3 class PermissionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
4 include CurrentApiClient
6 test "Grant permissions on an object I own" do
7 set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
12 # Ensure I have permission to manage this group even when its owner changes
13 perm_link = Link.create(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
15 link_class: 'permission',
17 assert perm_link.save, "should give myself permission on my own object"
20 test "Delete permission links when deleting an object" do
21 set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
24 Link.create!(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
26 link_class: 'permission',
29 assert ob.destroy, "Could not destroy object with 1 permission link"
30 assert_empty(Link.where(head_uuid: ob_uuid),
31 "Permission link was not deleted when object was deleted")
34 test "permission links owned by root" do
35 set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
37 perm_link = Link.create!(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
39 link_class: 'permission',
41 assert_equal system_user_uuid, perm_link.owner_uuid
45 set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
48 Link.create!(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
50 link_class: 'permission',
52 assert Specimen.readable_by(users(:active)).where(uuid: ob.uuid).any?, "user does not have read permission"
56 set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
59 Link.create!(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
61 link_class: 'permission',
63 assert ob.writable_by.include?(users(:active).uuid), "user does not have write permission"
66 test "writable_by reports requesting user's own uuid for a writable project" do
67 invited_to_write = users(:project_viewer)
68 group = groups(:asubproject)
70 # project_view can read, but cannot see write or see writers list
71 set_user_from_auth :project_viewer
72 assert_equal([group.owner_uuid],
74 "writers list should just have owner_uuid")
76 # allow project_viewer to write for the remainder of the test
77 set_user_from_auth :admin
78 Link.create!(tail_uuid: invited_to_write.uuid,
79 head_uuid: group.uuid,
80 link_class: 'permission',
82 group.permissions.reload
84 # project_viewer should see self in writers list (but not all writers)
85 set_user_from_auth :project_viewer
86 assert_not_nil(group.writable_by,
87 "can write but cannot see writers list")
88 assert_includes(group.writable_by, invited_to_write.uuid,
89 "self missing from writers list")
90 assert_includes(group.writable_by, group.owner_uuid,
91 "project owner missing from writers list")
92 refute_includes(group.writable_by, users(:active).uuid,
93 "saw :active user in writers list")
95 # active user should see full writers list
96 set_user_from_auth :active
97 assert_includes(group.writable_by, invited_to_write.uuid,
98 "permission just added, but missing from writers list")
100 # allow project_viewer to manage for the remainder of the test
101 set_user_from_auth :admin
102 Link.create!(tail_uuid: invited_to_write.uuid,
103 head_uuid: group.uuid,
104 link_class: 'permission',
106 # invite another writer we can test for
107 Link.create!(tail_uuid: users(:spectator).uuid,
108 head_uuid: group.uuid,
109 link_class: 'permission',
111 group.permissions.reload
113 set_user_from_auth :project_viewer
114 assert_not_nil(group.writable_by,
115 "can manage but cannot see writers list")
116 assert_includes(group.writable_by, users(:spectator).uuid,
117 ":spectator missing from writers list")
120 test "user owns group, group can_manage object's group, user can add permissions" do
121 set_user_from_auth :admin
123 owner_grp = Group.create!(owner_uuid: users(:active).uuid)
125 sp_grp = Group.create!
126 sp = Specimen.create!(owner_uuid: sp_grp.uuid)
128 manage_perm = Link.create!(link_class: 'permission',
130 tail_uuid: owner_grp.uuid,
131 head_uuid: sp_grp.uuid)
133 # active user owns owner_grp, which has can_manage permission on sp_grp
134 # user should be able to add permissions on sp.
135 set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
136 test_perm = Link.create(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
138 link_class: 'permission',
140 test_uuid = test_perm.uuid
141 assert test_perm.save, "could not save new permission on target object"
142 assert test_perm.destroy, "could not delete new permission on target object"
145 # TODO(twp): fix bug #3091, which should fix this test.
146 test "can_manage permission on a non-group object" do
148 set_user_from_auth :admin
150 ob = Specimen.create!
