// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { createTheme, adaptV4Theme } from '@mui/material/styles'; import { StyleRulesCallback } from '@mui/styles'; import { DeprecatedThemeOptions, Theme } from '@mui/material/styles'; import { blue, grey, green, yellow, red } from '@mui/material/colors'; export interface ArvadosThemeOptions extends DeprecatedThemeOptions { customs: any; } export interface ArvadosTheme extends Theme { customs: { colors: Colors }; } export type CustomStyleRulesCallback = StyleRulesCallback interface Colors { green700: string; green800: string; yellow100: string; yellow700: string; yellow900: string; red100: string; red900: string; blue500: string; blue700: string; grey500: string; grey600: string; grey700: string; grey900: string; purple: string; orange: string; greyL: string; greyD: string; darkblue: string; } /** * arvadosGreyLight is the hex equivalent of rgba(0,0,0,0.87) on #fafafa background and arvadosGreyDark is the hex equivalent of rgab(0,0,0,0.54) on #fafafa background */ const arvadosDarkBlue = '#052a3c'; const arvadosGreyLight = '#737373'; const arvadosGreyDark = '#212121'; const grey500 = grey["500"]; const grey600 = grey["600"]; const grey700 = grey["700"]; const grey800 = grey["800"]; const grey900 = grey["900"]; export const themeOptions: ArvadosThemeOptions = { customs: { colors: { green700: green["700"], green800: green["800"], yellow100: yellow["100"], yellow700: yellow["700"], yellow900: yellow["900"], red100: red["100"], red900: red['900'], blue500: blue['500'], blue700: blue['700'], grey500: grey500, grey600: grey600, grey700: grey700, grey800: grey800, grey900: grey900, darkblue: arvadosDarkBlue, orange: '#f0ad4e', greyL: arvadosGreyLight, greyD: arvadosGreyDark, } }, overrides: { MuiTypography: { body1: { fontSize: '0.875rem' } }, MuiAppBar: { colorPrimary: { backgroundColor: arvadosDarkBlue } }, MuiTabs: { root: { color: grey600 }, indicator: { backgroundColor: arvadosDarkBlue } }, MuiTab: { root: { '&$selected': { fontWeight: 700, } } }, MuiList: { root: { color: grey900 } }, MuiListItem: { root: { color: grey900 } }, MuiListItemText: { root: { padding: 0 } }, MuiListItemIcon: { root: { fontSize: '1.25rem', } }, MuiCardHeader: { avatar: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }, title: { color: arvadosGreyDark, fontSize: '1.25rem' } }, MuiAccordion: { root: { "&$expanded": { "marginTop": "8px" }, }, }, MuiAccordionDetails: { root: { marginBottom: 0, paddingBottom: '4px', } }, MuiAccordionSummary: { content: { '&$expanded': { margin: 0, }, color: grey700, fontSize: '1.25rem', margin: 0, }, expanded: {}, }, MuiMenuItem: { root: { padding: '8px 16px' } }, MuiInput: { root: { fontSize: '0.875rem' }, underline: { '&:after': { borderBottomColor: arvadosDarkBlue }, '&:hover:not($disabled):not($focused):not($error):before': { borderBottom: '1px solid inherit' } } }, MuiFormLabel: { root: { fontSize: '0.875rem', "&$focused": { "&$focused:not($error)": { color: arvadosDarkBlue } } } }, MuiStepIcon: { root: { '&$active': { color: arvadosDarkBlue }, '&$completed': { color: 'inherited' }, } }, MuiLinearProgress: { barColorSecondary: { backgroundColor: red['700'] } }, }, mixins: { toolbar: { minHeight: '48px' } }, palette: { primary: { main: '#017ead', dark: '#015272', light: '#82cffd', contrastText: '#fff' } }, }; export const CustomTheme = createTheme(adaptV4Theme(themeOptions));