--- layout: default navsection: installguide title: Multi host Arvados ... {% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} # "Introduction":#introduction # "Prerequisites and planning":#prerequisites # "Download the installer":#download # "Copy and customize the configuration files":#copy_config # "Choose the SSL configuration":#certificates ## "Using a self-signed certificates":#self-signed ## "Using a Let's Encrypt certificates":#lets-encrypt ## "Bring your own certificates":#bring-your-own # "Create a compute image":#create_a_compute_image # "Further customization of the installation (modifying the salt pillars and states)":#further_customization # "Installation order":#installation_order # "Run the provision.sh script":#run_provision_script # "Install the CA root certificate":#ca_root_certificate # "Initial user and login":#initial_user # "Test the installed cluster running a simple workflow":#test_install # "After the installation":#post_install h2(#introduction). Introduction This multi host installer is an AWS specific example that is generally useful, but will likely need to be adapted for your environment. The installer is highly configurable. h2(#prerequisites). Prerequisites and planning Prerequisites: * git * a number of (virtual) machines for your Arvados cluster with at least 2 cores and 8 GiB of RAM, running a "supported Arvados distribution":{{site.baseurl}}/install/install-manual-prerequisites.html#supportedlinux * a number of DNS hostnames that resolve to the IP addresses of your Arvados hosts * ports 443 need to be reachable from your client (configurable in @local.params@, see below) * port 80 needs to be reachable from everywhere on the internet (only when using "Let's Encrypt":#lets-encrypt without Route53 integration) * SSL certificatse matching the hostnames in use (only when using "bring your own certificates":#bring-your-own) Planning: We suggest distributing the Arvados components in the following way, creating at least 6 hosts: # Database server: ## postgresql server # API node: ## arvados api server ## arvados controller ## arvados websocket ## arvados cloud dispatcher ## arvados keepbalance # WORKBENCH node: ## arvados workbench ## arvados workbench2 ## arvados webshell # KEEPPROXY node: ## arvados keepproxy ## arvados keepweb # KEEPSTORE nodes (at least 2) ## arvados keepstore # SHELL node (optional): ## arvados shell If your infrastructure differs from the setup proposed above (ie, using RDS or an existing DB server), remember that you will need to edit the configuration files for the scripts so they work with your infrastructure. h2(#download). Download the installer {% include 'download_installer' %} h2(#copy_config). Copy and customize the configuration files
cp local.params.example.multiple_hosts local.params
cp -r config_examples/multi_host/aws local_config_dir
Edit the variables in the local.params file. Pay attention to the *_INT_IP, *_TOKEN and *_KEY variables. The *SSL_MODE* variable is discussed in the next section. {% include 'ssl_config_multi' %} h2(#create_a_compute_image). Create a compute image {% include 'branchname' %} In a multi-host installation, containers are dispatched in docker daemons running in the compute instances, which need some special setup. We provide a "compute image builder script":https://github.com/arvados/arvados/tree/{{ branchname }}/tools/compute-images that you can use to build a template image following "these instructions":https://doc.arvados.org/install/crunch2-cloud/install-compute-node.html. Once you have that image created, you will need to update the pillars/arvados.sls file with the AMI ID and the private ssh key for the dispatcher. h2(#further_customization). Further customization of the installation (modifying the salt pillars and states) You will need further customization to suit your environment, which can be done editing the Saltstack pillars and states files. Pay particular attention to the pillars/arvados.sls file, where you will need to provide some information that describes your environment. Any extra state file you add under local_config_dir/states will be added to the salt run and applied to the hosts. h2(#installation_order). Installation order A few Arvados nodes need to be installed in certain order. The required order is * Database * API server * The other nodes can be installed in any order after the two above h2(#run_provision_script). Run the provision.sh script When you finished customizing the configuration, you are ready to copy the files to the hosts and run the @provision.sh@ script. The script allows you to specify the role/s a node will have and it will install only the Arvados components required for such role. The general format of the command is:
