#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script is intended to make Arvados installation easy. It will download the # latest copy of the Arvados docker images as well as the arvdock command. It # then uses arvdock to spin up Arvados on this computer. # # The latest version of this script is available at http://get.arvados.org, so that this # command does the right thing: # # $ \curl -sSL http://get.arvados.org | bash # # Prerequisites: working docker installation. Run this script as a user who is a member # of the docker group. COLUMNS=80 fail () { title "$*" exit 1 } title () { printf "\n%*s\n\n" $(((${#title}+$COLUMNS)/2)) "********** $1 **********" } docker_pull () { $DOCKER pull $* ECODE=$? if [[ "$ECODE" != "0" ]]; then title "$DOCKER pull $* failed" exit $ECODE fi } main () { \which which >/dev/null 2>&1 || fail "Error: could not find 'which' command." # find the docker binary DOCKER=`which docker.io` if [[ "$DOCKER" == "" ]]; then DOCKER=`which docker` fi if [[ "$DOCKER" == "" ]]; then fail "Error: you need to have docker installed. Could not find the docker executable." fi echo echo "If necessary, this command will download the latest arvados docker images." echo "The download can take a long time, depending on the speed of your internet connection." echo "When the images are downloaded, it will then start an Arvados environment on this computer." echo docker_pull arvados/workbench docker_pull arvados/doc docker_pull arvados/keep docker_pull arvados/shell docker_pull arvados/compute docker_pull arvados/keep docker_pull arvados/api docker_pull crosbymichael/skydns docker_pull crosbymichael/skydock # Now download arvdock and start the containers echo echo Downloading arvdock echo \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/curoverse/arvados/master/docker/arvdock -o arvdock chmod 755 arvdock echo echo Starting the docker containers echo ./arvdock start echo To stop the containers, run echo echo ./arvdock stop echo } main