#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This script can be installed as a git update hook. # It can also be installed as a gitolite 'hooklet' in the # hooks/common/update.secondary.d/ directory. # NOTE: this script runs under the same assumptions as the 'update' hook, so # the starting directory must be maintained and arguments must be passed on. $refname = ARGV[0] $oldrev = ARGV[1] $newrev = ARGV[2] $user = ENV['USER'] # Only enforce policy on the master branch exit 0 if $refname != 'refs/heads/master' puts "Enforcing Policies... \n(#{$refname}) (#{$oldrev[0,6]}) (#{$newrev[0,6]})" $regex = /\[ref: (\d+)\]/ $broken_commit_message = /Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary/ $wrong_way_merge_master = /Merge( remote-tracking)? branch '([^\/]+\/)?master' into/ $merge_master = /Merge branch '[^']+'((?! into)| into master)/ $pull_merge = /Merge branch 'master' of / $refs_or_closes_or_no_issue = /(refs #|closes #|fixes #|no issue #)/i # enforced custom commit message format def check_message_format all_revs = `git rev-list --first-parent #{$oldrev}..#{$newrev}`.split("\n") merge_revs = `git rev-list --first-parent --min-parents=2 #{$oldrev}..#{$newrev}`.split("\n") # single_revs = `git rev-list --first-parent --max-parents=1 #{$oldrev}..#{$newrev}`.split("\n") broken = false no_ff = false merge_revs.each do |rev| message = `git cat-file commit #{rev} | sed '1,/^$/d'` if $wrong_way_merge_master.match(message) puts "\n[POLICY] Only non-fast-forward merges into master are allowed. Please" puts "reset your master branch:" puts " git reset --hard origin/master" puts "and then merge your branch with the --no-ff option:" puts " git merge your-branch --no-ff\n" puts "Remember to add a reference to an issue number in the merge commit!\n" puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n" puts "\nOffending commit message:\n" puts message puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\n\n" broken = true no_ff = true elsif $pull_merge.match(message) puts "\n[POLICY] This appears to be a git pull merge of remote master into local" puts "master. In order to maintain a linear first-parent history of master," puts "please reset your branch and remerge or rebase using the latest master.\n" puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n" puts "\nOffending commit message:\n\n" puts message puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\n\n" broken = true elsif not $merge_master.match(message) and not puts "\n[POLICY] This does not appear to be a merge of a feature" puts "branch into master. Merges must follow the format" puts "\"Merge branch 'feature-branch'\".\n" puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n" puts "\nOffending commit message:\n\n" puts message puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\n\n" broken = true end end all_revs.each do |rev| message = `git cat-file commit #{rev} | sed '1,/^$/d'` if $broken_commit_message.match(message) puts "\n[POLICY] Rejected broken commit message for including boilerplate" puts "instruction text.\n" puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n" puts "\nOffending commit message:\n\n" puts message puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\n\n" broken = true end # Do not test when the commit is a no_ff merge (which will be rejected), because # this test will complain about *every* commit in the merge otherwise, obscuring # the real reason for the rejection (the no_ff merge) if not no_ff and not $refs_or_closes_or_no_issue.match(message) puts "\n[POLICY] All commits to master must include an issue using \"refs #\" or" puts "\"closes #\", or specify \"no issue #\"\n" puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n" puts "\nOffending commit message:\n\n" puts message puts "\n******************************************************************\n" puts "\n\n" broken = true end end if broken exit 1 end end check_message_format