--- layout: default navsection: sdk navmenu: CLI title: "arv reference" ... _In order to use the @arv@ command, make sure that you have a "working environment.":{{site.baseurl}}/user/getting_started/check-environment.html_ h3. Usage @arv [global_options] resource_type resource_method [method_parameters]@ h4. Global options - @--format=json@ := Output response as JSON. This is the default format. - @--format=yaml@ := Output response as YAML - @--format=uuid@ := Output only the UUIDs of object(s) in the API response, one per line. h3. Resource types and methods Get list of resource types @arv --resources@ Get list of resource methods for the "user" resource type @arv user --help@ h3. Basic examples Get record for current user @arv user current@ Get entire record for some specific user @arv user get --uuid 6dnxa-tpzed-iimd25zhzh84gbk@ Update user record @arv user update --uuid 6dnxa-tpzed-iimd25zhzh84gbk --first-name "Bob"@ Get list of groups @arv group list@ Delete a group @arv group delete --uuid 6dnxa-j7d0g-iw7i6n43d37jtog@ h3. Common commands Most @arv@ resources accept the following commands: * @get@ * @list@ * @create@ * @update@ * @delete@ h4. @list@ Arguments accepted by the @list@ subcommand include:
    --limit, -l :     Maximum number of resources to return.
   --offset, -o :     Number of users to skip before first returned record.
  --filters, -f :     Conditions for filtering users.
    --order, -r :     Order in which to return matching users.
   --select, -s :     Select which fields to return
     --distinct, -d:     Return each distinct object
The @--filters@ option takes a string describing a JSON list of filters on which the returned resources should be returned. Each filter is a three-element list of _[field, operator, value]_, where the _operator_ may be one of @=@, @<@, @<=@, @>@, @>=@, @!=@, @like@, or @ilike@. Example: @arv collection list --filters '[["name", "=", "PGP VAR inputs"], ["created_at", ">=", "2014-10-01"]]'@ will return a list of all collections visible to the current user which are named "PGP VAR inputs" and were created on or after October 1, 2014.