source("./R/RESTService.R") source("./R/HttpRequest.R") source("./R/HttpParser.R") #' Arvados #' #' Arvados class gives users ability to manipulate collections and projects. #' #' @section Usage: #' \preformatted{arv = Arvados$new(authToken = NULL, hostName = NULL, numRetries = 0)} #' #' @section Arguments: #' \describe{ #' \item{authToken}{Authentification token. If not specified ARVADOS_API_TOKEN environment variable will be used.} #' \item{hostName}{Host name. If not specified ARVADOS_API_HOST environment variable will be used.} #' \item{numRetries}{Number which specifies how many times to retry failed service requests.} #' } #' #' @section Methods: #' \describe{ #' \item{getToken()}{Returns authentification token currently in use.} #' \item{getHostName()}{Returns host name currently in use.} #' \item{getNumRetries()}{Returns number which specifies how many times to retry failed service requests.} #' \item{setNumRetries(newNumOfRetries)}{Sets number which specifies how many times to retry failed service requests.} #' \item{getCollection(uuid)}{Get collection with specified UUID.} #' \item{listCollections(filters = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0)}{Returns list of collections based on filters parameter.} #' \item{listAllCollections(filters = NULL)}{Lists all collections, based on filters parameter, even if the number of items is greater than maximum API limit.} #' \item{deleteCollection(uuid)}{Deletes collection with specified UUID.} #' \item{updateCollection(uuid, newContent)}{Updates collection with specified UUID.} #' \item{createCollection(content)}{Creates new collection.} #' \item{getProject(uuid)}{Get project with specified UUID.} #' \item{listProjects(filters = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0)}{Returns list of projects based on filters parameter.} #' \item{listAllProjects(filters = NULL)}{Lists all projects, based on filters parameter, even if the number of items is greater than maximum API limit.} #' \item{deleteProject(uuid)}{Deletes project with specified UUID.} #' \item{updateProject(uuid, newContent)}{Updates project with specified UUID.} #' \item{createProject(content)}{Creates new project.} #' } #' #' @name Arvados #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' arv <- Arvados$new("your Arvados token", "") #' #' collection <- arv$getCollection("uuid") #' #' collectionList <- arv$listCollections(list(list("name", "like", "Test%"))) #' collectionList <- arv$listAllCollections(list(list("name", "like", "Test%"))) #' #' deletedCollection <- arv$deleteCollection("uuid") #' #' updatedCollection <- arv$updateCollection("uuid", list(name = "New name", #' description = "New description")) #' #' createdCollection <- arv$createCollection(list(name = "Example", #' description = "This is a test collection")) #' } NULL #' @export Arvados <- R6::R6Class( "Arvados", public = list( initialize = function(authToken = NULL, hostName = NULL, numRetries = 0) { if(!is.null(hostName)) Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_HOST = hostName) if(!is.null(authToken)) Sys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_TOKEN = authToken) hostName <- Sys.getenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST"); token <- Sys.getenv("ARVADOS_API_TOKEN"); if(hostName == "" | token == "") stop(paste("Please provide host name and authentification token", "or set ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN", "environment variables.")) private$numRetries <- numRetries private$REST <- RESTService$new(token, hostName, HttpRequest$new(), HttpParser$new(), numRetries) private$token <- private$REST$token private$host <- private$REST$hostName }, getToken = function() private$REST$token, getHostName = function() private$REST$hostName, getWebDavHostName = function() private$REST$getWebDavHostName(), getRESTService = function() private$REST, setRESTService = function(newRESTService) private$REST <- newRESTService, getNumRetries = function() private$REST$numRetries, setNumRetries = function(newNumOfRetries) { private$REST$setNumRetries(newNumOfRetries) }, getCollection = function(uuid) { collection <- private$REST$getResource("collections", uuid) collection }, listCollections = function(filters = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0) { if(!is.null(filters)) names(filters) <- c("collection") collections <- private$REST$listResources("collections", filters, limit, offset) collections }, listAllCollections = function(filters = NULL) { if(!is.null(filters)) names(filters) <- c("collection") collectionURL <- paste0(private$host, "collections") allCollection <- private$REST$fetchAllItems(collectionURL, filters) allCollection }, deleteCollection = function(uuid) { removedCollection <- private$REST$deleteResource("collections", uuid) removedCollection }, updateCollection = function(uuid, newContent) { body <- list(list()) names(body) <- c("collection") body$collection <- newContent updatedCollection <- private$REST$updateResource("collections", uuid, body) updatedCollection }, createCollection = function(content) { body <- list(list()) names(body) <- c("collection") body$collection <- content newCollection <- private$REST$createResource("collections", body) newCollection }, getProject = function(uuid) { project <- private$REST$getResource("groups", uuid) project }, createProject = function(content) { body <- list(list()) names(body) <- c("group") body$group <- c("group_class" = "project", content) newProject <- private$REST$createResource("groups", body) newProject }, updateProject = function(uuid, newContent) { body <- list(list()) names(body) <- c("group") body$group <- newContent updatedProject <- private$REST$updateResource("groups", uuid, body) updatedProject }, listProjects = function(filters = NULL, limit = 100, offset = 0) { if(!is.null(filters)) names(filters) <- c("groups") filters[[length(filters) + 1]] <- list("group_class", "=", "project") projects <- private$REST$listResources("groups", filters, limit, offset) projects }, listAllProjects = function(filters = NULL) { if(!is.null(filters)) names(filters) <- c("groups") filters[[length(filters) + 1]] <- list("group_class", "=", "project") projectURL <- paste0(private$host, "groups") result <- private$REST$fetchAllItems(projectURL, filters) result }, deleteProject = function(uuid) { removedProject <- private$REST$deleteResource("groups", uuid) removedProject } ), private = list( token = NULL, host = NULL, REST = NULL, numRetries = NULL ), cloneable = FALSE ) #' print.Arvados #' #' Custom print function for Arvados class #' #' @param x Instance of Arvados class #' @param ... Optional arguments. #' @export print.Arvados = function(x, ...) { cat(paste0("Type: ", "\"", "Arvados", "\""), sep = "\n") cat(paste0("Host: ", "\"", x$getHostName(), "\""), sep = "\n") cat(paste0("Token: ", "\"", x$getToken(), "\""), sep = "\n") }