<%= render_editable_attribute @object, 'name', nil, {data: {emptytext: "New folder"}} %>

<%= render_editable_attribute @object, 'description', nil, { 'data-emptytext' => "Created: #{@object.created_at.to_s(:long)}", 'data-toggle' => 'manual', 'id' => "#{@object.uuid}-description" } %> <% if @object.attribute_editable? 'description' %>
Edit description
<% end %>


<% if @logs.any? %> <%= render_arvados_object_list_start(@logs, 'Show all activity', logs_path(filters: [['object_uuid','=',@object.uuid]].to_json)) do |log| %>

<%= time_ago_in_words(log.event_at) %> ago: <%= log.summary %> <% if log.object_uuid %> <%= link_to_if_arvados_object log.object_uuid, link_text: raw('') %> <% end %>

<% end %> <% else %>

Created: <%= @object.created_at.to_s(:long) %>

Last modified: <%= @object.modified_at.to_s(:long) %> by <%= link_to_if_arvados_object @object.modified_by_user_uuid, friendly_name: true %>

<% end %>

Sharing and permissions

Owner: <%= link_to_if_arvados_object @object.owner_uuid, friendly_name: true %>

<% if @share_links.any? %>

Shared with: <% @share_links.andand.each do |link| %>
<%= link_to_if_arvados_object link.tail_uuid, friendly_name: true %> <% end %>

<% end %>
<% if @show_cards %>
<% @objects[0..3].each do |object| %>
<%= @objects.name_for(object) || object.class_for_display %>
<%= object.respond_to?(:description) ? object.description : object.uuid %>
<%= render :partial => "show_object_button", :locals => {object: object, htmloptions: {class: 'btn-default btn-block'}} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>


<% @objects_and_names.each do |object, name_link| %> <% end %>
<%= render :partial => "selection_checkbox", :locals => {object: object} %> <%= render :partial => "show_object_button", :locals => {object: object, size: 'xs'} %> <%= render_editable_attribute name_link, 'name', nil, {data: {emptytext: "Unnamed #{object.class_for_display}"}} %> <%= object.content_summary %> <%= raw distance_of_time_in_words(object.modified_at, Time.now).sub('about ','~').sub(' ',' ') + ' ago' rescue object.modified_at %> <%= object.uuid %> <% if @object.editable? %> <%= link_to({action: 'remove_item', id: @object.uuid, item_uuid: ((name_link && name_link.uuid) || object.uuid)}, method: :delete, remote: true, data: {confirm: "You are about to remove #{object.class_for_display} #{object.uuid} from this folder.\n\nAre you sure?"}, class: 'btn btn-xs btn-default') do %> Remove <% end %> <% end %>
name type modified uuid