--- layout: default navsection: userguide title: "Running a pipeline using Workbench" ... notextile.
# If you have not yet created any projects, first create a new project to save your work. Please see "Accessing Arvados Workbench":{{site.baseurl}}/user/getting_started/workbench.html page for details. If you already have created a project for your work, go to the project by clicking on the project in *My projects* panel. # Click on the Add data... button. # In the *Add data to project* popup window, enter *tutorial* in the search box. # The results should include a *tutorial* collection. # Click on this collection and verify that it is the collection *var-GS000016015-ASM.tsv.bz2*. # Click on the Add button in the popup. This adds the *var-GS000016015-ASM.tsv.bz2* collection to your project. # Click on the Run a pipeline... button # In the *Choose a pipeline to run* popup window, enter *tutorial* in the search box. # The result should include *Tutorial pipeline* template. # Click on this template and the click on Next: choose inputs button. This will take you to a new page to configure the pipeline instance. # In the *Inputs* tab, click on Choose button # In the *Choose a dataset* popup, click on the *tutorial* collection and click on OK button. # You can now run this pipeline by clicking on the Run button. # The page refreshes automatically every 15 seconds. You should see the pipeline running, and then finish successfully. # Once the pipeline is finished, click on the *Show output files* button. This will take you to the collection page for the output of this pipeline. # Click on *md5sum.txt* to see the actual file that is the output of this pipeline. # Go back to the collection page for the result. Click on the *Provenance graph* tab to see a graph illustrating the collections and scripts that were used to generate this file. notextile.