// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0

// Tests for Keep HTTP handlers:
//     GetBlockHandler
//     PutBlockHandler
//     IndexHandler
// The HTTP handlers are responsible for enforcing permission policy,
// so these tests must exercise all possible permission permutations.

package main

import (


// A RequestTester represents the parameters for an HTTP request to
// be issued on behalf of a unit test.
type RequestTester struct {
	uri         string
	apiToken    string
	method      string
	requestBody []byte

// Test GetBlockHandler on the following situations:
//   - permissions off, unauthenticated request, unsigned locator
//   - permissions on, authenticated request, signed locator
//   - permissions on, authenticated request, unsigned locator
//   - permissions on, unauthenticated request, signed locator
//   - permissions on, authenticated request, expired locator
func TestGetHandler(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	// Prepare two test Keep volumes. Our block is stored on the second volume.
	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(2)
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	vols := KeepVM.AllWritable()
	if err := vols[0].Put(context.Background(), TestHash, TestBlock); err != nil {

	// Create locators for testing.
	// Turn on permission settings so we can generate signed locators.
	theConfig.RequireSignatures = true
	theConfig.blobSigningKey = []byte(knownKey)

	var (
		unsignedLocator  = "/" + TestHash
		validTimestamp   = time.Now().Add(theConfig.BlobSignatureTTL.Duration())
		expiredTimestamp = time.Now().Add(-time.Hour)
		signedLocator    = "/" + SignLocator(TestHash, knownToken, validTimestamp)
		expiredLocator   = "/" + SignLocator(TestHash, knownToken, expiredTimestamp)

	// -----------------
	// Test unauthenticated request with permissions off.
	theConfig.RequireSignatures = false

	// Unauthenticated request, unsigned locator
	// => OK
	response := IssueRequest(
			method: "GET",
			uri:    unsignedLocator,
		"Unauthenticated request, unsigned locator", http.StatusOK, response)
		"Unauthenticated request, unsigned locator",

	receivedLen := response.Header().Get("Content-Length")
	expectedLen := fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(TestBlock))
	if receivedLen != expectedLen {
		t.Errorf("expected Content-Length %s, got %s", expectedLen, receivedLen)

	// ----------------
	// Permissions: on.
	theConfig.RequireSignatures = true

	// Authenticated request, signed locator
	// => OK
	response = IssueRequest(&RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      signedLocator,
		apiToken: knownToken,
		"Authenticated request, signed locator", http.StatusOK, response)
		"Authenticated request, signed locator", string(TestBlock), response)

	receivedLen = response.Header().Get("Content-Length")
	expectedLen = fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(TestBlock))
	if receivedLen != expectedLen {
		t.Errorf("expected Content-Length %s, got %s", expectedLen, receivedLen)

	// Authenticated request, unsigned locator
	// => PermissionError
	response = IssueRequest(&RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      unsignedLocator,
		apiToken: knownToken,
	ExpectStatusCode(t, "unsigned locator", PermissionError.HTTPCode, response)

	// Unauthenticated request, signed locator
	// => PermissionError
	response = IssueRequest(&RequestTester{
		method: "GET",
		uri:    signedLocator,
		"Unauthenticated request, signed locator",
		PermissionError.HTTPCode, response)

	// Authenticated request, expired locator
	// => ExpiredError
	response = IssueRequest(&RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      expiredLocator,
		apiToken: knownToken,
		"Authenticated request, expired locator",
		ExpiredError.HTTPCode, response)

// Test PutBlockHandler on the following situations:
//   - no server key
//   - with server key, authenticated request, unsigned locator
//   - with server key, unauthenticated request, unsigned locator
func TestPutHandler(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	// Prepare two test Keep volumes.
	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(2)
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	// --------------
	// No server key.

	// Unauthenticated request, no server key
	// => OK (unsigned response)
	unsignedLocator := "/" + TestHash
	response := IssueRequest(
			method:      "PUT",
			uri:         unsignedLocator,
			requestBody: TestBlock,

		"Unauthenticated request, no server key", http.StatusOK, response)
		"Unauthenticated request, no server key",
		TestHashPutResp, response)

	// ------------------
	// With a server key.

	theConfig.blobSigningKey = []byte(knownKey)

	// When a permission key is available, the locator returned
	// from an authenticated PUT request will be signed.

