9623: Fixed progress values to be between 0.0 and 1.0
[arvados.git] / services / api / test / unit / collection_performance_test.rb
1 require 'test_helper'
2 require 'helpers/manifest_examples'
3 require 'helpers/time_block'
5 class CollectionModelPerformanceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
6   include ManifestExamples
8   setup do
9     # The Collection model needs to have a current token, not just a
10     # current user, to sign & verify manifests:
11     Thread.current[:api_client_authorization] =
12       api_client_authorizations(:active)
13   end
15   teardown do
16     Thread.current[:api_client_authorization] = nil
17   end
19   # "crrud" == "create read render update delete", not a typo
20   test "crrud cycle for a collection with a big manifest)" do
21     slow_test
22     bigmanifest = time_block 'make example' do
23       make_manifest(streams: 100,
24                     files_per_stream: 100,
25                     blocks_per_file: 20,
26                     bytes_per_block: 2**26,
27                     api_token: api_token(:active))
28     end
29     act_as_user users(:active) do
30       c = time_block "new (manifest_text is #{bigmanifest.length>>20}MiB)" do
31         Collection.new manifest_text: bigmanifest.dup
32       end
33       time_block 'check signatures' do
34         c.check_signatures
35       end
36       time_block 'check signatures + save' do
37         c.instance_eval do @signatures_checked = false end
38         c.save!
39       end
40       c = time_block 'read' do
41         Collection.find_by_uuid(c.uuid)
42       end
43       time_block 'sign' do
44         c.signed_manifest_text
45       end
46       time_block 'sign + render' do
47         resp = c.as_api_response(nil)
48       end
49       loc = Blob.sign_locator(Digest::MD5.hexdigest('foo') + '+3',
50                               api_token: api_token(:active))
51       # Note Collection's strip_manifest_text method has now removed
52       # the signatures from c.manifest_text, so we have to start from
53       # bigmanifest again here instead of just appending with "+=".
54       c.manifest_text = bigmanifest.dup + ". #{loc} 0:3:foo.txt\n"
55       time_block 'update' do
56         c.save!
57       end
58       time_block 'delete' do
59         c.destroy
60       end
61     end
62   end
63 end