<% tree.each do |projectnode| %> <% rowtype = projectnode[:object].class %> <% next if rowtype != Group and !show_root_node %>
<% if show_root_node and rowtype == String %> <%= projectnode[:object] %> <% elsif show_root_node and rowtype == User %> <% if projectnode[:object].uuid == current_user.andand.uuid %> <%= link_to project_path(id: projectnode[:object].uuid) do %> Home <% end %> <% else %> <%= projectnode[:object].friendly_link_name %> <% end %> <% elsif rowtype == Group %> <%= link_to projectnode[:object] do %> <%= projectnode[:object].friendly_link_name %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% if projectnode[:object].respond_to?(:description) and not projectnode[:object].description.blank? %>
<%= render_textile_attribute projectnode[:object], "description", true %>
<% end %>
<% end %>