	// Authenticated PUT, signed locator
	// => OK (signed response)
	response = IssueRequest(
			method:      "PUT",
			uri:         unsignedLocator,
			requestBody: TestBlock,
			apiToken:    knownToken,

		"Authenticated PUT, signed locator, with server key",
		http.StatusOK, response)
	responseLocator := strings.TrimSpace(response.Body.String())
	if VerifySignature(responseLocator, knownToken) != nil {
		t.Errorf("Authenticated PUT, signed locator, with server key:\n"+
			"response '%s' does not contain a valid signature",

	// Unauthenticated PUT, unsigned locator
	// => OK
	response = IssueRequest(
			method:      "PUT",
			uri:         unsignedLocator,
			requestBody: TestBlock,

		"Unauthenticated PUT, unsigned locator, with server key",
		http.StatusOK, response)
		"Unauthenticated PUT, unsigned locator, with server key",
		TestHashPutResp, response)

func TestPutAndDeleteSkipReadonlyVolumes(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()
	theConfig.systemAuthToken = "fake-data-manager-token"
	vols := []*MockVolume{CreateMockVolume(), CreateMockVolume()}
	vols[0].Readonly = true
	KeepVM = MakeRRVolumeManager([]Volume{vols[0], vols[1]})
	defer KeepVM.Close()
			method:      "PUT",
			uri:         "/" + TestHash,
			requestBody: TestBlock,
	defer func(orig bool) {
		theConfig.EnableDelete = orig
	theConfig.EnableDelete = true
			method:      "DELETE",
			uri:         "/" + TestHash,
			requestBody: TestBlock,
			apiToken:    theConfig.systemAuthToken,
	type expect struct {
		volnum    int
		method    string
		callcount int
	for _, e := range []expect{
		{0, "Get", 0},
		{0, "Compare", 0},
		{0, "Touch", 0},
		{0, "Put", 0},
		{0, "Delete", 0},
		{1, "Get", 0},
		{1, "Compare", 1},
		{1, "Touch", 1},
		{1, "Put", 1},
		{1, "Delete", 1},
	} {
		if calls := vols[e.volnum].CallCount(e.method); calls != e.callcount {
			t.Errorf("Got %d %s() on vol %d, expect %d", calls, e.method, e.volnum, e.callcount)

// Test /index requests:
//   - unauthenticated /index request
//   - unauthenticated /index/prefix request
//   - authenticated   /index request        | non-superuser
//   - authenticated   /index/prefix request | non-superuser
//   - authenticated   /index request        | superuser
//   - authenticated   /index/prefix request | superuser
// The only /index requests that should succeed are those issued by the
// superuser. They should pass regardless of the value of RequireSignatures.
func TestIndexHandler(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	// Set up Keep volumes and populate them.
	// Include multiple blocks on different volumes, and
	// some metadata files (which should be omitted from index listings)
	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(2)
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	vols := KeepVM.AllWritable()
	vols[0].Put(context.Background(), TestHash, TestBlock)
	vols[1].Put(context.Background(), TestHash2, TestBlock2)
	vols[0].Put(context.Background(), TestHash+".meta", []byte("metadata"))
	vols[1].Put(context.Background(), TestHash2+".meta", []byte("metadata"))

	theConfig.systemAuthToken = "DATA MANAGER TOKEN"

	unauthenticatedReq := &RequestTester{
		method: "GET",
		uri:    "/index",
	authenticatedReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      "/index",
		apiToken: knownToken,
	superuserReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      "/index",
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,
	unauthPrefixReq := &RequestTester{
		method: "GET",
		uri:    "/index/" + TestHash[0:3],
	authPrefixReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      "/index/" + TestHash[0:3],
		apiToken: knownToken,
	superuserPrefixReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      "/index/" + TestHash[0:3],
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,
	superuserNoSuchPrefixReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      "/index/abcd",
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,
	superuserInvalidPrefixReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      "/index/xyz",
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// Only the superuser should be allowed to issue /index requests.

