% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ArvadosClasses.R \name{LogList} \alias{LogList} \title{LogList} \description{ Log list } \section{Usage}{ \preformatted{logList -> LogList$new(kind = NULL, etag = NULL, items = NULL, next_link = NULL, next_page_token = NULL, selfLink = NULL) } } \section{Arguments}{ \describe{ \item{kind}{Object type. Always arvados#logList.} \item{etag}{List version.} \item{items}{The list of Logs.} \item{next_link}{A link to the next page of Logs.} \item{next_page_token}{The page token for the next page of Logs.} \item{selfLink}{A link back to this list.} } }