"""Utilities to retry operations. The core of this module is `RetryLoop`, a utility class to retry operations that might fail. It can distinguish between temporary and permanent failures; provide exponential backoff; and save a series of results. It also provides utility functions for common operations with `RetryLoop`: * `check_http_response_success` can be used as a `RetryLoop` `success_check` for HTTP response codes from the Arvados API server. * `retry_method` can decorate methods to provide a default `num_retries` keyword argument. """ # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 from builtins import range from builtins import object import functools import inspect import pycurl import time from collections import deque import arvados.errors _HTTP_SUCCESSES = set(range(200, 300)) _HTTP_CAN_RETRY = set([408, 409, 423, 500, 502, 503, 504]) class RetryLoop(object): """Coordinate limited retries of code. `RetryLoop` coordinates a loop that runs until it records a successful result or tries too many times, whichever comes first. Typical use looks like: loop = RetryLoop(num_retries=2) for tries_left in loop: try: result = do_something() except TemporaryError as error: log("error: {} ({} tries left)".format(error, tries_left)) else: loop.save_result(result) if loop.success(): return loop.last_result() Arguments: num_retries: int : The maximum number of times to retry the loop if it doesn't succeed. This means the loop body could run at most `num_retries + 1` times. success_check: Callable : This is a function that will be called each time the loop saves a result. The function should return `True` if the result indicates the code succeeded, `False` if it represents a permanent failure, and `None` if it represents a temporary failure. If no function is provided, the loop will end after any result is saved. backoff_start: float : The number of seconds that must pass before the loop's second iteration. Default 0, which disables all waiting. backoff_growth: float : The wait time multiplier after each iteration. Default 2 (i.e., double the wait time each time). save_results: int : Specify a number to store that many saved results from the loop. These are available through the `results` attribute, oldest first. Default 1. max_wait: float : Maximum number of seconds to wait between retries. Default 60. """ def __init__(self, num_retries, success_check=lambda r: True, backoff_start=0, backoff_growth=2, save_results=1, max_wait=60): self.tries_left = num_retries + 1 self.check_result = success_check self.backoff_wait = backoff_start self.backoff_growth = backoff_growth self.max_wait = max_wait self.next_start_time = 0 self.results = deque(maxlen=save_results) self._attempts = 0 self._running = None self._success = None def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator of retries.""" return self def running(self): """Return whether this loop is running. Returns `None` if the loop has never run, `True` if it is still running, or `False` if it has stopped—whether that's because it has saved a successful result, a permanent failure, or has run out of retries. """ return self._running and (self._success is None) def __next__(self): """Record a loop attempt. If the loop is still running, decrements the number of tries left and returns it. Otherwise, raises `StopIteration`. """ if self._running is None: self._running = True if (self.tries_left < 1) or not self.running(): self._running = False raise StopIteration else: wait_time = max(0, self.next_start_time - time.time()) time.sleep(wait_time) self.backoff_wait *= self.backoff_growth if self.backoff_wait > self.max_wait: self.backoff_wait = self.max_wait self.next_start_time = time.time() + self.backoff_wait self.tries_left -= 1 return self.tries_left def save_result(self, result): """Record a loop result. Save the given result, and end the loop if it indicates success or permanent failure. See documentation for the `__init__` `success_check` argument to learn how that's indicated. Raises `arvados.errors.AssertionError` if called after the loop has already ended. Arguments: result: Any : The result from this loop attempt to check and save. """ if not self.running(): raise arvados.errors.AssertionError( "recorded a loop result after the loop finished") self.results.append(result) self._success = self.check_result(result) self._attempts += 1 def success(self): """Return the loop's end state. Returns `True` if the loop recorded a successful result, `False` if it recorded permanent failure, or else `None`. """ return self._success def last_result(self): """Return the most recent result the loop saved. Raises `arvados.errors.AssertionError` if called before any result has been saved. """ try: return self.results[-1] except IndexError: raise arvados.errors.AssertionError( "queried loop results before any were recorded") def attempts(self): """Return the number of results that have been saved. This count includes all kinds of results: success, permanent failure, and temporary failure. """ return self._attempts def attempts_str(self): """Return a human-friendly string counting saved results. This method returns '1 attempt' or 'N attempts', where the number in the string is the number of saved results. """ if self._attempts == 1: return '1 attempt' else: return '{} attempts'.format(self._attempts) def check_http_response_success(status_code): """Convert a numeric HTTP status code to a loop control flag. This method takes a numeric HTTP status code and returns `True` if the code indicates success, `None` if it indicates temporary failure, and `False` otherwise. You can use this as the `success_check` for a `RetryLoop` that queries the Arvados API server. Specifically: * Any 2xx result returns `True`. * A select few status codes, or any malformed responses, return `None`. * Everything else returns `False`. Note that this includes 1xx and 3xx status codes. They don't indicate success, and you can't retry those requests verbatim. Arguments: status_code: int : A numeric HTTP response code """ if status_code in _HTTP_SUCCESSES: return True elif status_code in _HTTP_CAN_RETRY: return None elif 100 <= status_code < 600: return False else: return None # Get well soon, server. def retry_method(orig_func): """Provide a default value for a method's num_retries argument. This is a decorator for instance and class methods that accept a `num_retries` keyword argument, with a `None` default. When the method is called without a value for `num_retries`, this decorator will set it from the `num_retries` attribute of the underlying instance or class. Arguments: orig_func: Callable : A class or instance method that accepts a `num_retries` keyword argument """ @functools.wraps(orig_func) def num_retries_setter(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('num_retries') is None: kwargs['num_retries'] = self.num_retries return orig_func(self, *args, **kwargs) return num_retries_setter