	// ---------------------------
	// RequireSignatures enabled
	// This setting should not affect tests passing.
	theConfig.RequireSignatures = true

	// unauthenticated /index request
	// => UnauthorizedError
	response := IssueRequest(unauthenticatedReq)
		"RequireSignatures on, unauthenticated request",

	// unauthenticated /index/prefix request
	// => UnauthorizedError
	response = IssueRequest(unauthPrefixReq)
		"permissions on, unauthenticated /index/prefix request",

	// authenticated /index request, non-superuser
	// => UnauthorizedError
	response = IssueRequest(authenticatedReq)
		"permissions on, authenticated request, non-superuser",

	// authenticated /index/prefix request, non-superuser
	// => UnauthorizedError
	response = IssueRequest(authPrefixReq)
		"permissions on, authenticated /index/prefix request, non-superuser",

	// superuser /index request
	// => OK
	response = IssueRequest(superuserReq)
		"permissions on, superuser request",

	// ----------------------------
	// RequireSignatures disabled
	// Valid Request should still pass.
	theConfig.RequireSignatures = false

	// superuser /index request
	// => OK
	response = IssueRequest(superuserReq)
		"permissions on, superuser request",

	expected := `^` + TestHash + `\+\d+ \d+\n` +
		TestHash2 + `\+\d+ \d+\n\n$`
	match, _ := regexp.MatchString(expected, response.Body.String())
	if !match {
			"permissions on, superuser request: expected %s, got:\n%s",
			expected, response.Body.String())

	// superuser /index/prefix request
	// => OK
	response = IssueRequest(superuserPrefixReq)
		"permissions on, superuser request",

	expected = `^` + TestHash + `\+\d+ \d+\n\n$`
	match, _ = regexp.MatchString(expected, response.Body.String())
	if !match {
			"permissions on, superuser /index/prefix request: expected %s, got:\n%s",
			expected, response.Body.String())

	// superuser /index/{no-such-prefix} request
	// => OK
	response = IssueRequest(superuserNoSuchPrefixReq)
		"permissions on, superuser request",

	if "\n" != response.Body.String() {
		t.Errorf("Expected empty response for %s. Found %s", superuserNoSuchPrefixReq.uri, response.Body.String())

	// superuser /index/{invalid-prefix} request
	// => StatusBadRequest
	response = IssueRequest(superuserInvalidPrefixReq)
		"permissions on, superuser request",

// TestDeleteHandler
// Cases tested:
//   With no token and with a non-data-manager token:
//   * Delete existing block
//     (test for 403 Forbidden, confirm block not deleted)
//   With data manager token:
//   * Delete existing block
//     (test for 200 OK, response counts, confirm block deleted)
//   * Delete nonexistent block
//     (test for 200 OK, response counts)
//   TODO(twp):
//   * Delete block on read-only and read-write volume
//     (test for 200 OK, response with copies_deleted=1,
//     copies_failed=1, confirm block deleted only on r/w volume)
//   * Delete block on read-only volume only
//     (test for 200 OK, response with copies_deleted=0, copies_failed=1,
//     confirm block not deleted)
func TestDeleteHandler(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	// Set up Keep volumes and populate them.
	// Include multiple blocks on different volumes, and
	// some metadata files (which should be omitted from index listings)
	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(2)
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	vols := KeepVM.AllWritable()
	vols[0].Put(context.Background(), TestHash, TestBlock)

	// Explicitly set the BlobSignatureTTL to 0 for these
	// tests, to ensure the MockVolume deletes the blocks
	// even though they have just been created.
	theConfig.BlobSignatureTTL = arvados.Duration(0)

	var userToken = "NOT DATA MANAGER TOKEN"
	theConfig.systemAuthToken = "DATA MANAGER TOKEN"

	theConfig.EnableDelete = true

	unauthReq := &RequestTester{
		method: "DELETE",
		uri:    "/" + TestHash,

	userReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "DELETE",
		uri:      "/" + TestHash,
		apiToken: userToken,

	superuserExistingBlockReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "DELETE",
		uri:      "/" + TestHash,
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,

	superuserNonexistentBlockReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "DELETE",
		uri:      "/" + TestHash2,
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,