151 # grant can_manage permission to active
152 perm_link = Link.create!(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
154 link_class: 'permission',
156 # ob is owned by :admin, the link is owned by root
157 assert_equal users(:admin).uuid, ob.owner_uuid
158 assert_equal system_user_uuid, perm_link.owner_uuid
160 # user "active" can modify the permission link
161 set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
162 perm_link.properties["foo"] = 'bar'
163 assert perm_link.save, "could not save modified link"
165 assert_equal 'bar', perm_link.properties['foo'], "link properties do not include foo = bar"
168 test "user without can_manage permission may not modify permission link" do
169 set_user_from_auth :admin
171 ob = Specimen.create!
172 # grant can_manage permission to active
173 perm_link = Link.create!(tail_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
175 link_class: 'permission',
177 # ob is owned by :admin, the link is owned by root
178 assert_equal ob.owner_uuid, users(:admin).uuid
179 assert_equal perm_link.owner_uuid, system_user_uuid
181 # user "active" may not modify the permission link
182 set_user_from_auth :active_trustedclient
183 perm_link.name = 'can_manage'
184 assert_raises ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError do
189 test "manager user gets permission to minions' articles via can_manage link" do
190 manager = create :active_user, first_name: "Manage", last_name: "Er"
191 minion = create :active_user, first_name: "Min", last_name: "Ion"
192 minions_specimen = act_as_user minion do
195 # Manager creates a group. (Make sure it doesn't magically give
196 # anyone any additional permissions.)
198 act_as_user manager do
199 g = create :group, name: "NoBigSecret Lab"
200 assert_empty(User.readable_by(manager).where(uuid: minion.uuid),
201 "saw a user I shouldn't see")
202 assert_raises(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError,
203 ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid,
204 "gave can_read permission to a user I shouldn't see") do
205 create(:permission_link,
206 name: 'can_read', tail_uuid: minion.uuid, head_uuid: g.uuid)
208 %w(can_manage can_write can_read).each do |perm_type|
209 assert_raises(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError,
210 ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid,
211 "escalated privileges") do
212 create(:permission_link,
213 name: perm_type, tail_uuid: g.uuid, head_uuid: minion.uuid)
216 assert_empty(User.readable_by(manager).where(uuid: minion.uuid),
217 "manager saw minion too soon")
218 assert_empty(User.readable_by(minion).where(uuid: manager.uuid),
219 "minion saw manager too soon")
220 assert_empty(Group.readable_by(minion).where(uuid: g.uuid),
221 "minion saw manager's new NoBigSecret Lab group too soon")
223 # Manager declares everybody on the system should be able to see
224 # the NoBigSecret Lab group.
225 create(:permission_link,
227 tail_uuid: 'zzzzz-j7d0g-fffffffffffffff',
229 # ...but nobody has joined the group yet. Manager still can't see
231 assert_empty(User.readable_by(manager).where(uuid: minion.uuid),
232 "manager saw minion too soon")
235 act_as_user minion do
236 # Minion can see the group.
237 assert_not_empty(Group.readable_by(minion).where(uuid: g.uuid),
238 "minion could not see the NoBigSecret Lab group")
239 # Minion joins the group.
240 create(:permission_link,
243 head_uuid: minion.uuid)
246 act_as_user manager do
247 # Now, manager can see minion.
248 assert_not_empty(User.readable_by(manager).where(uuid: minion.uuid),
249 "manager could not see minion")
250 # But cannot obtain further privileges this way.
251 assert_raises(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError,
252 "escalated privileges") do
253 create(:permission_link,
254 name: 'can_manage', tail_uuid: manager.uuid, head_uuid: minion.uuid)
256 assert_empty(Specimen
257 .readable_by(manager)
258 .where(uuid: minions_specimen.uuid),
259 "manager saw the minion's private stuff")
260 assert_raises(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError,
261 "manager could update minion's private stuff") do
262 minions_specimen.update_attributes(properties: {'x' => 'y'})
266 act_as_system_user do
267 # Root can give Manager more privileges over Minion.
