsatisfiable job '%s'", job_uuid) except Exception as error: self._logger.error("Trying to cancel job '%s': %s", job_uuid, error) self._logger.debug("Calculated wishlist: %s", ', '.join(s.name for s in server_list) or "(empty)") return super(JobQueueMonitorActor, self)._got_response(server_list)