	// Unauthenticated request returns PermissionError.
	var response *httptest.ResponseRecorder
	response = IssueRequest(unauthReq)
		"unauthenticated request",

	// Authenticated non-admin request returns PermissionError.
	response = IssueRequest(userReq)
		"authenticated non-admin request",

	// Authenticated admin request for nonexistent block.
	type deletecounter struct {
		Deleted int `json:"copies_deleted"`
		Failed  int `json:"copies_failed"`
	var responseDc, expectedDc deletecounter

	response = IssueRequest(superuserNonexistentBlockReq)
		"data manager request, nonexistent block",

	// Authenticated admin request for existing block while EnableDelete is false.
	theConfig.EnableDelete = false
	response = IssueRequest(superuserExistingBlockReq)
		"authenticated request, existing block, method disabled",
	theConfig.EnableDelete = true

	// Authenticated admin request for existing block.
	response = IssueRequest(superuserExistingBlockReq)
		"data manager request, existing block",
	// Expect response {"copies_deleted":1,"copies_failed":0}
	expectedDc = deletecounter{1, 0}
	if responseDc != expectedDc {
		t.Errorf("superuserExistingBlockReq\nexpected: %+v\nreceived: %+v",
			expectedDc, responseDc)
	// Confirm the block has been deleted
	buf := make([]byte, BlockSize)
	_, err := vols[0].Get(context.Background(), TestHash, buf)
	var blockDeleted = os.IsNotExist(err)
	if !blockDeleted {
		t.Error("superuserExistingBlockReq: block not deleted")

	// A DELETE request on a block newer than BlobSignatureTTL
	// should return success but leave the block on the volume.
	vols[0].Put(context.Background(), TestHash, TestBlock)
	theConfig.BlobSignatureTTL = arvados.Duration(time.Hour)

	response = IssueRequest(superuserExistingBlockReq)
		"data manager request, existing block",
	// Expect response {"copies_deleted":1,"copies_failed":0}
	expectedDc = deletecounter{1, 0}
	if responseDc != expectedDc {
		t.Errorf("superuserExistingBlockReq\nexpected: %+v\nreceived: %+v",
			expectedDc, responseDc)
	// Confirm the block has NOT been deleted.
	_, err = vols[0].Get(context.Background(), TestHash, buf)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("testing delete on new block: %s\n", err)

// TestPullHandler
// Test handling of the PUT /pull statement.
// Cases tested: syntactically valid and invalid pull lists, from the
// data manager and from unprivileged users:
//   1. Valid pull list from an ordinary user
//      (expected result: 401 Unauthorized)
//   2. Invalid pull request from an ordinary user
//      (expected result: 401 Unauthorized)
//   3. Valid pull request from the data manager
//      (expected result: 200 OK with request body "Received 3 pull
//      requests"
//   4. Invalid pull request from the data manager
//      (expected result: 400 Bad Request)
// Test that in the end, the pull manager received a good pull list with
// the expected number of requests.
// TODO(twp): test concurrency: launch 100 goroutines to update the
// pull list simultaneously.  Make sure that none of them return 400
// Bad Request and that pullq.GetList() returns a valid list.
func TestPullHandler(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	var userToken = "USER TOKEN"
	theConfig.systemAuthToken = "DATA MANAGER TOKEN"

	pullq = NewWorkQueue()

	goodJSON := []byte(`[

	badJSON := []byte(`{ "key":"I'm a little teapot" }`)

	type pullTest struct {
		name         string
		req          RequestTester
		responseCode int
		responseBody string
	var testcases = []pullTest{
			"Valid pull list from an ordinary user",
			RequestTester{"/pull", userToken, "PUT", goodJSON},
			"Invalid pull request from an ordinary user",
			RequestTester{"/pull", userToken, "PUT", badJSON},
			"Valid pull request from the data manager",
			RequestTester{"/pull", theConfig.systemAuthToken, "PUT", goodJSON},
			"Received 3 pull requests\n",
			"Invalid pull request from the data manager",
			RequestTester{"/pull", theConfig.systemAuthToken, "PUT", badJSON},

	for _, tst := range testcases {
		response := IssueRequest(&tst.req)
		ExpectStatusCode(t, tst.name, tst.responseCode, response)
		ExpectBody(t, tst.name, tst.responseBody, response)

