import {Workflow} from "../.."; import {PluginBase} from "../plugin-base"; import {EdgePanner} from "../../behaviors/edge-panning"; export interface ConstructorParams { movementSpeed?: number, scrollMargin?: number } /** * This plugin makes node dragging and movement possible. * * @FIXME: attach events for before and after change */ export class SVGNodeMovePlugin extends PluginBase { /** Difference in movement on the X axis since drag start, adapted for scale and possibly panned distance */ private sdx: number; /** Difference in movement on the Y axis since drag start, adapted for scale and possibly panned distance */ private sdy: number; /** Stored onDragStart so we can put node to a fixed position determined by startX + ∆x */ private startX?: number; /** Stored onDragStart so we can put node to a fixed position determined by startY + ∆y */ private startY?: number; /** How far from the edge of the viewport does mouse need to be before panning is triggered */ private scrollMargin = 50; /** How fast does workflow move while panning */ private movementSpeed = 10; /** Holds an element that is currently being dragged. Stored onDragStart and translated afterwards. */ private movingNode?: SVGGElement; /** Stored onDragStart to detect collision with viewport edges */ private boundingClientRect?: ClientRect; /** Cache input edges and their parsed bezier curve parameters so we don't query for them on each mouse move */ private inputEdges?: Map; /** Cache output edges and their parsed bezier curve parameters so we don't query for them on each mouse move */ private outputEdges?: Map; /** Workflow panning at the time of onDragStart, used to adjust ∆x and ∆y while panning */ private startWorkflowTranslation?: { x: number, y: number }; private wheelPrevent = (ev: any) => ev.stopPropagation(); private boundMoveHandler = this.onMove.bind(this); private boundMoveStartHandler = this.onMoveStart.bind(this); private boundMoveEndHandler = this.onMoveEnd.bind(this); private detachDragListenerFn: any = undefined; private edgePanner: EdgePanner; constructor(parameters: ConstructorParams = {}) { super(); Object.assign(this, parameters); } onEditableStateChange(enabled: boolean): void { if (enabled) { this.attachDrag(); } else { this.detachDrag(); } } afterRender() { if (this.workflow.editingEnabled) { this.attachDrag(); } } destroy(): void { this.detachDrag(); } registerWorkflow(workflow: Workflow): void { super.registerWorkflow(workflow); this.edgePanner = new EdgePanner(this.workflow, { scrollMargin: this.scrollMargin, movementSpeed: this.movementSpeed }); } private detachDrag() { if (typeof this.detachDragListenerFn === "function") { this.detachDragListenerFn(); } this.detachDragListenerFn = undefined; } private attachDrag() { this.detachDrag(); this.detachDragListenerFn = this.workflow.domEvents.drag( ".node .core", this.boundMoveHandler, this.boundMoveStartHandler, this.boundMoveEndHandler ); } private getWorkflowMatrix(): SVGMatrix { return this.workflow.workflow.transform.baseVal.getItem(0).matrix; } private onMove(dx: number, dy: number, ev: MouseEvent): void { /** We will use workflow scale to determine how our mouse movement translate to svg proportions */ const scale = this.workflow.scale; /** Need to know how far did the workflow itself move since when we started dragging */ const matrixMovement = { x: this.getWorkflowMatrix().e - this.startWorkflowTranslation!.x, y: this.getWorkflowMatrix().f - this.startWorkflowTranslation!.y }; /** We might have hit the boundary and need to start panning */ this.edgePanner.triggerCollisionDetection(ev.clientX, ev.clientY, (sdx, sdy) => { this.sdx += sdx; this.sdy += sdy; this.translateNodeBy(this.movingNode!, sdx, sdy); this.redrawEdges(this.sdx, this.sdy); }); /** * We need to store scaled ∆x and ∆y because this is not the only place from which node is being moved. * If mouse is outside the viewport, and the workflow is panning, startScroll will continue moving * this node, so it needs to know where to start from and update it, so this method can take * over when mouse gets back to the viewport. * * If there was no handoff, node would jump back and forth to * last positions for each movement initiator separately. */ this.sdx = (dx - matrixMovement.x) / scale; this.sdy = (dy - matrixMovement.y) / scale; const moveX = this.sdx + this.startX!; const moveY = this.sdy + this.startY!; this.translateNodeTo(this.movingNode!, moveX, moveY); this.redrawEdges(this.sdx, this.sdy); } /** * Triggered from {@link attachDrag} when drag starts. * This method initializes properties that are needed for calculations during movement. */ private onMoveStart(event: MouseEvent, handle: SVGGElement): void { /** We will query the SVG dom for edges that we need to move, so store svg element for easy access */ const svg = this.workflow.svgRoot; document.addEventListener("mousewheel", this.wheelPrevent, true); /** Our drag handle is not the whole node because that would include ports and labels, but a child of it*/ const node = handle.parentNode as SVGGElement; /** Store initial transform values so we know how much we've moved relative from the starting position */ const nodeMatrix = node.transform.baseVal.getItem(0).matrix; this.startX = nodeMatrix.e; this.startY = nodeMatrix.f; /** We have to query for edges that are attached to this node because we will move them as well */ const nodeID = node.getAttribute("data-id"); /** * When user drags the node to the edge and waits while workflow pans to the side, * mouse movement stops, but workflow movement starts. * We then utilize this to get movement ∆ of the workflow, and use that for translation instead. */ this.startWorkflowTranslation = { x: this.getWorkflowMatrix().e, y: this.getWorkflowMatrix().f }; /** Used to determine whether dragged node is hitting the edge, so we can pan the Workflow*/ this.boundingClientRect = svg.getBoundingClientRect(); /** Node movement can be initiated from both mouse events and animationFrame, so make it accessible */ this.movingNode = handle.parentNode as SVGGElement; /** * While node is being moved, incoming and outgoing edges also need to be moved in order to stay attached. * We don't want to query them all the time, so we cache them in maps that point from their dom elements * to an array of numbers that represent their bezier curves, since we will update those curves. */ this.inputEdges = new Map(); this.outputEdges = new Map(); const outputsSelector = `.edge[data-source-node='${nodeID}'] .sub-edge`; const inputsSelector = `.edge[data-destination-node='${nodeID}'] .sub-edge`; const query: any = svg.querySelectorAll([inputsSelector, outputsSelector].join(", ")) as NodeListOf; for (let subEdge of query) { const isInput = subEdge.parentElement.getAttribute("data-destination-node") === nodeID; const path = subEdge.getAttribute("d").split(" ").map(Number).filter((e: any) => !isNaN(e)); isInput ? this.inputEdges.set(subEdge, path) : this.outputEdges.set(subEdge, path); } } private translateNodeBy(node: SVGGElement, x?: number, y?: number): void { const matrix = node.transform.baseVal.getItem(0).matrix; this.translateNodeTo(node, matrix.e + x!, matrix.f + y!); } private translateNodeTo(node: SVGGElement, x?: number, y?: number): void { node.transform.baseVal.getItem(0).setTranslate(x!, y!); } /** * Redraws stored input and output edges so as to transform them with respect to * scaled transformation differences, sdx and sdy. */ private redrawEdges(sdx: number, sdy: number): void { this.inputEdges!.forEach((p, el) => { const path = Workflow.makeConnectionPath(p[0], p[1], p[6] + sdx, p[7] + sdy); el.setAttribute("d", path!); }); this.outputEdges!.forEach((p, el) => { const path = Workflow.makeConnectionPath(p[0] + sdx, p[1] + sdy, p[6], p[7]); el.setAttribute("d", path!); }); } /** * Triggered from {@link attachDrag} after move event ends */ private onMoveEnd(): void { this.edgePanner.stop(); const id = this.movingNode!.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!; const nodeModel = this.workflow.model.findById(id); if (!nodeModel.customProps) { nodeModel.customProps = {}; } const matrix = this.movingNode!.transform.baseVal.getItem(0).matrix; Object.assign(nodeModel.customProps, { "sbg:x": matrix.e, "sbg:y": matrix.f, }); this.onAfterChange({type: "node-move"}); document.removeEventListener("mousewheel", this.wheelPrevent, true); delete this.startX; delete this.startY; delete this.movingNode; delete this.inputEdges; delete this.outputEdges; delete this.boundingClientRect; delete this.startWorkflowTranslation; } }