scp -r provision.sh local* user@host:
ssh user@host sudo ./provision.sh --roles comma,separated,list,of,roles,to,apply
and wait for it to finish. If everything goes OK, you'll get some final lines stating something like:
arvados: Succeeded: 109 (changed=9)
arvados: Failed:      0
The distribution of role as described above can be applied running these commands: h4. Database
scp -r provision.sh local* user@host:
ssh user@host sudo ./provision.sh --config local.params --roles database
h4. API
scp -r provision.sh local* user@host:
ssh user@host sudo ./provision.sh --config local.params --roles api,controller,websocket,dispatcher,keepbalance
h4. Keepstore(s)
scp -r provision.sh local* user@host:
ssh user@host sudo ./provision.sh --config local.params --roles keepstore
h4. Workbench
scp -r provision.sh local* user@host:
ssh user@host sudo ./provision.sh --config local.params --roles workbench,workbench2,webshell
h4. Keepproxy / Keepweb
scp -r provision.sh local* user@host:
ssh user@host sudo ./provision.sh --config local.params --roles keepproxy,keepweb
h4. Shell (here we copy the CLI test workflow too)
scp -r provision.sh local* tests user@host:
ssh user@host sudo ./provision.sh --config local.params --roles shell
{% include 'install_ca_cert' %} h2(#initial_user). Initial user and login At this point you should be able to log into the Arvados cluster. The initial URL will be: * https://workbench.arva2.arv.local or, in general, the url format will be: * https://workbench.@.@ By default, the provision script creates an initial user for testing purposes. This user is configured as administrator of the newly created cluster. Assuming you didn't change these values in the @local.params@ file, the initial credentials are: * User: 'admin' * Password: 'password' * Email: 'admin@arva2.arv.local' h2(#test_install). Test the installed cluster running a simple workflow If you followed the instructions above, the @provision.sh@ script saves a simple example test workflow in the @/tmp/cluster_tests@ directory in the @shell@ node. If you want to run it, just ssh to the node, change to that directory and run:
cd /tmp/cluster_tests
sudo /run-test.sh
It will create a test user (by default, the same one as the admin user), upload a small workflow and run it. If everything goes OK, the output should similar to this (some output was shortened for clarity):
Creating Arvados Standard Docker Images project
Arvados project uuid is 'arva2-j7d0g-0prd8cjlk6kfl7y'
Uploading arvados/jobs' docker image to the project
2.1.1: Pulling from arvados/jobs
8559a31e96f4: Pulling fs layer
Status: Downloaded newer image for arvados/jobs:2.1.1
2020-11-23 21:43:39 arvados.arv_put[32678] INFO: Creating new cache file at /home/vagrant/.cache/arvados/arv-put/c59256eda1829281424c80f588c7cc4d
2020-11-23 21:43:46 arvados.arv_put[32678] INFO: Collection saved as 'Docker image arvados jobs:2.1.1 sha256:0dd50'
Creating initial user ('admin')
Setting up user ('admin')
Activating user 'admin'
Running test CWL workflow
INFO /usr/bin/cwl-runner 2.1.1, arvados-python-client 2.1.1, cwltool 3.0.20200807132242
INFO Resolved 'hasher-workflow.cwl' to 'file:///tmp/cluster_tests/hasher-workflow.cwl'
INFO Using cluster arva2 (https://arva2.arv.local:8443/)
INFO Upload local files: "test.txt"
INFO Uploaded to ea34d971b71d5536b4f6b7d6c69dc7f6+50 (arva2-4zz18-c8uvwqdry4r8jao)
INFO Using collection cache size 256 MiB
INFO [container hasher-workflow.cwl] submitted container_request arva2-xvhdp-v1bkywd58gyocwm
INFO [container hasher-workflow.cwl] arva2-xvhdp-v1bkywd58gyocwm is Final
INFO Overall process status is success
INFO Final output collection d6c69a88147dde9d52a418d50ef788df+123
    "hasher_out": {
        "basename": "hasher3.md5sum.txt",
        "class": "File",
        "location": "keep:d6c69a88147dde9d52a418d50ef788df+123/hasher3.md5sum.txt",
        "size": 95
INFO Final process status is success
h2(#post_install). After the installation Once the installation is complete, it is recommended to keep a copy of your local configuration files. Committing them to version control is a good idea. Re-running the Salt-based installer is not recommended for maintaining and upgrading Arvados, please see "Maintenance and upgrading":{{site.baseurl}}/admin/maintenance-and-upgrading.html for more information.