	// The Keep pull manager should have received one good list with 3
	// requests on it.
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		item := <-pullq.NextItem
		if _, ok := item.(PullRequest); !ok {
			t.Errorf("item %v could not be parsed as a PullRequest", item)

	expectChannelEmpty(t, pullq.NextItem)

// TestTrashHandler
// Test cases:
// Cases tested: syntactically valid and invalid trash lists, from the
// data manager and from unprivileged users:
//   1. Valid trash list from an ordinary user
//      (expected result: 401 Unauthorized)
//   2. Invalid trash list from an ordinary user
//      (expected result: 401 Unauthorized)
//   3. Valid trash list from the data manager
//      (expected result: 200 OK with request body "Received 3 trash
//      requests"
//   4. Invalid trash list from the data manager
//      (expected result: 400 Bad Request)
// Test that in the end, the trash collector received a good list
// trash list with the expected number of requests.
// TODO(twp): test concurrency: launch 100 goroutines to update the
// pull list simultaneously.  Make sure that none of them return 400
// Bad Request and that replica.Dump() returns a valid list.
func TestTrashHandler(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	var userToken = "USER TOKEN"
	theConfig.systemAuthToken = "DATA MANAGER TOKEN"

	trashq = NewWorkQueue()

	goodJSON := []byte(`[

	badJSON := []byte(`I am not a valid JSON string`)

	type trashTest struct {
		name         string
		req          RequestTester
		responseCode int
		responseBody string

	var testcases = []trashTest{
			"Valid trash list from an ordinary user",
			RequestTester{"/trash", userToken, "PUT", goodJSON},
			"Invalid trash list from an ordinary user",
			RequestTester{"/trash", userToken, "PUT", badJSON},
			"Valid trash list from the data manager",
			RequestTester{"/trash", theConfig.systemAuthToken, "PUT", goodJSON},
			"Received 3 trash requests\n",
			"Invalid trash list from the data manager",
			RequestTester{"/trash", theConfig.systemAuthToken, "PUT", badJSON},

	for _, tst := range testcases {
		response := IssueRequest(&tst.req)
		ExpectStatusCode(t, tst.name, tst.responseCode, response)
		ExpectBody(t, tst.name, tst.responseBody, response)

	// The trash collector should have received one good list with 3
	// requests on it.
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		item := <-trashq.NextItem
		if _, ok := item.(TrashRequest); !ok {
			t.Errorf("item %v could not be parsed as a TrashRequest", item)

	expectChannelEmpty(t, trashq.NextItem)

// ====================
// Helper functions
// ====================

// IssueTestRequest executes an HTTP request described by rt, to a
// REST router.  It returns the HTTP response to the request.
func IssueRequest(rt *RequestTester) *httptest.ResponseRecorder {
	response := httptest.NewRecorder()
	body := bytes.NewReader(rt.requestBody)
	req, _ := http.NewRequest(rt.method, rt.uri, body)
	if rt.apiToken != "" {
		req.Header.Set("Authorization", "OAuth2 "+rt.apiToken)
	loggingRouter := MakeRESTRouter()
	loggingRouter.ServeHTTP(response, req)
	return response

func IssueHealthCheckRequest(rt *RequestTester) *httptest.ResponseRecorder {
	response := httptest.NewRecorder()
	body := bytes.NewReader(rt.requestBody)
	req, _ := http.NewRequest(rt.method, rt.uri, body)
	if rt.apiToken != "" {
		req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+rt.apiToken)
	loggingRouter := MakeRESTRouter()
	loggingRouter.ServeHTTP(response, req)
	return response

