#' listAll #' #' List all resources even if the number of items is greater than maximum API limit. #' #' @param fn Arvados method used to retrieve items from REST service. #' @param ... Optional arguments which will be pased to fn . #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' arv <- Arvados$new("your Arvados token", "example.arvadosapi.com") #' cl <- listAll(arv$collections.list, filters = list(list("name", "like", "test%")) #' } #' @export listAll <- function(fn, ...) { offset <- 0 itemsAvailable <- .Machine$integer.max items <- c() while(length(items) < itemsAvailable) { serverResponse <- fn(offset = offset, ...) if(!is.null(serverResponse$errors)) stop(serverResponse$errors) items <- c(items, serverResponse$items) offset <- length(items) itemsAvailable <- serverResponse$items_available } items } #NOTE: Package private functions trimFromStart <- function(sample, trimCharacters) { if(startsWith(sample, trimCharacters)) sample <- substr(sample, nchar(trimCharacters) + 1, nchar(sample)) sample } trimFromEnd <- function(sample, trimCharacters) { if(endsWith(sample, trimCharacters)) sample <- substr(sample, 0, nchar(sample) - nchar(trimCharacters)) sample } RListToPythonList <- function(RList, separator = ", ") { pythonArrayContent <- sapply(RList, function(elementInList) { if((is.vector(elementInList) || is.list(elementInList)) && length(elementInList) > 1) { return(RListToPythonList(elementInList, separator)) } else { return(paste0("\"", elementInList, "\"")) } }) pythonArray <- paste0("[", paste0(pythonArrayContent, collapse = separator), "]") pythonArray } appendToStartIfNotExist <- function(sample, characters) { if(!startsWith(sample, characters)) sample <- paste0(characters, sample) sample } splitToPathAndName = function(path) { path <- appendToStartIfNotExist(path, "/") components <- unlist(stringr::str_split(path, "/")) nameAndPath <- list() nameAndPath$name <- components[length(components)] nameAndPath$path <- trimFromStart(paste0(components[-length(components)], collapse = "/"), "/") nameAndPath }