import gflags import httplib2 import logging import os import pprint import sys import types import subprocess import json import UserDict import re import hashlib import string from apiclient import errors from apiclient.discovery import build class CredentialsFromEnv: @staticmethod def http_request(self, uri, **kwargs): from httplib import BadStatusLine if 'headers' not in kwargs: kwargs['headers'] = {} kwargs['headers']['Authorization'] = 'OAuth2 %s' % os.environ['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN'] try: return self.orig_http_request(uri, **kwargs) except BadStatusLine: # This is how httplib tells us that it tried to reuse an # existing connection but it was already closed by the # server. In that case, yes, we would like to retry. # Unfortunately, we are not absolutely certain that the # previous call did not succeed, so this is slightly # risky. return self.orig_http_request(uri, **kwargs) def authorize(self, http): http.orig_http_request = http.request http.request = types.MethodType(self.http_request, http) return http url = ('https://%s/discovery/v1/apis/' '{api}/{apiVersion}/rest' % os.environ['ARVADOS_API_HOST']) credentials = CredentialsFromEnv() http = httplib2.Http() http = credentials.authorize(http) http.disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True service = build("arvados", "v1", http=http, discoveryServiceUrl=url) def task_set_output(self,s): service.job_tasks().update(uuid=self['uuid'], job_task=json.dumps({ 'output':s, 'success':True, 'progress':1.0 })).execute() _current_task = None def current_task(): global _current_task if _current_task: return _current_task t = service.job_tasks().get(uuid=os.environ['TASK_UUID']).execute() t = UserDict.UserDict(t) t.set_output = types.MethodType(task_set_output, t) _current_task = t return t _current_job = None def current_job(): global _current_job if _current_job: return _current_job t =['JOB_UUID']).execute() _current_job = t return t def api(): return service class JobTask: def __init__(self, parameters=dict(), resource_limits=dict()): print "init jobtask %s %s" % (parameters, resource_limits) class job_setup: @staticmethod def one_task_per_input_file(if_sequence=0, and_end_task=True): if if_sequence != current_task()['sequence']: return job_input = current_job()['script_parameters']['input'] cr = CollectionReader(job_input) for s in cr.all_streams(): for f in s.all_files(): task_input = f.as_manifest() new_task_attrs = { 'job_uuid': current_job()['uuid'], 'created_by_job_task': current_task()['uuid'], 'sequence': if_sequence + 1, 'parameters': { 'input':task_input } } service.job_tasks().create(job_task=json.dumps(new_task_attrs)).execute() if and_end_task: service.job_tasks().update(uuid=current_task()['uuid'], job_task=json.dumps({'success':True}) ).execute() exit(0) class DataReader: def __init__(self, data_locator): self.data_locator = data_locator self.p = subprocess.Popen(["whget", "-r", self.data_locator, "-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=None, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, close_fds=True) def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self): self.close() def read(self, size, **kwargs): return, **kwargs) def close(self): self.p.stdout.close() if not self.p.stderr.closed: for err in self.p.stderr: print >> sys.stderr, err self.p.stderr.close() self.p.wait() if self.p.returncode != 0: raise Exception("whget subprocess exited %d" % self.p.returncode) class StreamFileReader: def __init__(self, stream, pos, size, name): self._stream = stream self._pos = pos self._size = size self._name = name self._filepos = 0 def name(self): return self._name def size(self): return self._size def stream_name(self): return def read(self, size, **kwargs): + self._filepos) data =, self._size - self._filepos)) self._filepos += len(data) return data def readlines(self): data = '' sol = 0 while True: newdata =**10) if 0 == len(newdata): break data += newdata while True: eol = string.find(data, "\n", sol) if eol < 0: break yield data[sol:eol+1] sol = eol+1 data = data[sol:] if data != '': yield data def as_manifest(self): return string.join(self._stream.tokens_for_range(self._pos, self._size), " ") class StreamReader: def __init__(self, tokens): self._tokens = tokens self._current_datablock_data = None self._current_datablock_pos = 0 self._current_datablock_index = -1 self._pos = 0 self._stream_name = None self.data_locators = [] self.files = [] for tok in self._tokens: if self._stream_name == None: self._stream_name = tok elif'^[0-9a-f]{32}(\+\S+)*$', tok): self.data_locators += [tok] elif'^\d+:\d+:\S+', tok): pos, size, name = tok.split(':',2) self.files += [[int(pos), int(size), name]] else: raise Exception("Invalid manifest format") def tokens_for_range(self, range_start, range_size): resp = [self._stream_name] return_all_tokens = False block_start = 0 token_bytes_skipped = 0 for locator in self.data_locators: sizehint ='\+(\d+)', locator) if not sizehint: return_all_tokens = True if return_all_tokens: resp += [locator] next blocksize = int( if range_start + range_size <= block_start: break if range_start < block_start + blocksize: resp += [locator] block_start += int(blocksize) for f in self.files: if ((f[0] < range_start + range_size) and (f[0] + f[1] > range_start)): resp += ["%d:%d:%s" % (f[0], f[1], f[2])] return resp def name(self): return self._stream_name def all_files(self): for f in self.files: pos, size, name = f yield StreamFileReader(self, pos, size, name) def nextdatablock(self): if self._current_datablock_index < 0: self._current_datablock_pos = 0 self._current_datablock_index = 0 else: self._current_datablock_pos += self.current_datablock_size() self._current_datablock_index += 1 self._current_datablock = None def current_datablock_data(self): if self._current_datablock_data == None: self._current_datablock_data = Keep.get(self.data_locators[self._current_datablock_index]) return self._current_datablock_data def current_datablock_size(self): sizehint ='\+(\d+)', self.data_locators[self._current_datablock_index]) if sizehint: return int( return len(self.current_datablock_data()) def seek(self, pos): self._pos = pos def really_seek(self): if self._pos == self._current_datablock_pos: return True if (self._current_datablock_pos != None and self._pos >= self._current_datablock_pos and self._pos <= self._current_datablock_pos + self.current_datablock_size()): return True if self._pos < self._current_datablock_pos: self._current_datablock_index = -1 self.nextdatablock() while (self._pos > self._current_datablock_pos and self._pos > self._current_datablock_pos + self.current_datablock_size()): self.nextdatablock() def read(self, size): if size == 0: return '' self.really_seek() while self._pos >= self._current_datablock_pos + self.current_datablock_size(): self.nextdatablock() if self._current_datablock_index >= len(self.data_locators): return None data = self.current_datablock_data()[self._pos:self._pos+size] self._pos += len(data) return data class CollectionReader: def __init__(self, manifest_locator_or_text): if'^\S+( [a-f0-9]{32,}(\+\S+)*)+( \d+:\d+:\S+)+\n', manifest_locator_or_text): self._manifest_text = manifest_locator_or_text self._manifest_locator = None else: self._manifest_locator = manifest_locator_or_text self._manifest_text = None self._streams = None def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self): pass def _populate(self): if self._streams != None: return if not self._manifest_text: self._manifest_text = Keep.get(self._manifest_locator) self._streams = [] for stream_line in self._manifest_text.split("\n"): stream_tokens = stream_line.split() self._streams += [stream_tokens] def all_streams(self): self._populate() resp = [] for s in self._streams: resp += [StreamReader(s)] return resp def all_files(self): for s in self.all_streams(): for f in s.all_files(): yield f class CollectionWriter: KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE = 2**26 def __init__(self): self._data_buffer = '' self._current_stream_files = [] self._current_stream_length = 0 self._current_stream_locators = [] self._current_stream_name = '.' self._current_file_name = None self._current_file_pos = 0 self._finished_streams = [] def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self): self.finish() def write(self, newdata): self._data_buffer += newdata self._current_stream_length += len(newdata) while len(self._data_buffer) >= self.