import {PluginBase} from "../plugin-base"; import {Workflow} from "../.."; import {GraphNode} from "../../graph/graph-node"; import {Geometry} from "../../utils/geometry"; import {Edge} from "../../graph/edge"; import {EdgePanner} from "../../behaviors/edge-panning"; export class SVGPortDragPlugin extends PluginBase { /** Stored on drag start to detect collision with viewport edges */ private boundingClientRect: ClientRect | undefined; private portOrigins: Map | undefined; /** Group of edges (compound element) leading from origin port to ghost node */ private edgeGroup: SVGGElement | undefined; /** Coordinates of the node from which dragged port originates, stored so we can measure the distance from it */ private nodeCoords: { x: number; y: number } | undefined; /** Reference to a node that marks a new input/output creation */ private ghostNode: SVGGElement | undefined; /** How far away from the port you need to drag in order to create a new input/output instead of snapping */ private snapRadius = 120; /** Tells if the port is on the left or on the right side of a node */ private portType: "input" | "output"; /** Stores a port to which a connection would snap if user stops the drag */ private snapPort: SVGGElement | undefined; /** Map of CSS classes attached by this plugin */ private css = { /** Added to svgRoot as a sign that this plugin is active */ plugin: "__plugin-port-drag", /** Suggests that an element that contains it will be the one to snap to */ snap: "__port-drag-snap", /** Added to svgRoot while dragging is in progress */ dragging: "__port-drag-dragging", /** Will be added to suggested ports and their parent nodes */ suggestion: "__port-drag-suggestion", }; /** Port from which we initiated the drag */ private originPort: SVGGElement | undefined; private detachDragListenerFn: Function | undefined = undefined; private wheelPrevent = (ev: any) => ev.stopPropagation(); private panner: EdgePanner; private ghostX = 0; private ghostY = 0; private portOnCanvas: { x: number; y: number }; private lastMouseMove: { x: number; y: number }; registerWorkflow(workflow: Workflow): void { super.registerWorkflow(workflow); this.panner = new EdgePanner(this.workflow); this.workflow.svgRoot.classList.add(this.css.plugin); } afterRender(): void { if(this.workflow.editingEnabled){ this.attachPortDrag(); } } onEditableStateChange(enabled: boolean): void { if (enabled) { this.attachPortDrag(); } else { this.detachPortDrag(); } } destroy(): void { this.detachPortDrag(); } detachPortDrag() { if (typeof this.detachDragListenerFn === "function") { this.detachDragListenerFn(); } this.detachDragListenerFn = undefined; } attachPortDrag() { this.detachPortDrag(); this.detachDragListenerFn = this.workflow.domEvents.drag( ".port", this.onMove.bind(this), this.onMoveStart.bind(this), this.onMoveEnd.bind(this) ); } onMove(dx: number, dy: number, ev: MouseEvent, portElement: SVGGElement): void { document.addEventListener("mousewheel", this.wheelPrevent, true); const mouseOnSVG = this.workflow.transformScreenCTMtoCanvas(ev.clientX, ev.clientY); const scale = this.workflow.scale; const sdx = (dx - this.lastMouseMove.x) / scale; const sdy = (dy - this.lastMouseMove.y) / scale; /** We might have hit the boundary and need to start panning */ this.panner.triggerCollisionDetection(ev.clientX, ev.clientY, (sdx, sdy) => { this.ghostX += sdx; this.ghostY += sdy; this.translateGhostNode(this.ghostX, this.ghostY); this.updateEdge(this.portOnCanvas.x, this.portOnCanvas.y, this.ghostX, this.ghostY); }); const nodeToMouseDistance = Geometry.distance( this.nodeCoords!.x, this.nodeCoords!.y, mouseOnSVG.x, mouseOnSVG.y ); const closestPort = this.findClosestPort(mouseOnSVG.x, mouseOnSVG.y); this.updateSnapPort(closestPort.portEl!, closestPort.distance); this.ghostX += sdx; this.ghostY += sdy; this.translateGhostNode(this.ghostX, this.ghostY); this.updateGhostNodeVisibility(nodeToMouseDistance, closestPort.distance); this.updateEdge(this.portOnCanvas.x, this.portOnCanvas.y, this.ghostX, this.ghostY); this.lastMouseMove = {x: dx, y: dy}; } /** * @FIXME: Add panning * @param {MouseEvent} ev * @param {SVGGElement} portEl */ onMoveStart(ev: MouseEvent, portEl: SVGGElement): void { this.lastMouseMove = {x: 0, y: 0}; this.originPort = portEl; const portCTM = portEl.getScreenCTM()!; this.portOnCanvas = this.workflow.transformScreenCTMtoCanvas(portCTM.e, portCTM.f); this.ghostX = this.portOnCanvas.x; this.ghostY = this.portOnCanvas.y; // Needed for collision detection this.boundingClientRect = this.workflow.svgRoot.getBoundingClientRect(); const nodeMatrix = this.workflow.findParent(portEl)!.transform.baseVal.getItem(0).matrix; this.nodeCoords = { x: nodeMatrix.e, y: nodeMatrix.f }; const workflowGroup = this.workflow.workflow; this.portType = portEl.classList.contains("input-port") ? "input" : "output"; this.ghostNode = this.createGhostNode(this.portType); workflowGroup.appendChild(this.ghostNode); /** @FIXME: this should come from workflow */ this.edgeGroup = Edge.spawn(); this.edgeGroup.classList.add(this.css.dragging); workflowGroup.appendChild(this.edgeGroup); this.workflow.svgRoot.classList.add(this.css.dragging); this.portOrigins = this.getPortCandidateTransformations(portEl); this.highlightSuggestedPorts(portEl.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!); } onMoveEnd(ev: MouseEvent): void { document.removeEventListener("mousewheel", this.wheelPrevent, true); this.panner.stop(); const ghostType = this.ghostNode!.getAttribute("data-type"); const ghostIsVisible = !this.ghostNode!.classList.contains("hidden"); const shouldSnap = this.snapPort !== undefined; const shouldCreateInput = ghostIsVisible && ghostType === "input"; const shouldCreateOutput = ghostIsVisible && ghostType === "output"; const portID = this.originPort!.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!; if (shouldSnap) { this.createEdgeBetweenPorts(this.originPort!, this.snapPort!); } else if (shouldCreateInput || shouldCreateOutput) { const svgCoordsUnderMouse = this.workflow.transformScreenCTMtoCanvas(ev.clientX, ev.clientY); const customProps = { "sbg:x": svgCoordsUnderMouse.x, "sbg:y": svgCoordsUnderMouse.y }; if (shouldCreateInput) { this.workflow.model.createInputFromPort(portID, {customProps}); } else { this.workflow.model.createOutputFromPort(portID, {customProps}); } } this.cleanMemory(); this.cleanStyles(); } private updateSnapPort(closestPort: SVGGElement, closestPortDistance: number) { const closestPortChanged = closestPort !== this.snapPort; const closestPortIsOutOfRange = closestPortDistance > this.snapRadius; // We might need to remove old class for snapping if we are closer to some other port now if (this.snapPort && (closestPortChanged || closestPortIsOutOfRange)) { const node = this.workflow.findParent(this.snapPort)!; this.snapPort.classList.remove(this.css.snap); node.classList.remove(this.css.snap); delete this.snapPort; } // If closest port is further away than our snapRadius, no highlighting should be done if (closestPortDistance > this.snapRadius) { return; } const originID = this.originPort!.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!; const targetID = closestPort.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!; if (this.findEdge(originID, targetID)) { delete this.snapPort; return; } this.snapPort = closestPort; const node = this.workflow.findParent(closestPort)!; const oppositePortType = this.portType === "input" ? "output" : "input"; closestPort.classList.add(this.css.snap); node.classList.add(this.css.snap); node.classList.add(`${this.css.snap}-${oppositePortType}`); } private updateEdge(fromX: number, fromY: number, toX: number, toY: number): void { const subEdges = this.edgeGroup!.children as HTMLCollectionOf; for (let subEdge of subEdges) { const path = Workflow.makeConnectionPath( fromX, fromY, toX, toY, this.portType === "input" ? "left" : "right" ); subEdge.setAttribute("d", path); } } private updateGhostNodeVisibility(distanceToMouse: number, distanceToClosestPort: any) { const isHidden = this.ghostNode!.classList.contains("hidden"); const shouldBeVisible = distanceToMouse > this.snapRadius && distanceToClosestPort > this.snapRadius; if (shouldBeVisible && isHidden) { this.ghostNode!.classList.remove("hidden"); } else if (!shouldBeVisible && !isHidden) { this.ghostNode!.classList.add("hidden"); } } private translateGhostNode(x: number, y: number) { this.ghostNode!.transform.baseVal.getItem(0).setTranslate(x, y); } private getPortCandidateTransformations(portEl: SVGGElement): Map { const nodeEl = this.workflow.findParent(portEl)!; const nodeConnectionID = nodeEl.getAttribute("data-connection-id"); const otherPortType = this.portType === "input" ? "output" : "input"; const portQuery = `.node:not([data-connection-id="${nodeConnectionID}"]) .port.