268 create(:permission_link,
269 name: 'can_manage', tail_uuid: g.uuid, head_uuid: minion.uuid)
272 act_as_user manager do
273 # Now, manager can read and write Minion's stuff.
274 assert_not_empty(Specimen
275 .readable_by(manager)
276 .where(uuid: minions_specimen.uuid),
277 "manager could not find minion's specimen by uuid")
279 minions_specimen.update_attributes(properties: {'x' => 'y'}),
280 "manager could not update minion's specimen object")
284 test "users with bidirectional read permission in group can see each other, but cannot see each other's private articles" do
285 a = create :active_user, first_name: "A"
286 b = create :active_user, first_name: "B"
287 other = create :active_user, first_name: "OTHER"
288 act_as_system_user do
291 create(:permission_link,
292 name: 'can_read', tail_uuid: u.uuid, head_uuid: g.uuid)
293 create(:permission_link,
294 name: 'can_read', head_uuid: u.uuid, tail_uuid: g.uuid)
297 a_specimen = act_as_user a do
300 assert_not_empty(Specimen.readable_by(a).where(uuid: a_specimen.uuid),
301 "A cannot read own Specimen, following test probably useless.")
302 assert_empty(Specimen.readable_by(b).where(uuid: a_specimen.uuid),
303 "B can read A's Specimen")
305 assert_empty(User.readable_by(u).where(uuid: other.uuid),
306 "#{u.first_name} can see OTHER in the user list")
307 assert_empty(User.readable_by(other).where(uuid: u.uuid),
308 "OTHER can see #{u.first_name} in the user list")
310 assert_raises ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError, "wrote without perm" do
311 other.update_attributes!(prefs: {'pwned' => true})
313 assert_equal(true, u.update_attributes!(prefs: {'thisisme' => true}),
314 "#{u.first_name} can't update its own prefs")
317 assert_raises(ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError,
318 "OTHER wrote #{u.first_name} without perm") do
319 u.update_attributes!(prefs: {'pwned' => true})
321 assert_equal(true, other.update_attributes!(prefs: {'thisisme' => true}),
322 "OTHER can't update its own prefs")
327 test "cannot create with owner = unwritable user" do
328 set_user_from_auth :rominiadmin
329 assert_raises ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError, "created with owner = unwritable user" do
330 Specimen.create!(owner_uuid: users(:active).uuid)
334 test "cannot change owner to unwritable user" do
335 set_user_from_auth :rominiadmin
336 ob = Specimen.create!
337 assert_raises ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError, "changed owner to unwritable user" do
338 ob.update_attributes!(owner_uuid: users(:active).uuid)
342 test "cannot create with owner = unwritable group" do
343 set_user_from_auth :rominiadmin
344 assert_raises ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError, "created with owner = unwritable group" do
345 Specimen.create!(owner_uuid: groups(:aproject).uuid)
349 test "cannot change owner to unwritable group" do
350 set_user_from_auth :rominiadmin
351 ob = Specimen.create!
352 assert_raises ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError, "changed owner to unwritable group" do
353 ob.update_attributes!(owner_uuid: groups(:aproject).uuid)
357 def container_logs(container, user)
358 Log.readable_by(users(user)).
359 where(object_uuid: containers(container).uuid, event_type: "test")
362 test "container logs created by dispatch are visible to container requestor" do
363 set_user_from_auth :dispatch1
364 Log.create!(object_uuid: containers(:running).uuid,
367 assert_not_empty container_logs(:running, :admin)
368 assert_not_empty container_logs(:running, :active)
369 assert_empty container_logs(:running, :spectator)
372 test "container logs created by dispatch are public if container request is public" do
373 set_user_from_auth :dispatch1
374 Log.create!(object_uuid: containers(:running_older).uuid,
377 assert_not_empty container_logs(:running_older, :anonymous)