source("./R/HttpRequest.R") source("./R/HttpParser.R") source("./R/custom_classes.R") #' Arvados SDK Object #' #' All Arvados logic is inside this class #' #' @field token Token represents user authentification token. #' @field host Host represents server name we wish to connect to. #' @examples arv = Arvados("token", "host_name") #' @export Arvados Arvados <- setRefClass( "Arvados", fields = list( getToken = "function", getHostName = "function", #Todo(Fudo): These are hardcoded and for debug only. Remove them later on. getWebDavToken = "function", getWebDavHostName = "function", collection_get = "function", collection_list = "function", collection_create = "function", collection_update = "function", collection_delete = "function" ), methods = list( initialize = function(auth_token = NULL, host_name = NULL) { # Private state if(!is.null(host_name)) Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_HOST = host_name) if(!is.null(auth_token)) Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_TOKEN = auth_token) host <- Sys.getenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST"); token <- Sys.getenv("ARVADOS_API_TOKEN"); if(host == "" | token == "") stop("Please provide host name and authentification token or set ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN environmental variables.") version <- "v1" host <- paste0("https://", host, "/arvados/", version, "/") # Public methods getToken <<- function() { token } getHostName <<- function() { host } #Todo(Fudo): Hardcoded credentials to WebDAV server. Remove them later getWebDavToken <<- function() { "4invqy35tf70t7hmvdc83ges8ug9cklhgqq1l8gj2cjn18teuq" } getWebDavHostName <<- function() { "" } collection_get <<- function(uuid) { collection_url <- paste0(host, "collections/", uuid) headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", token)) http <- HttpRequest() serverResponse <- http$GET(collection_url, headers) httpParser <- HttpParser() collection <- httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse) if(!is.null(collection$errors)) stop(collection$errors) collection } collection_list <<- function(filters = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0) { collection_url <- paste0(host, "collections") headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", token)) http <- HttpRequest() serverResponse <- http$GET(collection_url, headers, NULL, filters, limit, offset) httpParser <- HttpParser() collection <- httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse) if(!is.null(collection$errors)) stop(collection$errors) collection } collection_delete <<- function(uuid) { collection_url <- paste0(host, "collections/", uuid) headers <- list("Authorization" = paste("OAuth2", token), "Content-Type" = "application/json") http <- HttpRequest() serverResponse <- http$DELETE(collection_url, headers) httpParser <- HttpParser() collection <- httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse) if(!is.null(collection$errors)) stop(collection$errors) collection } collection_update <<- function(uuid, body) { collection_url <- paste0(host, "collections/", uuid) headers <- list("Authorization" = paste("OAuth2", token), "Content-Type" = "application/json") body <- jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox = T) http <- HttpRequest() serverResponse <- http$PUT(collection_url, headers, body) httpParser <- HttpParser() collection <- httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse) if(!is.null(collection$errors)) stop(collection$errors) collection } collection_create <<- function(body) { collection_url <- paste0(host, "collections") headers <- list("Authorization" = paste("OAuth2", token), "Content-Type" = "application/json") body <- jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox = T) http <- HttpRequest() serverResponse <- http$POST(collection_url, headers, body) httpParser <- HttpParser() collection <- httpParser$parseJSONResponse(serverResponse) if(!is.null(collection$errors)) stop(collection$errors) collection } } ) )