// ExpectStatusCode checks whether a response has the specified status code,
// and reports a test failure if not.
func ExpectStatusCode(
	t *testing.T,
	testname string,
	expectedStatus int,
	response *httptest.ResponseRecorder) {
	if response.Code != expectedStatus {
		t.Errorf("%s: expected status %d, got %+v",
			testname, expectedStatus, response)

func ExpectBody(
	t *testing.T,
	testname string,
	expectedBody string,
	response *httptest.ResponseRecorder) {
	if expectedBody != "" && response.Body.String() != expectedBody {
		t.Errorf("%s: expected response body '%s', got %+v",
			testname, expectedBody, response)

// See #7121
func TestPutNeedsOnlyOneBuffer(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()
	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(1)
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	defer func(orig *bufferPool) {
		bufs = orig
	bufs = newBufferPool(1, BlockSize)

	ok := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
			response := IssueRequest(
					method:      "PUT",
					uri:         "/" + TestHash,
					requestBody: TestBlock,
				"TestPutNeedsOnlyOneBuffer", http.StatusOK, response)
		ok <- struct{}{}

	select {
	case <-ok:
	case <-time.After(time.Second):
		t.Fatal("PUT deadlocks with MaxBuffers==1")

// Invoke the PutBlockHandler a bunch of times to test for bufferpool resource
// leak.
func TestPutHandlerNoBufferleak(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	// Prepare two test Keep volumes.
	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(2)
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	ok := make(chan bool)
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < theConfig.MaxBuffers+1; i++ {
			// Unauthenticated request, no server key
			// => OK (unsigned response)
			unsignedLocator := "/" + TestHash
			response := IssueRequest(
					method:      "PUT",
					uri:         unsignedLocator,
					requestBody: TestBlock,
				"TestPutHandlerBufferleak", http.StatusOK, response)
				TestHashPutResp, response)
		ok <- true
	select {
	case <-time.After(20 * time.Second):
		// If the buffer pool leaks, the test goroutine hangs.
		t.Fatal("test did not finish, assuming pool leaked")
	case <-ok:

type notifyingResponseRecorder struct {
	closer chan bool

func (r *notifyingResponseRecorder) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
	return r.closer

func TestGetHandlerClientDisconnect(t *testing.T) {
	defer func(was bool) {
		theConfig.RequireSignatures = was
	theConfig.RequireSignatures = false

	defer func(orig *bufferPool) {
		bufs = orig
	bufs = newBufferPool(1, BlockSize)
	defer bufs.Put(bufs.Get(BlockSize))

	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(2)
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	if err := KeepVM.AllWritable()[0].Put(context.Background(), TestHash, TestBlock); err != nil {

	resp := &notifyingResponseRecorder{
		ResponseRecorder: httptest.NewRecorder(),
		closer:           make(chan bool, 1),
	if _, ok := http.ResponseWriter(resp).(http.CloseNotifier); !ok {
		t.Fatal("notifyingResponseRecorder is broken")
	// If anyone asks, the client has disconnected.
	resp.closer <- true

	ok := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/%s+%d", TestHash, len(TestBlock)), nil)
		(&LoggingRESTRouter{router: MakeRESTRouter()}).ServeHTTP(resp, req)
		ok <- struct{}{}

	select {
	case <-time.After(20 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("request took >20s, close notifier must be broken")
	case <-ok:

	ExpectStatusCode(t, "client disconnect", http.StatusServiceUnavailable, resp.ResponseRecorder)
	for i, v := range KeepVM.AllWritable() {
		if calls := v.(*MockVolume).called["GET"]; calls != 0 {
			t.Errorf("volume %d got %d calls, expected 0", i, calls)

