// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { Dispatch } from "redux"; import { RootState } from "~/store/store"; import { ServiceRepository } from "~/services/services"; import { setBreadcrumbs } from "~/store/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs-actions"; import { snackbarActions, SnackbarKind } from "~/store/snackbar/snackbar-actions"; import { LinkAccountType, AccountToLink, LinkAccountStatus } from "~/models/link-account"; import { saveApiToken, saveUser } from "~/store/auth/auth-action"; import { unionize, ofType, UnionOf } from '~/common/unionize'; import { UserResource } from "~/models/user"; import { GroupResource } from "~/models/group"; import { LinkAccountPanelError, OriginatingUser } from "./link-account-panel-reducer"; import { login, logout, setAuthorizationHeader } from "~/store/auth/auth-action"; import { progressIndicatorActions } from "~/store/progress-indicator/progress-indicator-actions"; import { WORKBENCH_LOADING_SCREEN } from '~/store/workbench/workbench-actions'; export const linkAccountPanelActions = unionize({ LINK_INIT: ofType<{ targetUser: UserResource | undefined }>(), LINK_LOAD: ofType<{ originatingUser: OriginatingUser | undefined, targetUser: UserResource | undefined, targetUserToken: string | undefined, userToLink: UserResource | undefined, userToLinkToken: string | undefined }>(), LINK_INVALID: ofType<{ originatingUser: OriginatingUser | undefined, targetUser: UserResource | undefined, userToLink: UserResource | undefined, error: LinkAccountPanelError }>(), SET_SELECTED_CLUSTER: ofType<{ selectedCluster: string }>(), SET_IS_PROCESSING: ofType<{ isProcessing: boolean}>(), HAS_SESSION_DATA: {} }); export type LinkAccountPanelAction = UnionOf; function validateLink(userToLink: UserResource, targetUser: UserResource) { if (userToLink.uuid === targetUser.uuid) { return LinkAccountPanelError.SAME_USER; } else if (userToLink.isAdmin && !targetUser.isAdmin) { return LinkAccountPanelError.NON_ADMIN; } else if (!targetUser.isActive) { return LinkAccountPanelError.INACTIVE; } return LinkAccountPanelError.NONE; } export const checkForLinkStatus = () => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const status = services.linkAccountService.getLinkOpStatus(); if (status !== undefined) { let msg: string; let msgKind: SnackbarKind; if (status.valueOf() === LinkAccountStatus.CANCELLED) { msg = "Account link cancelled!", msgKind = SnackbarKind.INFO; } else if (status.valueOf() === LinkAccountStatus.FAILED) { msg = "Account link failed!", msgKind = SnackbarKind.ERROR; } else if (status.valueOf() === LinkAccountStatus.SUCCESS) { msg = "Account link success!", msgKind = SnackbarKind.SUCCESS; } else { msg = "Unknown Error!", msgKind = SnackbarKind.ERROR; } dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: msg, kind: msgKind, hideDuration: 3000 })); services.linkAccountService.removeLinkOpStatus(); } }; export const switchUser = (user: UserResource, token: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(saveUser(user)); dispatch(saveApiToken(token)); }; export const linkFailed = () => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { // If the link fails, switch to the user account that originated the link operation const linkState = getState().linkAccountPanel; if (linkState.userToLink && linkState.userToLinkToken && linkState.targetUser && linkState.targetUserToken) { if (linkState.originatingUser === OriginatingUser.TARGET_USER) { dispatch(switchUser(linkState.targetUser, linkState.targetUserToken)); } else if ((linkState.originatingUser === OriginatingUser.USER_TO_LINK)) { dispatch(switchUser(linkState.userToLink, linkState.userToLinkToken)); } } services.linkAccountService.removeAccountToLink(); services.linkAccountService.saveLinkOpStatus(LinkAccountStatus.FAILED); location.reload(); }; export const loadLinkAccountPanel = () => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { try { // If there are remote hosts, set the initial selected cluster by getting the first cluster that isn't the local cluster if (getState().linkAccountPanel.selectedCluster === undefined) { const localCluster = getState().auth.localCluster; let selectedCluster = localCluster; for (const key in getState().auth.remoteHosts) { if (key !