21842: fixed sharing test
[arvados.git] / services / workbench2 / src / components / data-explorer / data-explorer.cy.js
1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 import React from "react";
7 import { DataExplorer } from "./data-explorer";
8 import { DataTableFetchMode } from "../data-table/data-table";
9 import { ProjectIcon } from "../icon/icon";
10 import { SortDirection } from "../data-table/data-column";
11 import { combineReducers, createStore } from "redux";
12 import { Provider } from "react-redux";
13 import { ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material";
14 import { CustomTheme } from "common/custom-theme";
16 describe("<DataExplorer />", () => {
17     let store;
18     beforeEach(() => {
19         const initialMSState = {
20             multiselect: {
21                 checkedList: {},
22                 isVisible: false,
23             },
24             resources: {},
25         };
26         store = createStore(
27             combineReducers({
28                 multiselect: (state = initialMSState.multiselect, action) => state,
29                 resources: (state = initialMSState.resources, action) => state,
30             })
31         );
32     });
34     it("communicates with <SearchInput/>", () => {
35         const onSearch = cy.stub().as("onSearch");
36         const onSetColumns = cy.stub();
38         cy.mount(
39             <Provider store={store}>
40               <ThemeProvider theme={CustomTheme}>
41                 <DataExplorer
42                     {...mockDataExplorerProps()}
43                     items={[{ name: "item 1" }]}
44                     searchValue="search value"
45                     onSearch={onSearch}
46                     onSetColumns={onSetColumns}
47                 />
48               </ThemeProvider>
49             </Provider>
50         );
51         cy.get('input[type=text]').should('have.value', 'search value');
52         cy.get('input[type=text]').clear();
53         cy.get('input[type=text]').type('new value');
54         cy.get('@onSearch').should('have.been.calledWith', 'new value');
55     });
57     it("communicates with <ColumnSelector/>", () => {
58         const onColumnToggle = cy.spy().as("onColumnToggle");
59         const onSetColumns = cy.stub();
60         const columns = [{ name: "Column 1", render: cy.stub(), selected: true, configurable: true, sortDirection: SortDirection.ASC, filters: {}}];
61         cy.mount(
62             <Provider store={store}>
63               <ThemeProvider theme={CustomTheme}>
64                 <DataExplorer
65                     {...mockDataExplorerProps()}
66                     columns={columns}
67                     onColumnToggle={onColumnToggle}
68                     items={[{ name: "item 1" }]}
69                     onSetColumns={onSetColumns}
70                 />
71               </ThemeProvider>
72             </Provider>
73         );
74         cy.get('[data-cy=column-selector-button]').should('exist').click();
75         cy.get('[data-cy=column-selector-li]').contains('Column 1').should('exist').click();
76         cy.get('@onColumnToggle').should('have.been.calledWith', columns[0]);
77     });
79     it("communicates with <DataTable/>", () => {
80         const onFiltersChange = cy.spy().as("onFiltersChange");
81         const onSortToggle = cy.spy().as("onSortToggle");
82         const onRowClick = cy.spy().as("onRowClick");
83         const onSetColumns = cy.stub();
84         const filters = { Filters : {
85             id: 'Filters id',
86             active: false,
87             children: ['Filter 1', 'Filter 2'],
88             expanded: false,
89             initialState: true,
90             parent: "",
91             selected: false,
92             status: "LOADED",
93             value: { name: 'Filters'}
94         } };
95         const columns = [
96             { name: "Column 1", render: cy.stub(), selected: true, configurable: true, sortDirection: SortDirection.ASC, filters },
97             { name: "Column 2", render: cy.stub(), selected: true, configurable: true, sortDirection: SortDirection.ASC, filters: {}, sort: true }
98         ];
99         const items = [{ name: "item 1" }];
