9 Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
11 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
14 API endpoint base: @https://{{ site.arvados_api_host }}/arvados/v1/collections@
18 Example UUID: @zzzzz-4zz18-0123456789abcde@
22 Collections describe sets of files in terms of data blocks stored in Keep. See "Keep - Content-Addressable Storage":{{site.baseurl}}/architecture/storage.html for details.
24 Each collection has, in addition to the "Common resource fields":{{site.baseurl}}/api/resources.html:
26 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
27 |_. Attribute|_. Type|_. Description|_. Example|
30 |properties|hash|User-defined metadata, may be used in queries using "subproperty filters":{{site.baseurl}}/api/methods.html#subpropertyfilters ||
31 |portable_data_hash|string|The MD5 sum of the manifest text stripped of block hints other than the size hint.||
32 |manifest_text|text|||
33 |replication_desired|number|Minimum storage replication level desired for each data block referenced by this collection. A value of @null@ signifies that the site default replication level (typically 2) is desired.|@2@|
34 |replication_confirmed|number|Replication level most recently confirmed by the storage system. This field is null when a collection is first created, and is reset to null when the manifest_text changes in a way that introduces a new data block. An integer value indicates the replication level of the _least replicated_ data block in the collection.|@2@, null|
35 |replication_confirmed_at|datetime|When @replication_confirmed@ was confirmed. If @replication_confirmed@ is null, this field is also null.||
36 |storage_classes_desired|list|An optional list of storage class names where the blocks should be saved. If not provided, the cluster's default storage class(es) will be set.|@['archival']@|
37 |storage_classes_confirmed|list|Storage classes most recently confirmed by the storage system. This field is an empty list when a collection is first created.|@'archival']@, @[]@|
38 |storage_classes_confirmed_at|datetime|When @storage_classes_confirmed@ was confirmed. If @storage_classes_confirmed@ is @[]@, this field is null.||
39 |trash_at|datetime|If @trash_at@ is non-null and in the past, this collection will be hidden from API calls. May be untrashed.||
40 |delete_at|datetime|If @delete_at@ is non-null and in the past, the collection may be permanently deleted.||
41 |is_trashed|boolean|True if @trash_at@ is in the past, false if not.||
42 |current_version_uuid|string|UUID of the collection's current version. On new collections, it'll be equal to the @uuid@ attribute.||
43 |version|number|Version number, starting at 1 on new collections. This attribute is read-only.||
44 |preserve_version|boolean|When set to true on a current version, it will be persisted. When passing @true@ as part of a bigger update call, both current and newly created versions are persisted.||
45 |file_count|number|The total number of files in the collection. This attribute is read-only.||
46 |file_size_total|number|The sum of the file sizes in the collection. This attribute is read-only.||
48 h3. Conditions of creating a Collection
50 If a new @portable_data_hash@ is specified when creating or updating a Collection, it must match the cryptographic digest of the supplied @manifest_text@.
52 h3. Side effects of creating a Collection
54 Referenced blocks are protected from garbage collection in Keep.
56 Data can be shared with other users via the Arvados permission model.
60 See "Common resource methods":{{site.baseurl}}/api/methods.html for more information about @create@, @delete@, @get@, @list@, and @update@.
62 Required arguments are displayed in %{background:#ccffcc}green%.
64 Supports federated @get@ only, which may be called with either a uuid or a portable data hash. When requesting a portable data hash which is not available on the home cluster, the query is forwarded to all the clusters listed in @RemoteClusters@ and returns the first successful result.
68 Create a new Collection.
72 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
73 |_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |_. Example |
74 |collection|object||query||
75 |replace_files|object|Initialize files and directories using content from other collections|query||
77 The new collection's content can be initialized by providing a @manifest_text@ key in the provided @collection@ object, or by using the @replace_files@ option (see "replace_files":#replace_files below).
81 Put a Collection in the trash. This sets the @trash_at@ field to @now@ and @delete_at@ field to @now@ + token TTL. A trashed collection is invisible to most API calls unless the @include_trash@ parameter is true.
85 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
86 |_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |_. Example |
87 {background:#ccffcc}.|uuid|string|The UUID of the Collection in question.|path||
91 Gets a Collection's metadata by UUID or portable data hash. When making a request by portable data hash, attributes other than @portable_data_hash@ and @manifest_text@ are not returned, even when requested explicitly using the @select@ parameter.
95 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
96 |_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |_. Example |
97 {background:#ccffcc}.|uuid|string|The UUID or portable data hash of the Collection in question.|path||
103 See "common resource list method.":{{site.baseurl}}/api/methods.html#index
105 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
106 |_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |_. Example |
107 |include_trash|boolean (default false)|Include trashed collections.|query||
108 |include_old_versions|boolean (default false)|Include past versions of the collection(s) being listed, if any.|query||
110 Note: Because adding access tokens to manifests can be computationally expensive, the @manifest_text@ field is not included in results by default. If you need it, pass a @select@ parameter that includes @manifest_text@.
