16115: Adds sharing token management methods to ACA service, with tests.
[arvados.git] / tools / arvados_config.yml
1 Clusters:
2   zzzzz:
3     ManagementToken: e687950a23c3a9bceec28c6223a06c79
4     SystemRootToken: systemusertesttoken1234567890aoeuidhtnsqjkxbmwvzpy
5     API:
6       RequestTimeout: 30s
7       VocabularyPath: ""
8     TLS:
9       Insecure: true
10     Collections:
11       CollectionVersioning: true
12       PreserveVersionIfIdle: -1s
13       BlobSigningKey: zfhgfenhffzltr9dixws36j1yhksjoll2grmku38mi7yxd66h5j4q9w4jzanezacp8s6q0ro3hxakfye02152hncy6zml2ed0uc
14       TrustAllContent: false
15       ForwardSlashNameSubstitution: /
16       ManagedProperties:
17         original_owner_uuid: {Function: original_owner, Protected: true}
18       WebDAVCache:
19         UUIDTTL: 0s
20     Login:
21       PAM:
22         Enable: true
23     StorageClasses:
24       default:
25         Default: true
26       foo: {}
27       bar: {}
28     Volumes:
29       zzzzz-nyw5e-000000000000000:
30         StorageClasses:
31           default: true
32           foo: true
33       zzzzz-nyw5e-000000000000001:
34         StorageClasses:
35           default: true
36           bar: true