--- layout: default navsection: installguide title: Create standard objects ... Next, we're going to use the Arvados CLI tools on the shell server to create a few Arvados objects. First we create a repository object which will be used to set up a hosted clone of the arvados repository on this cluster.
~$ prefix=`arv --format=uuid user current | cut -d- -f1`
~$ echo "Site prefix is '$prefix'"
~$ all_users_group_uuid="$prefix-j7d0g-fffffffffffffff"
~$ repo_uuid=`arv --format=uuid repository create --repository "{\"owner_uuid\":\"$prefix-tpzed-000000000000000\", \"name\":\"arvados\"}"`
~$ echo "Arvados repository uuid is '$repo_uuid'"
Secondly, create a link object to make the repository object readable by the "All users" group, and therefore by every active user. This makes it possible for users to run the bundled Crunch scripts by specifying @"script_version":"master","repository":"arvados"@ rather than pulling the Arvados source tree into their own repositories.
~$ read -rd $'\000' newlink <<EOF; arv link create --link "$newlink"
Next, create a default project for the standard Arvados Docker images, and give all users read access to it. The project is owned by the system user.
~$ project_uuid=`arv --format=uuid group create --group "{\"owner_uuid\":\"$prefix-tpzed-000000000000000\", \"name\":\"Arvados Standard Docker Images\"}"`
~$ echo "Arvados project uuid is '$project_uuid'"
~$ read -rd $'\000' newlink <<EOF; arv link create --link "$newlink"