112 h4. Searching Collections for names of file or directories
114 You can search collections for specific file or directory names (whole or part) using the following filter in a @list@ query.
117 filters: [["file_names", "ilike", "%sample1234.fastq%"]]
120 Note: @file_names@ is a hidden field used for indexing. It is not returned by any API call. On the client, you can programmatically enumerate all the files in a collection using @arv-ls@, the Python SDK @Collection@ class, Go SDK @FileSystem@ struct, the WebDAV API, or the S3-compatible API.
122 As of this writing (Arvados 2.4), you can also search for directory paths, but _not_ complete file paths.
124 In other words, this will work (when @dir3@ is a directory):
127 filters: [["file_names", "ilike", "%dir1/dir2/dir3%"]]
130 However, this will _not_ return the desired results (where @sample1234.fastq@ is a file):
133 filters: [["file_names", "ilike", "%dir1/dir2/dir3/sample1234.fastq%"]]
136 As a workaround, you can search for both the directory path and file name separately, and then filter on the client side.
139 filters: [["file_names", "ilike", "%dir1/dir2/dir3%"], ["file_names", "ilike", "%sample1234.fastq%"]]
144 Update attributes of an existing Collection.
148 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
149 |_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |_. Example |
150 {background:#ccffcc}.|uuid|string|The UUID of the Collection in question.|path||
151 |collection|object||query||
152 |replace_files|object|Delete and replace files and directories using content from other collections|query||
154 The collection's content can be updated by providing a @manifest_text@ key in the provided @collection@ object, or by using the @replace_files@ option (see "replace_files":#replace_files below).
158 Remove a Collection from the trash. This sets the @trash_at@ and @delete_at@ fields to @null@.
162 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
163 |_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |_. Example |
164 {background:#ccffcc}.|uuid|string|The UUID of the Collection to untrash.|path||
165 |ensure_unique_name|boolean (default false)|Rename collection uniquely if untrashing it would fail with a unique name conflict.|query||
170 Returns a list of objects in the database that directly or indirectly contributed to producing this collection, such as the container request that produced this collection as output.
172 The general algorithm is:
174 # Visit the container request that produced this collection (via @output_uuid@ or @log_uuid@ attributes of the container request)
175 # Visit the input collections to that container request (via @mounts@ and @container_image@ of the container request)
176 # Iterate until there are no more objects to visit
180 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
181 |_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |_. Example |
182 {background:#ccffcc}.|uuid|string|The UUID of the Collection to get provenance.|path||
186 Returns a list of objects in the database this collection directly or indirectly contributed to, such as containers that takes this collection as input.
188 The general algorithm is:
190 # Visit containers that take this collection as input (via @mounts@ or @container_image@ of the container)
191 # Visit collections produced by those containers (via @output@ or @log@ of the container)
192 # Iterate until there are no more objects to visit
196 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
197 |_. Argument |_. Type |_. Description |_. Location |_. Example |
198 {background:#ccffcc}.|uuid|string|The UUID of the Collection to get usage.|path||
200 h2(#replace_files). Using "replace_files" to create/update collections
202 The @replace_files@ option can be used with the @create@ and @update@ APIs to efficiently copy individual files and directory trees from other collections, and copy/rename/delete items within an existing collection, without transferring any file data.
204 @replace_files@ keys indicate target paths in the new collection, and values specify sources that should be copied to the target paths.
205 * Each target path must be an absolute canonical path beginning with @/@. It must not contain @.@ or @..@ components, consecutive @/@ characters, or a trailing @/@ after the final component.
206 * Each source must be either an empty string (signifying that the target path is to be deleted), or @PDH/path@ where @PDH@ is the portable data hash of a collection on the cluster and @/path@ is a file or directory in that collection.
207 * In an @update@ request, sources may reference the current portable data hash of the collection being updated.
209 Example: delete @foo.txt@ from a collection
217 Example: rename @foo.txt@ to @bar.txt@ in a collection with portable data hash @fa7aeb5140e2848d39b416daeef4ffc5+45@
222 "/bar.txt": "fa7aeb5140e2848d39b416daeef4ffc5+45/foo.txt"
226 Example: delete current contents, then add content from multiple collections
231 "/copy of collection 1": "1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3+45/",
232 "/copy of collection 2": "ea10d51bcf88862dbcc36eb292017dfd+45/"
236 Example: replace entire collection with a copy of a subdirectory from another collection
240 "/": "1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3+45/subdir"
244 A target path with a non-empty source cannot be the ancestor of another target path in the same request. For example, the following request is invalid:
248 "/foo": "fa7aeb5140e2848d39b416daeef4ffc5+45/",
249 "/foo/this_will_return_an_error": ""