layout: default
navsection: userguide
title: "Running a pipeline using Workbench"
# Go to "Collections":http://{{ site.arvados_workbench_host }}/collections .
# On the collections page, go to the search box and search for "tutorial".
# This should yield a collection with the contents "var-GS000016015-ASM.tsv.bz2"
# Click on the check box to the left of "var-GS000016015-ASM.tsv.bz2". This puts the collection in your persistent selection list. Click on the paperclip in the upper right to get a dropdown menu listing your current selections.
# Go to "Pipeline templates":http://{{ site.arvados_workbench_host }}/pipeline_templates .
# Look for a pipeline named "Tutorial pipeline".
# Click on the play button to the left of "Tutorial pipeline". This will take you to a new page to configure the pipeline.
# Under *parameter* look for "input". Set the value of "input" by clicking on on "none" to get a editing popup. At the top of the selection list in the editing popup will be the collection that you selected in step 4.
# You can now click on "Run pipeline" in the upper right to start the pipeline.
# This will reload the page with the pipeline queued to run.
# The page refreshes automatically every 15 seconds. You should see the pipeline running, and then finish successfully.
# Once it is finished, click on the link under the *output* column. This will take you to the collection page for the output of this pipeline.
# Click on "md5sum.txt" to see the actual file that is the output of this pipeline.
# On the collection page, click on the "Provenance graph" tab to see a graphical representation of the data elements and pipelines that were involved in generating this file.