// Invoke the GetBlockHandler a bunch of times to test for bufferpool resource
// leak.
func TestGetHandlerNoBufferLeak(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	// Prepare two test Keep volumes. Our block is stored on the second volume.
	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(2)
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	vols := KeepVM.AllWritable()
	if err := vols[0].Put(context.Background(), TestHash, TestBlock); err != nil {

	ok := make(chan bool)
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < theConfig.MaxBuffers+1; i++ {
			// Unauthenticated request, unsigned locator
			// => OK
			unsignedLocator := "/" + TestHash
			response := IssueRequest(
					method: "GET",
					uri:    unsignedLocator,
				"Unauthenticated request, unsigned locator", http.StatusOK, response)
				"Unauthenticated request, unsigned locator",
		ok <- true
	select {
	case <-time.After(20 * time.Second):
		// If the buffer pool leaks, the test goroutine hangs.
		t.Fatal("test did not finish, assuming pool leaked")
	case <-ok:

func TestPutReplicationHeader(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(2)
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	resp := IssueRequest(&RequestTester{
		method:      "PUT",
		uri:         "/" + TestHash,
		requestBody: TestBlock,
	if r := resp.Header().Get("X-Keep-Replicas-Stored"); r != "1" {
		t.Errorf("Got X-Keep-Replicas-Stored: %q, expected %q", r, "1")

func TestUntrashHandler(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	// Set up Keep volumes
	KeepVM = MakeTestVolumeManager(2)
	defer KeepVM.Close()
	vols := KeepVM.AllWritable()
	vols[0].Put(context.Background(), TestHash, TestBlock)

	theConfig.systemAuthToken = "DATA MANAGER TOKEN"

	// unauthenticatedReq => UnauthorizedError
	unauthenticatedReq := &RequestTester{
		method: "PUT",
		uri:    "/untrash/" + TestHash,
	response := IssueRequest(unauthenticatedReq)
		"Unauthenticated request",

	// notDataManagerReq => UnauthorizedError
	notDataManagerReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "PUT",
		uri:      "/untrash/" + TestHash,
		apiToken: knownToken,

	response = IssueRequest(notDataManagerReq)
		"Non-datamanager token",

	// datamanagerWithBadHashReq => StatusBadRequest
	datamanagerWithBadHashReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "PUT",
		uri:      "/untrash/thisisnotalocator",
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,
	response = IssueRequest(datamanagerWithBadHashReq)
		"Bad locator in untrash request",

	// datamanagerWrongMethodReq => StatusBadRequest
	datamanagerWrongMethodReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      "/untrash/" + TestHash,
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,
	response = IssueRequest(datamanagerWrongMethodReq)
		"Only PUT method is supported for untrash",

	// datamanagerReq => StatusOK
	datamanagerReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "PUT",
		uri:      "/untrash/" + TestHash,
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,
	response = IssueRequest(datamanagerReq)
	expected := "Successfully untrashed on: [MockVolume],[MockVolume]"
	if response.Body.String() != expected {
			"Untrash response mismatched: expected %s, got:\n%s",
			expected, response.Body.String())

func TestUntrashHandlerWithNoWritableVolumes(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	// Set up readonly Keep volumes
	vols := []*MockVolume{CreateMockVolume(), CreateMockVolume()}
	vols[0].Readonly = true
	vols[1].Readonly = true
	KeepVM = MakeRRVolumeManager([]Volume{vols[0], vols[1]})
	defer KeepVM.Close()

	theConfig.systemAuthToken = "DATA MANAGER TOKEN"

	// datamanagerReq => StatusOK
	datamanagerReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "PUT",
		uri:      "/untrash/" + TestHash,
		apiToken: theConfig.systemAuthToken,
	response := IssueRequest(datamanagerReq)
		"No writable volumes",

func TestHealthCheckPing(t *testing.T) {
	theConfig.ManagementToken = arvadostest.ManagementToken
	pingReq := &RequestTester{
		method:   "GET",
		uri:      "/_health/ping",
		apiToken: arvadostest.ManagementToken,
	response := IssueHealthCheckRequest(pingReq)
	want := `{"health":"OK"}`
	if !strings.Contains(response.Body.String(), want) {
		t.Errorf("expected response to include %s: got %s", want, response.Body.String())