%# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 %>
if (controller.andand.action_name == 'show') and params[:uuid]
check_trash = controller.model_class.include_trash(true).where(uuid: params[:uuid])
class_name = controller.model_class.to_s.underscore
class_name_h = class_name.humanize(capitalize: false)
req_item = safe_join([class_name_h, " with UUID ",
raw(""), params[:uuid], raw("
")], "")
req_item_plain_text = safe_join([class_name_h, " with UUID ", params[:uuid]])
req_item = "page you requested"
req_item_plain_text = "page you requested"
<% untrash_object = nil %>
<% if check_trash.andand.any? %>
<% object = check_trash.first %>
<% if object.respond_to?(:is_trashed) && object.is_trashed %>
<% untrash_object = object %>
<% else %>
<% owner = object %>
<% while true %>
<% owner = Group.where(uuid: owner.owner_uuid).include_trash(true).first %>
<% if owner.nil? %>
<% break %>
<% end %>
<% if owner.is_trashed %>
<% untrash_object = owner %>
<% break %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if !untrash_object.nil? %>
The <%= req_item %> is
<% if untrash_object == object %>
in the trash.
<% else %>
owned by trashed project <%= untrash_name %> (<%= untrash_object.uuid %>
<% end %>
It will be permanently deleted at <%= render_localized_date(untrash_object.delete_at) %>.
<% if untrash_object != object %> You must untrash the owner project to access this <%= class_name_h %>. <% end %> <% if untrash_object.is_trashed and untrash_object.editable? %> <% msg = "Untrash '#{untrash_name}'?" %> <%= link_to({action: 'untrash_items', selection: [untrash_object.uuid], controller: :trash_items}, remote: true, method: :post, title: "Untrash", style: 'cursor: pointer;') do %> <% end %> <%= form_tag url_for({action: 'untrash_items', controller: :trash_items}), {method: :post} %> <%= hidden_field_tag :selection, [untrash_object.uuid] %> <% end %>
<% else %>The <%= req_item %> was not found.
<% if !current_user %><%= link_to(arvados_api_client.arvados_login_url(return_to: strip_token_from_path(request.url)), {class: "btn btn-primary report-issue-modal-window"}) do %> Log in <% end %> to view private data.
<% elsif class_name %>Perhaps you'd like to <%= link_to("browse all #{class_name_h.pluralize}", action: :index, controller: class_name.tableize) %>?
<% end %> <% end %> <% error_message = "The #{req_item_plain_text} was not found." %> <%= render :partial => "report_error", :locals => {error_message: error_message, error_type: '404'} %>