${otherPortType}-port`; const candidates: any = this.workflow.workflow.querySelectorAll(portQuery) as NodeListOf; const matrices = new Map(); for (let port of candidates) { matrices.set(port, Geometry.getTransformToElement(port, this.workflow.workflow)); } return matrices; } /** * Highlights ports that are model says are suggested. * Also marks their parent nodes as highlighted. * * @param {string} targetConnectionID ConnectionID of the origin port */ private highlightSuggestedPorts(targetConnectionID: string): void { // Find all ports that we can validly connect to // Note that we can connect to any port, but some of them are suggested based on hypothetical validity. const portModels = this.workflow.model.gatherValidConnectionPoints(targetConnectionID); for (let i = 0; i < portModels.length; i++) { const portModel = portModels[i]; if (!portModel.isVisible) continue; // Find port element by this connectionID and it's parent node element const portQuery = `.port[data-connection-id="${portModel.connectionId}"]`; const portElement = this.workflow.workflow.querySelector(portQuery)!; const parentNode = this.workflow.findParent(portElement)!; // Add highlighting classes to port and it's parent node parentNode.classList.add(this.css.suggestion); portElement.classList.add(this.css.suggestion); } } /** * @FIXME: GraphNode.radius should somehow come through Workflow, */ private createGhostNode(type: "input" | "output"): SVGGElement { const namespace = ""; const node = document.createElementNS(namespace, "g"); node.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0)"); node.setAttribute("data-type", type); node.classList.add("ghost"); node.classList.add("node"); node.innerHTML = ``; return node; } /** * Finds a port closest to given SVG coordinates. */ private findClosestPort(x: number, y: number): { portEl: SVGGElement | undefined, distance: number } { let closestPort: any = undefined; let closestDistance: any = Infinity; this.portOrigins!.forEach((matrix, port) => { const distance = Geometry.distance(x, y, matrix.e, matrix.f); if (distance < closestDistance) { closestPort = port; closestDistance = distance; } }); return { portEl: closestPort, distance: closestDistance }; } /** * Removes all dom elements and objects cached in-memory during dragging that are no longer needed. */ private cleanMemory() { this.edgeGroup!.remove(); this.ghostNode!.remove(); this.snapPort = undefined; this.edgeGroup = undefined; this.nodeCoords = undefined; this.originPort = undefined; this.portOrigins = undefined; this.boundingClientRect = undefined; } /** * Removes all css classes attached by this plugin */ private cleanStyles(): void { this.workflow.svgRoot.classList.remove(this.css.dragging); for (let cls in this.css) { const query: any = this.workflow.svgRoot.querySelectorAll("." + this.css[cls]); for (let el of query) { el.classList.remove(this.css[cls]); } } } /** * Creates an edge (connection) between two elements determined by their connection IDs * This edge is created on the model, and not rendered directly on graph, as main workflow * is supposed to catch the creation event and draw it. */ private createEdgeBetweenPorts(source: SVGGElement, destination: SVGGElement): void { // Find the connection ids of origin port and the highlighted port let sourceID = source.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!; let destinationID = destination.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!; // Swap their places in case you dragged out from input to output, since they have to be ordered output->input if (sourceID.startsWith("in")) { const tmp = sourceID; sourceID = destinationID; destinationID = tmp; } this.workflow.model.connect(sourceID, destinationID); } private findEdge(sourceID: string, destinationID: string): SVGGElement | undefined { const ltrQuery = `[data-source-connection="${sourceID}"][data-destination-connection="${destinationID}"]`; const rtlQuery = `[data-source-connection="${destinationID}"][data-destination-connection="${sourceID}"]`; return this.workflow.workflow.querySelector(`${ltrQuery},${rtlQuery}`) as SVGGElement; } }