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE: self.flush_data() def flush_data(self): if self._data_buffer != '': self._current_stream_locators += [Keep.put(self._data_buffer[0:self.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE])] self._data_buffer = self._data_buffer[self.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE:] def start_new_file(self, newfilename=None): self.finish_current_file() self.set_current_file_name(newfilename) def set_current_file_name(self, newfilename): if'[ \t\n]', newfilename): raise AssertionError("Manifest filenames cannot contain whitespace") self._current_file_name = newfilename def current_file_name(self): return self._current_file_name def finish_current_file(self): if self._current_file_name == None: if self._current_file_pos == self._current_stream_length: return raise Exception("Cannot finish an unnamed file (%d bytes at offset %d in '%s' stream)" % (self._current_stream_length - self._current_file_pos, self._current_file_pos, self._current_stream_name)) self._current_stream_files += [[self._current_file_pos, self._current_stream_length - self._current_file_pos, self._current_file_name]] self._current_file_pos = self._current_stream_length def start_new_stream(self, newstreamname=None): self.finish_current_stream() self.set_current_stream_name(newstreamname) def set_current_stream_name(self, newstreamname): if'[ \t\n]', newstreamname): raise AssertionError("Manifest stream names cannot contain whitespace") self._current_stream_name = newstreamname def current_stream_name(self): return self._current_stream_name def finish_current_stream(self): self.finish_current_file() self.flush_data() if len(self._current_stream_files) == 0: pass elif self._current_stream_name == None: raise Exception("Cannot finish an unnamed stream (%d bytes in %d files)" % (self._current_stream_length, len(self._current_stream_files))) else: self._finished_streams += [[self._current_stream_name, self._current_stream_locators, self._current_stream_files]] self._current_stream_files = [] self._current_stream_length = 0 self._current_stream_locators = [] self._current_stream_name = None self._current_file_pos = 0 self._current_file_name = None def finish(self): return Keep.put(self.manifest_text()) def manifest_text(self): self.finish_current_stream() manifest = '' for stream in self._finished_streams: manifest += stream[0] if len(stream[1]) == 0: manifest += " d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0" else: for locator in stream[1]: manifest += " %s" % locator for sfile in stream[2]: manifest += " %d:%d:%s" % (sfile[0], sfile[1], sfile[2]) manifest += "\n" return manifest class Keep: @staticmethod def put(data): if 'KEEP_LOCAL_STORE' in os.environ: return Keep.local_store_put(data) p = subprocess.Popen(["whput", "-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, close_fds=True) stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate(data) if p.returncode != 0: raise Exception("whput subprocess exited %d - stderr:\n%s" % (p.returncode, stderrdata)) return stdoutdata.rstrip() @staticmethod def get(locator): if 'KEEP_LOCAL_STORE' in os.environ: return Keep.local_store_get(locator) p = subprocess.Popen(["whget", locator, "-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=None, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, close_fds=True) stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate(None) if p.returncode != 0: raise Exception("whget subprocess exited %d - stderr:\n%s" % (p.returncode, stderrdata)) m ='md5') m.update(stdoutdata) try: if locator.index(m.hexdigest()) == 0: return stdoutdata except ValueError: pass raise Exception("md5 checksum mismatch: md5(get(%s)) == %s" % (locator, m.hexdigest())) @staticmethod def local_store_put(data): m ='md5') m.update(data) md5 = m.hexdigest() locator = '%s+%d' % (md5, len(data)) with open(os.path.join(os.environ['KEEP_LOCAL_STORE'], md5 + '.tmp'), 'w') as f: f.write(data) os.rename(os.path.join(os.environ['KEEP_LOCAL_STORE'], md5 + '.tmp'), os.path.join(os.environ['KEEP_LOCAL_STORE'], md5)) return locator @staticmethod def local_store_get(locator): r ='^([0-9a-f]{32,})', locator) with open(os.path.join(os.environ['KEEP_LOCAL_STORE'],, 'r') as f: return