2760: Merge branch '2760-folder-hierarchy' refs #2760
[arvados.git] / apps / workbench / app / assets / javascripts / application.js
1 // This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.js, which will include all the files
2 // listed below.
3 //
4 // Any JavaScript/Coffee file within this directory, lib/assets/javascripts, vendor/assets/javascripts,
5 // or vendor/assets/javascripts of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path.
6 //
7 // It's not advisable to add code directly here, but if you do, it'll appear at the bottom of the
8 // the compiled file.
9 //
12 //
13 //= require jquery
14 //= require jquery_ujs
15 //= require bootstrap
16 //= require bootstrap/dropdown
17 //= require bootstrap/tab
18 //= require bootstrap/tooltip
19 //= require bootstrap/popover
20 //= require bootstrap/collapse
21 //= require bootstrap/modal
22 //= require bootstrap/button
23 //= require bootstrap3-editable/bootstrap-editable
24 //= require_tree .
26 jQuery(function($){
27     $.ajaxSetup({
28         headers: {
29             'X-CSRF-Token': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
30         }
31     });
32     $('[data-toggle=tooltip]').tooltip();
34     $('.expand-collapse-row').on('click', function(event) {
35         var targets = $('#' + $(this).attr('data-id'));
36         if (targets.css('display') == 'none') {
37             $(this).addClass('icon-minus-sign');
38             $(this).removeClass('icon-plus-sign');
39         } else {
40             $(this).addClass('icon-plus-sign');
41             $(this).removeClass('icon-minus-sign');
42         }
43         targets.fadeToggle(200);
44     });
46     $(document).
47         on('ajax:send', function(e, xhr) {
48             $('.loading').fadeTo('fast', 1);
49         }).
50         on('ajax:complete', function(e, status) {
51             $('.loading').fadeOut('fast', 0);
52         }).
53         on('click', '.removable-tag a', function(e) {
54             var tag_span = $(this).parents('[data-tag-link-uuid]').eq(0)
55             tag_span.fadeTo('fast', 0.2);
56             $.ajax('/links/' + tag_span.attr('data-tag-link-uuid'),
57                    {dataType: 'json',
58                     type: 'POST',
59                     data: { '_method': 'DELETE' },
60                     context: tag_span}).
61                 done(function(data, status, jqxhr) {
62                     this.remove();
63                 }).
64                 fail(function(jqxhr, status, error) {
65                     this.addClass('label-danger').fadeTo('fast', '1');
66                 });
67             return false;
68         }).
69         on('click', 'a.add-tag-button', function(e) {
70             var jqxhr;
71             var new_tag_uuid = 'new-tag-' + Math.random();
72             var tag_head_uuid = $(this).parents('tr').attr('data-object-uuid');
73             var new_tag = window.prompt("Add tag for collection "+
74                                     tag_head_uuid,
75                                     "");
76             if (new_tag == null)
77                 return false;
78             var new_tag_span =
79                 $('<span class="label label-info removable-tag"></span>').
80                 attr('data-tag-link-uuid', new_tag_uuid).
81                 text(new_tag).
82                 css('opacity', '0.2').
83                 append('&nbsp;<a title="Delete tag"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i></a>&nbsp;');
84             $(this).
85                 parent().
86                 find('>span').
87                 append(new_tag_span).
88                 append('&nbsp; ');
89             $.ajax($(this).attr('data-remote-href'),
90                            {dataType: 'json',
91                             type: $(this).attr('data-remote-method'),
92                             data: {
93                                 'link[head_uuid]': tag_head_uuid,
94                                 'link[link_class]': 'tag',
95                                 'link[name]': new_tag
96                             },
97                             context: new_tag_span}).
98                 done(function(data, status, jqxhr) {
99                     this.attr('data-tag-link-uuid', data.uuid).
100                         fadeTo('fast', '1');
101                 }).
102                 fail(function(jqxhr, status, error) {
103                     this.addClass('label-danger').fadeTo('fast', '1');
104                 });
105             return false;
106         });
108     $(document).
109         on('ajax:complete ready', function() {
110             // See http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#buttons
111             $('.btn').button();
112         });
114     HeaderRowFixer = function(selector) {
115         this.duplicateTheadTr = function() {
116             $(selector).each(function() {
117                 var the_table = this;
118                 if ($('>tbody>tr:first>th', the_table).length > 0)
119                     return;
120                 $('>tbody', the_table).
121                     prepend($('>thead>tr', the_table).
122                             clone().
123                             css('opacity', 0));
124             });
125         }
126         this.fixThead = function() {
127             $(selector).each(function() {
128                 var widths = [];
129                 $('> tbody > tr:eq(1) > td', this).each( function(i,v){
130                     widths.push($(v).width());
131                 });
132                 for(i=0;i<widths.length;i++) {
133                     $('thead th:eq('+i+')', this).width(widths[i]);
134                 }
135             });
136         }
137     }
139     var fixer = new HeaderRowFixer('.table-fixed-header-row');
140     fixer.duplicateTheadTr();
141     fixer.fixThead();
142     $(window).resize(function(){
143         fixer.fixThead();
144     });
145     $(document).on('ajax:complete', function(e, status) {
146         fixer.duplicateTheadTr();
147         fixer.fixThead();
148     });
149 });