2 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
4 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
6 {%- set passenger_pkg = 'nginx-mod-http-passenger'
7 if grains.osfinger in ('CentOS Linux-7') else
8 'libnginx-mod-http-passenger' %}
9 {%- set passenger_mod = '/usr/lib64/nginx/modules/ngx_http_passenger_module.so'
10 if grains.osfinger in ('CentOS Linux-7',) else
11 '/usr/lib/nginx/modules/ngx_http_passenger_module.so' %}
12 {%- set _workers = ("__CONTROLLER_MAX_WORKERS__" or grains['num_cpus']*2)|int %}
13 {%- set max_workers = [_workers, 8]|max %}
14 {%- set max_reqs = ("__CONTROLLER_MAX_QUEUED_REQUESTS__" or 128)|int %}
15 {%- set max_tunnels = ("__CONTROLLER_MAX_GATEWAY_TUNNELS__" or 1000)|int %}
21 passenger_package: {{ passenger_pkg }}
24 passenger_max_pool_size: {{ max_workers }}
26 # Make the passenger queue small (twice the concurrency, so
27 # there's at most one pending request for each busy worker)
28 # because controller reorders requests based on priority, and
29 # won't send more than API.MaxConcurrentRailsRequests to passenger
30 # (which is max_workers * 2), so things that are moved to the head
31 # of the line get processed quickly.
32 passenger_max_request_queue_size: {{ max_workers * 2 + 1 }}
37 # Needed for RVM, harmless otherwise. Cf. https://dev.arvados.org/issues/19015
39 # As we now differentiate where passenger is required or not, we need to
40 # load this module conditionally, so we add this conditional just to use
41 # the same pillar file
42 {% if "install_from_phusionpassenger" == "__NGINX_INSTALL_SOURCE__" %}
43 # This is required to get the passenger module loaded
44 # In Debian it can be done with this
45 # include: 'modules-enabled/*.conf'
46 load_module: {{ passenger_mod }}
48 worker_processes: {{ max_workers }}
50 # Each client request is up to 3 connections (1 with client, 1 proxy to
51 # controller, then potentially 1 from controller back to
52 # passenger). Each connection consumes a file descriptor.
53 # That's how we get these calculations
54 # (we're multiplying by 5 instead to be on the safe side)
55 worker_rlimit_nofile: {{ (max_reqs + max_tunnels) * 5 + 1 }}
57 worker_connections: {{ (max_reqs + max_tunnels) * 5 + 1 }}
62 # Remove default webserver