% if not (@output_of.andand.any? or @log_of.andand.any?) %>
No source information available.
<% end %> <% if @output_of.andand.any? %>This collection was the output of:
<% pipelines = PipelineInstance.filter([["components", "like", "%#{@object.uuid}%"]]).each do |pipeline| %>
<% pipeline.components.each do |cname, c| %>
<% if c[:output_uuid] == @object.uuid %>
<%= cname %> component of pipeline <%= link_to_if_arvados_object(pipeline, friendly_name: true) %>
<% if c.andand[:job].andand[:finished_at] %>
finished at <%= c[:job][:finished_at] %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
This collection contains log messages from:
<%= render_arvados_object_list_start(@log_of, 'Show all jobs',
jobs_path(filters: [['log', '=', @object.uuid]].to_json)) do |job| %>
<%= link_to_if_arvados_object(job, friendly_name: true) %>
<% end %>