100         cy.mount(
101             <Provider store={store}>
102               <ThemeProvider theme={CustomTheme}>
103                 <DataExplorer
104                     {...mockDataExplorerProps()}
105                     columns={columns}
106                     items={items}
107                     onFiltersChange={onFiltersChange}
108                     onSortToggle={onSortToggle}
109                     onRowClick={onRowClick}
110                     onSetColumns={onSetColumns}
111                 />
112               </ThemeProvider>
113             </Provider>
114         );
115         //check if the table and column are rendered
116         cy.get('[data-cy=data-table]').should('exist');
117         cy.get('[data-cy=data-table]').contains('Column 1').should('exist');
118         //check onRowClick
119         cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').should('exist');
120         cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').click();
121         cy.get('@onRowClick').should('have.been.calledWith', items[0]);
122         //check onFiltersChange
123         cy.contains('Column 1').click();
124         cy.get('[data-cy=tree-li]').contains('Filters').click();
125         cy.get('@onFiltersChange').should('have.been.calledWith', filters, columns[0] );
126         cy.contains('Close').click();
127         //check onSortToggle
128         cy.contains('Column 2').click();
129         cy.get('@onSortToggle').should('have.been.calledWith', columns[1]);
130     });
132     it("communicates with <TablePagination/>", () => {
133         const onPageChange = cy.spy().as("onPageChange");
134         const onChangeRowsPerPage = cy.spy().as("onChangeRowsPerPage");
135         const onSetColumns = cy.stub();
136         cy.mount(
137             <Provider store={store}>
138               <ThemeProvider theme={CustomTheme}>
139                 <DataExplorer
140                     {...mockDataExplorerProps()}
141                     items={hundredItems}
142                     itemsAvailable={100}
143                     page={0}
144                     rowsPerPage={50}
145                     rowsPerPageOptions={[10, 20, 50, 100]}
146                     onPageChange={onPageChange}
147                     onChangeRowsPerPage={onChangeRowsPerPage}
148                     onSetColumns={onSetColumns}
149                 />
150               </ThemeProvider>
151             </Provider>
152         );
153         //check if the pagination is rendered
154         cy.get('[data-cy=table-pagination]').should('exist');
155         cy.get('[data-cy=table-pagination]').contains('1-50 of 100').should('exist');
156         cy.get('p').contains('Rows per page:').should('exist');
157         //check onPageChange
158         cy.get('button[title="Go to next page"]').should('exist').click();
159         cy.get('@onPageChange').should('have.been.calledWith', 1);
160         //check onChangeRowsPerPage
161         cy.get('input[value=50]').should('exist').parent().click();
162         cy.get('li[data-value=10]').should('exist').click();
163         cy.get('@onChangeRowsPerPage').should('have.been.calledWith', 10);
164     });
165 });
167 const mockDataExplorerProps = () => ({
168     fetchMode: DataTableFetchMode.PAGINATED,
169     columns: [],
170     items: [],
171     itemsAvailable: 0,
172     contextActions: [],
173     searchValue: "",
174     page: 0,
175     rowsPerPage: 0,
176     rowsPerPageOptions: [0],
177     onSearch: cy.stub(),
178     onFiltersChange: cy.stub(),
179     onSortToggle: cy.stub(),
180     onRowClick: cy.stub(),
181     onRowDoubleClick: cy.stub(),
182     onColumnToggle: cy.stub(),
183     onPageChange: cy.stub(),
184     onChangeRowsPerPage: cy.stub(),
185     onContextMenu: cy.stub(),
186     defaultIcon: ProjectIcon,
187     onSetColumns: cy.stub(),
188     onLoadMore: cy.stub(),
189     defaultMessages: ["testing"],
190     contextMenuColumn: true,
191     setCheckedListOnStore: cy.stub(),
192     toggleMSToolbar: cy.stub(),
193     isMSToolbarVisible: false,
194     checkedList: {},
195 });
197 const hundredItems = Array.from({ length: 100 }, (v, i) => ({ name: `item ${i}` }));