== localCluster) { selectedCluster = key; break; } } dispatch(linkAccountPanelActions.SET_SELECTED_CLUSTER({ selectedCluster })); } // First check if an account link operation has completed dispatch(checkForLinkStatus()); // Continue loading the link account panel dispatch(setBreadcrumbs([{ label: 'Link account'}])); const curUser = getState().auth.user; const curToken = getState().auth.apiToken; if (curUser && curToken) { // If there is link account session data, then the user has logged in a second time const linkAccountData = services.linkAccountService.getAccountToLink(); if (linkAccountData) { dispatch(linkAccountPanelActions.SET_IS_PROCESSING({ isProcessing: true })); const curUserResource = await services.userService.get(curUser.uuid); // Use the token of the user we are getting data for. This avoids any admin/non-admin permissions // issues since a user will always be able to query the api server for their own user data. setAuthorizationHeader(services, linkAccountData.token); const savedUserResource = await services.userService.get(linkAccountData.userUuid); setAuthorizationHeader(services, curToken); let params: any; if (linkAccountData.type === LinkAccountType.ACCESS_OTHER_ACCOUNT || linkAccountData.type === LinkAccountType.ACCESS_OTHER_REMOTE_ACCOUNT) { params = { originatingUser: OriginatingUser.USER_TO_LINK, targetUser: curUserResource, targetUserToken: curToken, userToLink: savedUserResource, userToLinkToken: linkAccountData.token }; } else if (linkAccountData.type === LinkAccountType.ADD_OTHER_LOGIN || linkAccountData.type === LinkAccountType.ADD_LOCAL_TO_REMOTE) { params = { originatingUser: OriginatingUser.TARGET_USER, targetUser: savedUserResource, targetUserToken: linkAccountData.token, userToLink: curUserResource, userToLinkToken: curToken }; } else { throw new Error("Unknown link account type"); } dispatch(switchUser(params.targetUser, params.targetUserToken)); const error = validateLink(params.userToLink, params.targetUser); if (error === LinkAccountPanelError.NONE) { dispatch(linkAccountPanelActions.LINK_LOAD(params)); } else { dispatch(linkAccountPanelActions.LINK_INVALID({ originatingUser: params.originatingUser, targetUser: params.targetUser, userToLink: params.userToLink, error})); return; } } else { // If there is no link account session data, set the state to invoke the initial UI const curUserResource = await services.userService.get(curUser.uuid); dispatch(linkAccountPanelActions.LINK_INIT({ targetUser: curUserResource })); return; } } } catch (e) { dispatch(linkFailed()); } finally { dispatch(linkAccountPanelActions.SET_IS_PROCESSING({ isProcessing: false })); } }; export const startLinking = (t: LinkAccountType) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const accountToLink = {type: t, userUuid: services.authService.getUuid(), token: services.authService.getApiToken()} as AccountToLink; services.linkAccountService.saveAccountToLink(accountToLink); const auth = getState().auth; const isLocalUser = auth.user!.uuid.substring(0,5) === auth.localCluster; let homeCluster = auth.localCluster; if (isLocalUser && t === LinkAccountType.ACCESS_OTHER_REMOTE_ACCOUNT) { homeCluster = getState().linkAccountPanel.selectedCluster!; } dispatch(logout()); dispatch(login(auth.localCluster, homeCluster, auth.remoteHosts)); }; export const getAccountLinkData = () => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { return services.linkAccountService.getAccountToLink(); }; export const cancelLinking = (reload: boolean = false) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { let user: UserResource | undefined; try { // When linking is cancelled switch to the originating user (i.e. the user saved in session data) dispatch(progressIndicatorActions.START_WORKING(WORKBENCH_LOADING_SCREEN)); const linkAccountData = services.linkAccountService.getAccountToLink(); if (linkAccountData) { services.linkAccountService.removeAccountToLink(); setAuthorizationHeader(services, linkAccountData.token); user = await services.userService.get(linkAccountData.userUuid); dispatch(switchUser(user, linkAccountData.token)); services.linkAccountService.saveLinkOpStatus(LinkAccountStatus.CANCELLED); } } finally { if (reload) { location.reload(); } else { dispatch(progressIndicatorActions.STOP_WORKING(WORKBENCH_LOADING_SCREEN)); } } }; export const linkAccount = () => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const linkState = getState().linkAccountPanel; if (linkState.userToLink && linkState.userToLinkToken && linkState.targetUser && linkState.targetUserToken) { // First create a project owned by the target user const projectName = `Migrated from ${linkState.userToLink.email} (${linkState.userToLink.uuid})`; let newGroup: GroupResource; try { newGroup = await services.projectService.create({ name: projectName, ensure_unique_name: true }); } catch (e) { dispatch(linkFailed()); throw e; } try { // The merge api links the user sending the request into the user // specified in the request, so change the authorization header accordingly setAuthorizationHeader(services, linkState.userToLinkToken); await services.linkAccountService.linkAccounts(linkState.targetUserToken, newGroup.uuid); dispatch(switchUser(linkState.targetUser, linkState.targetUserToken)); services.linkAccountService.removeAccountToLink(); services.linkAccountService.saveLinkOpStatus(LinkAccountStatus.SUCCESS); location.reload(); } catch(e) { // If the link operation fails, delete the previously made project try { setAuthorizationHeader(services, linkState.targetUserToken); await services.projectService.delete(newGroup.uuid); } finally { dispatch(linkFailed()); } throw e; } } };