// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { CollectionDirectory, CollectionFile, CollectionFileType, createCollectionDirectory, createCollectionFile } from "../../models/collection-file"; import { getTagValue } from "common/xml"; import { getNodeChildren, Tree, mapTree } from 'models/tree'; export const sortFilesTree = (tree: Tree) => { return mapTree(node => { const children = getNodeChildren(node.id)(tree); children.sort((a, b) => a.value.type !== b.value.type ? a.value.type === CollectionFileType.DIRECTORY ? -1 : 1 : a.value.name.localeCompare(b.value.name) ); return { ...node, children: children.map(child => child.id) }; })(tree); }; export const extractFilesData = (document: Document) => { const collectionUrlPrefix = /\/c=([^\/]*)/; return Array .from(document.getElementsByTagName('D:response')) .slice(1) // omit first element which is collection itself .map(element => { const name = getTagValue(element, 'D:displayname', '', true); // skip decoding as value should be already decoded const size = parseInt(getTagValue(element, 'D:getcontentlength', '0', true), 10); const url = getTagValue(element, 'D:href', '', true); const collectionUuidMatch = collectionUrlPrefix.exec(url); const collectionUuid = collectionUuidMatch ? collectionUuidMatch.pop() : ''; const pathArray = url.split(`/`); if (!pathArray.pop()) { pathArray.pop(); } const directory = pathArray.join('/') .replace(collectionUrlPrefix, '') .replace(/\/\//g, '/'); const parentPath = directory.replace(/\/$/, ''); const data = { url, id: [ collectionUuid ? collectionUuid : '', directory ? unescape(parentPath) : '', '/' + name ].join(''), name, path: unescape(parentPath), }; const result = getTagValue(element, 'D:resourcetype', '') ? createCollectionDirectory(data) : createCollectionFile({ ...data, size }); return result; }); }; export const getFileFullPath = ({ name, path }: CollectionFile | CollectionDirectory) => { return `${path}/${name}`; };